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Aug 28, 2013
name: Lux / Cole / Dan
pronouns: he / him or they them
literacy level: tell me how you like it bby, i mirror. aka a wordy bitch.
idgaf about word count or how much you write, just keep the plot moving :>
nsfw friendly + Smut
that being said if I had to put a ratio I'd say 70/30 in terms of story/smut. this can vary depending on the pairing / ideas / plot !
but I will always favor plot over smut, smut is just a bonus to me. I love smut I won't lie — BUT I gotta have some kind of plot or characters I care about. If you want to cut to the spicy stuff - cool you better have a good pairing / convince me ~

please let me know your limits, and what you're comfortable with so I can respect that! I do rely on you to tell me your kinks, as you noticed I don't have a list. I like what my partner likes, or I tailor the kinks to the characters I develop. I don't expect / or demand anything in return, so long as we're having fun! I'll tell you personally what I'm into, it's not a big list, and it's always optional~

roleplay venue:
Private threads, PM, Discord are my usual haunts
I always screen before giving out my discord, so don't expect to get it right away. I'd like to make sure we vibe first and all that jazz !

► who do i play:
I'm trash, I'll play anything regardless of gender. Consider me a Switch.
I also do f/m m/m and f/f and I would love to have nonbinary and trans characters included!
I don't care about your gender, I care about the characters and writing.
if you prefer to play certain genders that's fine, just lmk.

face claims: any, although I prefer anime or descriptions.

you'll see me OOC and have fun. I like to take my time with posting
expect me to be responding to multiple rps, I go through a rotation! I'll get to out post when I get to it!
I'm super chill, so if you're expecting daily post it isn't happening. if you think it isn't working out I am also ditch friendly

samples: HERE THEY ARE.
I will say I can get carried away with intros, and recently I've been spoiled with a partner who lets me just write with no limit. SO, if you'd like less, please lmk. I can always adjust!

ALRIGHT. Lets get to this.

here is what ya'll came for right? I hope you can make sense of this shit posting lmfao but I really do encourage you to suggest your own ideas / pairings / kinks! This is just an reference to what I'm into / crave / could build off of! I do have original ideas but I work best when people infodump on me and share their OC babies, or if you want to share with me a link to your thread go for it! I just don't have the best way to organize my thoughts/pairings so it's pretty much a grab bag! I'm really open to just about anything so it doens't hurt to at least ask!

WORDBANK: feel free to pull anything you see that matches your vibe! If it's bold is what I'm craving but anything is game!
slice of life, anything GAY/QUEER, fantasy, adventure, sci-fi, mascots/ costumes, love-hate relationships,squishy, belly/gut, bara, oldmen, Santa inspired??, Holidays, soul mates, oteme theme?? , rivals, merpeople, nagas, orcs, super natural creatures, monsters, apocalyptic/survival, drama, pain, betrayal, angst, size differences, royalty, werewolves, vampires, Minotaurs, Dwarves, greek mythology inspired, SpiderBoys, exes, A.Is, grudges, time travel, in your personal space, campy, fluffy, silly, super heros, fairy tales, beards, body sizes of all kinds, not typically beautiful ppl, quests, save the world, prophecy, brothels, arranged marriage, steam punk, aliens, twins, jealousy, power struggles, revenge, after life, high school, cafes, punks, flower shops, good boys / girls, bad girls / boys, nerds, party, single daddies, witches, magical girls / boys, m//. f//, mxf. bi. poly. murder. space opera. starcrossed lovers. runaways. gangs. orphans. established relationships. platonic relationships. bromances. femme fatales. road trips. Midnight Gospel inspired what stays in vegas. sugar daddy MILF/DILF. fate.. over the garden wall inspired . harvest moon inspired. animal crossing..wolf's rain inspired, resident evil. silent hill. inuyasha, the witcher, dugeons and dragons/ d&d, DM/GM, Watership Down inspired, His Dark Materials / Golden Compass inspired, Stephen King's Dream Catcher / Shinning / IT inspired, Good Omens inspired, Our Flag Means Death Inspired, Stranger Things Inspired.

SO, below are some images that I'm inspired by and could give you more ideas if you weren't feeling the word bank or my own lists!
Feel free to share your own as well, I think it helps when I can't describe the thing - but it's this with a visual. again anything Bold is what I'm craving / or just really feel inspired by! ALSO. side note, all images are anime. I tend to lean towards that preference. anything monster related even if feral I would prefer to have sentience and maybe a way to communicate. I'm a little lenient on it, but I just get bored with no exchange and pure smut. your welcome to suggest / or offer ideas to counter this though! god help you if you look through everything - I'm sorry not sorry I got carried away, I can't and won't stop lmfao


if you're really aiming to write smut with me then these are likely scenarios scenes I might indulge in if we lean more in smut territory. please ask!
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just gonna put a snippet of some ocs I have that are free for the taking!

The images that inspire him: Saytr form + His Appearance (just pretend he's a Saytr in that one)
- playboy saytr, very Zues inspired, wants to put his dick in everything, a party / scene starter, very full of himself.
he seems to be a source of tragedy when he falls in love, a curse usually follows, he's the youngest of his brothers and has a knack for getting into trouble of any sorts, while also seeking glory and attention!

Marigold - images that inspire her: [1] + NSFW WARNING: [2] [3] she's less green and more golden, inspired by weeping willows and the rich gold trees you see in fall.
- my dryad. She's actually one of Sheamus' lovers that ended tragically. but I'd love to develop her outside that relationship!
She's very motherly, so kind and sweet it hurts, she's very naive, and altruistic! In her story I've written that her speices of dryad being very rare. Halflings had meddled and grown their kind and were eventually forced to execute them when they became too sentient and too powerful. She was one of the very few that escaped and has been hidden away because she's been told the world is dangerous. She's very inspired by Tangled/Rapunzel, Eden/Eve, Pandora's Box,

Circe - my Minotaur. no images but she is inspired by babe the blue ox, so she's blue and big ol'gal.
- She's a witch / priestess who has been cursed with the beastly form. She doesn't seem suffer because of it, only continues to use her magic to aid or punish others. She does encounter the stimga of rejection by some people who veiw her as a monster and has been chased / harassed. She views it as penitence for angering the God and chooses not to act out of anger and will only defend herself if necessary. She uses a cat's cradle to guide her, taking up her new devoutness, hoping as she weaves and unravels the thread that she might gain knowlege and answers to commune with the spirits and her patron.

Charlot de Rue -
is an Arachnid character I have developed. They are Nonbinary, so they/ them pronouns!
They tend to dress in feminine clothes, but also love to present masculine, fashion knows no bounds.
rather than have a spider body they actually just have four limbs, debating if they have multiple sexual organs, and being duel-gendered, but that's optional!

THIS GUY - he doesn't have a name but I desiring to play him * v *
open to him having an alternate for he can shift between if you're not into the furry/lion aesthetic

OTHER (if you want absolute smut from me, then look here! this is what I am craving currently!)
soo. this is gonna be weird. apologies.
I'm into audio smut - and I have some favs that I really am inspired to write!
I'd pretty much drop anything to do the pairings / themes / extension of that plot!
I'm not asking you to listen to it - it is very very explicit ( and even then writing the smut is always optional)
I will give written play by plays what goes on. but I'm just going insert the links for your own discretion to look at!
also none of the pairings have to stay in the gender they are presented! happy to change things up just lmk!

` Rabbit x Bear
light house invasion, roguish rabbit breaks into a bear's home believing him to be in hibernation!
they come to an agreement that the rabbit can stay, and is happy to help his bear friend get back to sleep~
craving to explore this relationship/ dynamics and kinks! I absolutely love the bear's russian accent (#`ε´#)
also willing to explore these characters being human, but I do like the visual furry/anthro dynamics ngl

Venom x Eddie x Partner? (Threesome)
this could turn into a poly ship, welcome ocs if you got them or want to insert another marvel pairing!
basically eddie and venmon chance upon some on in distress and step into help them!
they are taken back to their apartment to make sure they have a safe place to stay for the night!
and.... venom thinks it might be fun to get up to some fun! (*ノωノ)

Werewolf (Dilf) x human
being asked by the neighbor / work friend, getting to know each other, recovering from ex/long term relationship!
unexpectedly becoming a little intimately rather quickly, spur of the moment loss of control!
possible dubcon, transformation, accepting that monstrous violence, duel personality / wants / needs!
follow up with their dating life / slice of life + relationship!!

Clown Party X MILF/DILF
okay this one is out there, I didn't even know that this was even a fucking thing I wanted OTL;;;
"getting dicked down by a clown" quote is my favorite lmfao
and also idk his voice just makes it really appealing, and less scary/silly/ weird - but that's just me (。-_-。);;;
that being said it absolutely does not have to be a clown, I do like costume/ mascot type themes!
I very rarely care for cheating/cuckholding themes but for this I'll make an exception, or she can be a single parent!
point is they are throwing a birthday party for their kid, and so the clown shows up, in between the party chaos
they get to talking and flirting and maybe get a little frisky in the garage, bedroom, laundry room - where ever!
I'd love to continue this relationship. to where they are contacting them outside their work routine even know they
don't need / want them to show up for a party, but just want them overall! this one of the rare times I want to play with smut/less story!
Fandoms: I will always enjoy playing OCs over canon characters, but hit me up anyway! I also will never expect perfection, I would love for you to put your own spin on things! I myself pretty fast a loose with the material, so long as it isn't super cringe and we have the core characteristics / themes no biggie! Also please do not come at me wanting to make these characters into mindless sex bimbos or whatever. again, not my thing.

Dugeons & Dragons

yes. throw all your characters and stories at me.
if you want to DM I am ready.
I have characters, I am ready to make characters.
I encourage you to info dump to your hearts content. I want this.

Dragon Ball Z
I really love the fighting just as much as I love the slice of life filler.
Please keep that in mind that I'm looking to have fun while also maybe building something a little more.

- I have a few ocs. ask, or suggest you own.
Characters I am open to playing: Chichi, Vegeta, Bulma, Broly, suggest!
(craving anything with Broly TBH)

Vegeta / Goku AU very inspired by Logan.

The androids are hunting them down, Goku is weak, dying. Bulma is rushing to find a cure. Vegeta of all people is his care taker, the only hope this planet has. romantic or friends. I just like Goku in state of weakness, something I imagine he comes to loath. anyway, hit me up if that interests you!
Venom x Eddie
Venom x ?

crossover : venom + stranger things
idk I just can't unsee this shit now.

yep, just trash here.
I am really leaning to the films - I know they are a bit cringe, but there is something to work with and improve upon imo!
I don't have any comic knowledge, but if you do and you want to implement it, go for it, happy to hear it!
I will 100% be playing fast a loose with these characters so please do not hold me to super in character standards!
not that I plan to wildly stray, but I defintely want to lean in to queer themes/ relationships!

I'm not really looking for oc / canon - but you are more then welcome to suggest.
I'd rather hear all about your characters, your playthroughs and what you enjoyed!
My favorite is playing my dwarf, she's a hoot.

speaking of, if you want to know more bout that dwarf~
► Lark Brosca
► dwarf / warrior
► personality: loves to party, has a tendency to drink a lot , smug, deviant,
morally ambiguous, self-serving, belligerent, unruly, stubborn, quick tempered, promiscuous

Below is a snippet + plots
Lark was born casteless, her life has been nothing but unforgiving and harsh. She's grown up with a thick skin, doing whatever was necessary to survive. she's treated like dirt, practically invisible to the caste above her. For a long while she worked as a bar maid - earning her drinks by challenging patrons to drinking contests. she ended up picking a fight with the wrong person and made enemies. a known thug in the seedy underbelly of the criminal world offers her protection if she'll work for him. she takes his offer and from there her life takes a very dark turn.

she might not be savvy enough to pick locks but she can kick a door in with her immense strength. she may lack the grace to sneak in the shadows, her presence is fills up a room. She'll gut you like a fish and not think twice about it. she's a bandit type, hired to do whatever needs to be done. she lives by the bottle, and often gets into trouble running her mouth off. very vulgar, very aggressive. she does have soft spots, if you can find them, she just tends to be prickly when you get too close. she'll hurt you, before you hurt her, that's a promise. her greatest fear is being forgotten and ignored, she wants and demands attention in any means she can get it. she wants to make a name for herself to stick in everyone's minds and she'll go to any lengths of achieving that.

* notes: lark is a big gal, if you have a problem with plus size individuals then you likely will not be compatible to play with lark.

she is also poly, so that's optional if you'd like to explore that.

a) lark wants to over throw the current leader of the carta guild she works for. she's aiming to take over and be in charge. she can either succeed, or fail. the options of success or failure can go in many different directions. one option is that failure forces her to flee to the surface where she has to adapt to the new world.

b) she could meet some of the upper class at a party or special event. she might be up to no good, and either she's persuaded out of doing what she came to do or she finds a new interest. she might crash the event just to have fun, pretending to be someone important. all fun and games until she gets caught.

c) lark went to the surface, deciding she would rather take her chances in the world above then slowly rot and be forgotten by her own clan. she could become a mercenary, or hang around bars picking fights and winning her meals and drinks, she might become indebted to someone.

throw what you want!
I'd be down to Once Upon A Time - Although I'd like a reset / inspired characters and do our own thing. It's too much of a mess to keep track of everything that went on in that show, and I'd rather take the bare bones of the plot in SE1 and go from there!
- zombie / apocalypse survival anyone ?
- I also would love crossovers!
Suggest characters, I have a few I'm down to play / ship ect.

(bold is either craving to play or the role )
would greatly prefer characters be 18+
I really enjoy playing professor types!
Trainer x Trainer
Professor x ?
Blogger x Trainer
Field Medic x ?
Collector x ?
MewTwo x Nurse Joy
^ I'd prefer plot over smut for this, and would like to develop a relationship!

Pokemon x Pokemon (pokemon dungeons inspired! )
Trainer x Pokemon

- my oc is a former coordinator / Tv Personality, names Rita!
If you would like to know more feel free to ask!

I actually don't know what I'd do with this.
I just enjoyed my experience.
The one idea I had was doing a dragon ball z crossover.
I like thinking the dragon balls exist in that world, one wish could change anything.
Bulma, of young Goku inserted instead of Frisk.

I have an infinite soft spot for her.
any au, likely any pairing - even ocs pairings.
please toss anything at me, I love her to pieces.
would love to do genderbending and play male!peach!!

Pairings I'd die for :
Peach x McCloud ( Star Fox )
Peach x Sans ( Undertale )
Peach x Bowser
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