Mx Female Mythological Requests

Sep 6, 2021

Cresswell Finishing School for Young Women

Arthur Thomas, Artie to his fellow trainers at the Cresswell Finishing School for Young Women, was looking forward to meet his incoming freshman trainee. She was a rather naughty girl. She had managed to fail her freshman year at a public high school and would now be repeating it at Cresswell. Not that Cresswell cared very much about the state required curriculum. Cresswell had its own curriculum that didn't involve preparing young girls to go to college. Although many of their graduates did eventually obtain some form of higher education. However, that wasn't the purpose of Cresswell. Their curriculum was focused on teaching young women all the skills needed to please men. Cresswell didn't turn out prostitutes. They created courtesans, highly trained young women willing and eager to please a man. Courtesans who were much desired by wealthy and powerful men with the right connections.

His new protégé would learn many subjects at Cresswell. Some of those would be actual classes with instructors and fellow students. In those she would learn the supplementary skills needed to be a good courtesan: how to dance anywhere from a ballroom to a nightclub, to a stripper pole. The feminine arts of serving men: cleaning, laundry, as well as gourmet cooking. She'd learn multiple forms of massage, and how to carry on a polite conversation with powerful men. She'd learn about fashion, what to wear from boardroom to bedroom, and about the proper application of makeup. All of those were important skills.

However, his lessons were the most important. His job as her master was to be her personal trainer in the two most important lessons. First, and most importantly how to obey. Second, how to please men. How to use her mouth, pussy, and ass to bring a man to ectasy. How to bring life to a limp dick and do it again. How to take a man's breath away with just a kiss. He'd teach her the skills needed to make a young man cum a dozen times in the evening and to bring life to the shrivelled cocks of old men. The sexual training was the fun part. Discipline, how to obey. That was the foundation upon which everything else rested.

That was why discipline was the focus of the entire freshman year. Oh, he would still be responsible for checking up on Julia in her sophomore year, Becky in her junior year, and Cynthia in her senior year. Discipline couldn't be allowed to lapse. However, breaking and training his new student would be his major responsibility for this entire year. When he deemed her suitably obedient she would be allowed to attend some of the other courses and mingle with the other freshmen, but first and most importantly was discipline. It was always taught one-on-one. He had high hopes for this girl. The information they'd been provided spoke of a very sexual young woman. Some would call her a slut. At Cresswell a strong sex drive was the sign of a good candidate for admission.

Arthur knew he looked like a teacher, perhaps even a college professor. It was a look he intentionally cultivated. Although the tools strapped to his right calf detracted somewhat from the image: a riding crop and a military grade stun baton. The riding crop was by far his preferred training tool. With it he could deliver precise amounts of pain while only inflicting superficial welts that would fade in days. That was the tool he would use to shape and discipline his new student. The stun baton was essentially a hand-held taser. It was unfortunately necessary during early training days because new freshmen sometimes tried to run. The stun baton was the perfect tool to stop a runner. One tap and a person would fall to the floor and be out of it from ten to fifteen minutes. Unfortunately, the freshman often pissed, shit, and puked on themselves. That made it someone inelegant, but it certainly taught them a lesson. His freshmen quickly learned that running wouldn't be allowed.

She was late. Arthur despised lateness. He'd take his riding crop to any one of his girls that were late. Almost certainly not the girl's fault. She was barely old enough to get a driver's license, but it was almost certainly the father driving. Arthur doubted the man had even told the girl that he'd sold his daughter to Cresswell for a ridiculously low 'placement fee' just to get his troublesome daughter off his hands. The kind of man that couldn't control their own daughters and sold them into genteel prostitution were rarely the kind of men that could own up to their own failures.


Persona 5: Mokoto (& maybe others)
I've been replaying Persona 5 lately and that kicked off a desire to do a Joker x Mokoto roleplay. She has BJ on her collar. Sure that's a reference to the High Priestess tarot card, but maybe she also takes being the 'head student' seriously. She's basically walking around advertising that she's a blowjob queen. I'd be up for something smutty where we just do that. Mokoto keeps up school morale by blowing boys in the school council room (which is conveniently empty). I also just like the brainy girl type, so I'd be up for doing something with more story and romance. Maybe Kamoshida is more interested in Mokoto than Ann and Mokoto is one of the three original phantom thieves with Ann joining later or not at all.

Or if someone wanted to play all the Persona girls to my Joker, I sure wouldn't say no.

Blackmailing the Teacher
I've seen lots of roleplays where the teacher takes advantage of a student. I wanted to flip that scenario. What if it is the student who dominates the teacher? It starts with blackmail. MC was surfing the internet for porn. He saw a video he recognized as YC in it. We could play this with YC knowingly did a porno when she was younger, but thought it was long forgotten. Or maybe one of her husband (or boyfriend) current or past took a video of them having sex. Maybe it was a secret video. Maybe YC knew about it If she did know about it she sure didn't expect it to get posted online. Regardless, MC revealing the video would get YC fired and probably blacklisted as a teacher. No one is going to hire a teacher who has a sex video on the internet.

I'd like MC to be at the younger end of high school. He has little sexual experience, only one girlfriend. Giving him blackmail evidence on a fully grown woman is like giving a kid who hasn't even finished driver's ed the keys to a high-end sports car. You just know it's going to end poorly. The power of having a grown woman who doesn't dare tell MC no will quickly go to his head. MC will use the blackmail he has on YC to try out all the things he has only seen in porn. He'll want to try it out with YC. Early demands would be blowjobs and wanting to try out sex in all the positions. He'd soon escalate to wanting to try out the kinkier stuff: bondage, sex toys, discipline, master/slave play, etc. This would give us a chance to enjoy our different kinks.

Ideally, YC will hate the blackmail, but enjoy the sex. Maybe she's sexually frustrated. Either single and not dating or married and her husband isn't meeting her needs. We could go full on cuckolding where YC starts looking forward to sex with MC. Even includes getting YC pregnant if you desire.

One element I'd like to play up is photography and videotaping. MC will be in the AV (audio-visual) club and have access to their cameras and editing equipment. He'll do a lot of filming of them having sex. He'll start off doing it to create even more blackmail evidence, but will continue just because he loves watching videos of YC having sex with him.

Another element is risky school sex scenes. Like MC coming to YC's classroom during her off-period and demanding a blowjob in the classroom where anyone might walk in. Of having sex after school hours, but on school property. Maybe things like forcing YC to wear lingerie under her clothes and flash him during the school day.

Optionally, with MC's little sexual experience, he could easily fall in love with YC - not that he'd stop blackmailing her. He is certain she'd leave him, but if desired he could get a bit romantic and force YC to go on dates.

Cult, Seekers of Occult Knowledge

London, 1925. George the Fifth is on the throne. The war to end all wars has ended and England was on the winning side. The war effort made a lot of manufacturers and suppliers of other needed goods even richer. For those with money life has never been better. Nightclubs, jazz clubs, and cocktail bars flourish. For those who can afford it a hedonistic lifestyle that inspired stories such as The Great Gatsby has overtaken the city. Women were pressed into the workforce due to the war and in the aftermath are feeling more confident and empowered. Some of have stayed working. Others eagerly embraced motherhood.

There lies another world hidden under this thriving city of industry and excess. Cults flourish. There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in the timid philosophy of science. Hiding within the glamourous parties of the rich and dark underbelly of London there are opportunities for those willing to embrace the truth that our world is just the tip of the iceberg.

Are you an explorer of the what lies beyond? Would you walk in the woods of the Mansus? Pass between the scar-barked trees? See the moon as she passes behind it's branches, and feel her fingers in your hair. Are you a seeker of power? Are you looking for magic to give you a shortcut up the ladder of life? Or perhaps you crave true power or the even more elusive Truth? If you wish for enlightenment be warned, the learning of it will shatter you. The person you become will be a stranger to the person you are now. On the other hand, what good is knowledge if it brings you nothing but pain? Why not seek pleasure instead? Embrace sensation and lose yourself in ecstasy beyond the mortal knowing. Or perhaps you wish to cheat death and drink from the cup of immortality? Or maybe you have already been cheated by death? Do you have a loved one that you wish to restore to life?

All these things are possible if you want them badly enough. If you are lucky enough, and if you are willing to pay the price. Do you dare to seek beyond the walls of science, religion and society? You'll need more than money. What you seek comes at great cost, and the price is often your blood, sanity, and conscience.

What do you want?

How far will you go to get it?

This idea has been floating around in my head for a while now, I have a character that I want to play, one with some connections, but I need a partner. Ideally this game is about exploring the mysteries of the occult. Since I know the lore, I already know the answers. I'd like a writing partner. MC would have the resources and connections.

The role of YC is more open. Maybe she's his fanatically loyal first follower, the Harley Quinn to my Joker. Maybe she's a psychic or a medium, sensitive to what lies beyond, but ignorant of the dangers that ahead. Maybe she's scholar, a researcher, or a librarian with access to a university library with some interesting tomes. Maybe she's insightful and helps string together the clues and unravels the mysteries of the occult world lying just beyond and all around our own. Or perhaps she's an innocent just caught up by a charismatic personality and along for a ride. Or maybe YC is the high priestess equally delving into the mysteries. I do prefer that my main character be dominant in their relationship, but romantic relationship of equals would be acceptable. I will also be playing other characters, some of the cultists of the cult we found. I'm fine if YC is a switch and some of the cultists are submissive to YC. If necessary, I'll play all the cultists as the GM, but I would be open to my writing partner playing some of the other cult members as well.

Background on MC: His name is Phineas. He was a bright young thing, as they were called during that time, a younger son of an aristocrat, a bohemian, what we would call a playboy today. After the tragic death of his father, his elder brother cast him out, placing him on a small remittance, but this was enough to fund his search for answers, starting with a bundle of his father's papers that indicate there may be more to his death than Phineas believed.

This roleplay to have a strong emphasis on story, but still have plenty of smut. I also intend for it get quite dark times.

While this will be freeform, I will be largely playing a GM role in this story. As mentioned, I have a complete game lore for this story that must be discovered. I welcome lore suggestions from my writing partner, but I may or may not take them. I'm not open to a co-GM. You can introduce detail to London and your own character, inventing family members, friends, even connections. If you have an idea for an occult element or direction - float me the idea out-of-character. I'm flexible, but no just inventing lore on the spot for the occult world.

This thread is for particularly detailed plots, more than a seed. This is more of campaign. My regular request thread is here: A Mythological Request
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Bump. Currently replaying Persona 5 and on Kaneshiro's Bank. Feeling the urge to do a Persona 5 roleplay.
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