An Experiment ( Looking to start Group play )


Sep 14, 2012
Ok, so, to give the short version first.
I am looking / hoping to play out a grand play here. So, if you're willing to partake in a story facing off against a power one can not face, in theatres that span from Fantasy to Science fiction, then do let me know.

So, yeah, long version.
This is sort of a grand tale that, in essence, is a drama. And though those that partake can and will change part of the tale, the grand scheme is unlikely to be influenced. You're in the role of one that watches it unfold while interacting with the world around you. You can shape it for the better, or the worse, though there is an underlying plot waiting to be found, and finding it, can be as easy as a simple question to the right person at the right time. Or a long detective work that may or may not lead you to the truth.

Now I am not sure, based on how I never managed a group play myself, on how well this will go, and if It will even take off properly, though I am willing to try, though I will base the attempt on interested party's. If there is not the desired response, I may not start this at all.
This being based in part as, depending on initial choices, be it during the intro, or based on race, there will be a few differing Theatres that would be running side by side. Some based more on a Fantasy setting, while others may go all out spaceships and pew pew, though all connected on some baser level.

My aim for this would be that, in the role of a Game Master of sorts, I would progress these plots each with a general post plus extras. Meaning -> General plot -> NPC A to Partaking player and so forth. Hopefully with a post frequency of every two days, though no less than once a week.

But, allow me to set up a few Theatres here, and see how you like it.

Lost Children

Playing Recording....

A small room is put on display, a table upon which the recording device must have rested, Electronic lights glimmering in the back, and a single humanoid alien creature, seated in a chair nervously hammering its tentacles onto what only could be some form of input device.

" We were fools. " An AI Voice translates as a strange gurgling sound as the Alien creature vocalizes its intent.
" We thought we had found the solution. We have meddled with something we should never have touched." The alien conveys, though interrupted by an electric spark that briefly illuminates its surroundings, showing what looked like the corpse of one of it's kin.

" I don't have time, I am out of time." The Alien seems to mutter, although the Ai does little to convey such, the way it spoke could only be perceived as distress.
" The Crystals. The Cathedrals, the Ships. Don't approach the crystals ! The Symarion, the Elder race, they are gone, and their former homes are nothing but dead husks. But their children. " It began to quickly explain, interrupted again by an electric discharge, followed by what could be an explosion.

" We meddled with them. That black mass. They remained Dormant, till we tried to intervene in their world. We tried to fix it, give them emotion, but they lashed out. They are hunting us ! " The creature seemed to wail, fear of death gripping it. Though deeply inhaling, or least seeming to, it seems to calm itself down, and then speak, implore the listener, " Whatever you do, for all that you hold dear. Do not approach the Crystals. And if you find the worlds contains the black organic oceans. Stay away, they may forgive you desecrating their creator's resting place. But if you upset them, they will not stop, until every last remnant of your existence is erased. "

The creature still seems keen on explaining further, though the room he is in is shaken by a giant explosion somewhere in the distance, causing its tentacles to shrivel up in fear. Though, determine to send it's warning, it reaches out for the input device.

" I-i am Chief, Scientist Siron, Leader, of Project Nighthaven. Whoever finds this Message, please, Forgive us, and don't forget us. " The creature speaks, and then triggers the recording to cut off.

Moments later though, a new recording starts, something being fired off by what looks like a spaceship, badly damaged. Flying in loose formation with others alike it, right in the middle of a battle. Kinetic weapons being fired as ships tried to keep distance to an approaching force, firing at the fleeing ships with laser weapons. These ships, the pursuing force, seemingly constantly changing their form. One moment no more than a Giant Engine that blasts into the middle of the fleeing ships, just to turn into a battleship blasting away at the fleeing forces engines, only to ram into a disabled ship to envelope in black goo, and finally devour it.

The former lead ship that had fired off this camera, or messenger drone, was trying its best to escape such a fate. Though, it too was being disabled. And, be it by damaged caused, or the crew's determination, it would ignite in a giant fireball moments after its engines died down.

Setting : Yet to be determined

The Guide

Nightmares, nothing special, you would say. But what if your nightmare is share amongst thousands ?

And it is always the same, Darkness.

There is more, though there is always darkness, and the feeling that something is watching you, hating you, rampaging to tear you apart. And no matter how far you run, there is always that beast, sometimes, a man, build strangely lean and thin, with black eyes, wearing a gentle smile as he tries to choke you. Or that wolf like beast, hunting you, to tear you apart with claw and fang.

By now it has been decreed a Pandemic, with many of those influenced caught in a coma that they seem unable to wake from. And those that remain, recalling the only words ever spoken in their Nightmare. " Join Us "

It is left undetermined where this, sickness, these Nightmares sprung from, though they threaten to throw the world into chaos as the number of the afflicted seems to steadily increase. And the only link scientists have found, is the appearance of a Black spot in the skies, insignificant if you had looked at it with your eyes. But looking at it through telescopes, it looked as though thousands of stars, even galaxies, were blotted out by something.

There also were more Spiritualistic theories, though, God's punishment if you were to believe most of these. Though one voice in particular seemed oddly intriguing, if strangely unrecognized by most.

An old man, seemingly of Native American descent, blind and tattered in appearance, and speaking words that, simple and irrelevant as they sounded, tugged at once heart to listen. " You know where to find me, you feel it in your heart. And if you wish to know the truth, do come to me, before it is too late. "

It is a voice heard in the radio, a face seen on TV, though if one were to ask, others usually would not see nor hear it. And it is, as though it beckons you to heed his call.

Setting : Earth / Earth-like Sort of the Intro Setting for the whole tale and a doorway to other theatres.

The Guardian

" Sister, why do you dwell upon this place ? " A light in the voice speaks, hovering amidst the wreckage of an old spaceship.
" I Lament, Sister. I regret. Have we abandoned them ? " Another voice responds.
" They have abandoned us ! " The first would respond.
" Not our parents, I mean them. " The second would remark, and then appear in the form of a young maiden, floating within the void over the wreckage, an ethereal being that was there, and yet not.

" Daughter of Myrwan. You are the second, you should know that it is their own doing ! " The first insists.
" Is it ? Has the Sisterhood not guided them before ? " The second responded sorrowfully.
" We did as we were asked to. We are Kadim, Daughters of Symarion. We do not serve them ! " The first insists and appears before the other, exactly the same, as though she was a mirror of the other.

" Daughter of Ant'rolos. Myrwan ceases the bond. " The Second then announces, causing a myriad of lights to appear with a growing murmur of voices struggling with the words just spoken.
" You Can't! You can not meddle ! Our tale is at an end ! They are gone ! " The first bursts out furiously.

" Yes, they are gone, and we remain. Kadim, Daughter of Ant'rolos. Kadim, Daughter of Myrwan will no Longer just be. Our Parents have cast chaos upon the realms. And now they are gone. Mywan will not wait for it's end, it will be home to those that struggle and wish for life to go on. " The second explains and flickers out of sight, only for a massive world to jump into existence. A world so large, it should not be, lush with green forests, and mountains of pure crystals. And from it's surface, glimmering lights arise as the Daughter of Myrwan moves to restore the ship, build it back, better than before, and save the one remaining occupant that remained suspended in cryogenic sleep.

The Daughter of Ant'rolos looked upon the scene in confusion, and for the first time since their inception, the Sisterhood was in disarray. Till finally, the lights around the wreckage became fewer, and distant stars disappeared. The Sisterhood was dissolving, each Kadim to seek their own path while Myrwan's daughter sets about crafting hope, for the one still asleep, and perhaps even, for herself.

Setting : Space based science fiction, primarily focused around one massive Ship.

The Nightmare

Alarms wailing, again, like so often in these last few days. The black devil had returned.
And like every time that it had shown itself, fighters were being launched to intercept it.

Alexey, one of the pilots, rose from his sleep and would quickly hurry to ready for the alert sortie, his nerves strained like any once on Horizon Station.
Though, it was not just the lag of sleep that burdened him, nor the strain of constant battles. No, Alexey had finally seen her, in his sleep, and he understood now.
He finally dreamed of his angel, that young innocent girl, the handsome man, the voluptouse woman, everyone had seen it with a differend face. The dream though, it was the same, always the same.

A beautifull forest of Gigantuan tree's, humanoid beings walking casually by, reminding in apperance of elven grace. The laughter of carefree children, and the face of once angel.
For Alexey, it was a girl, young, Innocent, taking him by the hand, laughing and tugging him towards a doorway leading into one of the tree's. And he knew, she was his angel, the daughter he had always desired to spoil, to watch growing up, to brighten his day with her smile. And when he entered the first room within the tree, he knew, he was home.

It wasn't so however, he had never seen this forest before, and only read about elven in Fantasy books. But he couldn't help but feel tears welling, because he knew, todays sortie was his last. Like anyone that had met his angel, he was going to die, and somehow, Alexey felt relieved. Even when he started his Inteceptors Engines to ready for launch, and when the black Devil launched his signature intercom terror, laughing hysterically at their efforts to keep it at bay. The black Crystaline ship would have another victim.

Setting :Science Fiction.


So, uh, just some of the possible settings that may crop up, and in their description merely skimming the base foundation.
A multitude of plots are possible, and worst case, I may even be willing to play it out with a smaller number of players via PM and somesuch based on interest. So, uh, do let me know what your think about it and if your interested.
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