Sour Diesel
Constantly Refreshing Page
- Joined
- Jan 27, 2022
One of the oldest and most sinister deities known to the Nine Hells, Asmodeus rules his kingdom. A lover of contracts and deals, domination and obedience. His army believes the strong should govern the weak.

GM Notes: The adventure begins with level one characters disembarking from a ship onto the coast of Emerald Bay. A glimmering city with white stone arches and a lighthouse made of green glass. Some say this lighthouse holds a secret long forgotten by those who call the coast home. The sprawling lands of Vale Dominion are treacherous to cross at night, and so many travelers hire bodyguards to protect their caravan against monster attacks. Hunting guilds pay well, as do an organization called Phoenixblood. A union of veteran warriors, merchant, and magi. Their markers can be found in many taverns throughout the land. Curious and motivated players will take the front stage.
I'm looking for 3-4 players for a group thread campaign. Players will be free to explore independently or as a group, depending on how they like to play. I won't tell you how to interact with the world. Of course, actions always have consequences good or bad. I also will not be enforcing a word count minimum. If you only have "I follow X to the store" for a post then I'd prefer that then putting a post on hold for too long. Combat can be like that if we're going for multiple rounds. Once we get started I'll post a link to the roll20 page where we will keep track of dice rolls. If you want to play something outside of what I lay out please ask before committing. If its outright banned don't bother asking. Also, because it isn't listed doesn't mean its automatically allowed. All sheets sent are pending review and approval.
Build Rules: Level 1, Core and APG classes, 25 point buy, 2 background skills, 2 traits from different groups, max HD and starting wealth +50gp for adventure gear. Racial options may not include races who gain flight or swimming speed. Gliding and climbing are okay, as some bestial races exist, including the Vanara and Changelings. Tieflings, Aasimar, and Dhampir are banned.
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