Brit in New England
- Joined
- Aug 15, 2015
Warning: I am old and do not know how to make fancy formatting do.
A note from your Host
Host Advantage: Here's where you're going to be able to tell if this might be for you and your partner or not. Since I'm hosting/running, we'll be going with my preferences as default. Hence that 'host advantage'. I promise they aren't terrible!
Cast: Characters could include house staff, close and distant relations, and their partners/family/staff.
Player number: 6 – 10
Characters per Player: 2 main characters. NPCs/background characters to support your mains are fine.
An Autumn Portrait: The Vultures of Hemlock House
OOC Premise: An excuse to be seasonally dramatic and vaguely silly in a gothic/spooky setting. Modern, supernatural fantasy.
OOC Premise: An excuse to be seasonally dramatic and vaguely silly in a gothic/spooky setting. Modern, supernatural fantasy.

The Alain family has held Hemlock House for generations and time immemorial. Situated on a private island in the English Channel, this sprawling estate has been overseen by the now elderly Jonas Alain for some eighty years.
The Alain clan is not just any old English family, either. They're mages, witches, warlocks, shaman, mediums, and sorcerers. Magic is a secret well-sealed from the mortals, but in this bloodline, it runs as thick as syrup.
Suddenly, inexplicably, the old bat has summoned the family home from all corners of the globe. Those branches of the Alain tree which are still on speaking terms are speculating that the old man is preparing for his inevitable death.
Everyone has been called to the island - from the most attentive of his relations to those from bastard lines who may not have had any idea they were even in the family.
With so much to gain from Jonas' estate, the vultures will no doubt begin to roost.
A note from your Host
"Portrait" is a term that was used in the olden days in the rp communities I used to frequent that referred to a fun, non-canon, one-shot, themed session. (no idea how universal the term was, so don't come at me).
I've been wanting to host one here on Blue Moon for ages, but just didn't get around to it. This year is the year! (maybe? We'll see if anyone bites).
For this Portrait, I had two things in mind. The first is player related. I really like the idea of established writing/rp partners having a fun, low-stress group RP to sort of wiggle their toes in. You do not have to have a plus1 to take part, but it's encouraged.
The second was the setting and theme of the session. It's autumn here in the northern hemisphere and since moving to New England I've always found that season to be so atmospheric and evocative. It just really puts me in the mood for gothic horror/suspense shenanigans. We are going to go a lil tongue in cheek, though… Think Crimson Peak meets Knives Out.![]()
Host Advantage: Here's where you're going to be able to tell if this might be for you and your partner or not. Since I'm hosting/running, we'll be going with my preferences as default. Hence that 'host advantage'. I promise they aren't terrible!
- Storytellers are a must! The core story for this session has been left deliberately vague. It's a portrait, we paint as we go and see what happens. It's your characters and interactions that will ultimately shape our lil art piece. You'll be working with ppl you might not be familiar with yet - apply improv rules and you'll be fine!
- I don't have/do a post min/max. I think different scenes call for different amounts of detail and no one wants to wade through fluff to find the point or be left with nothing to work with. Some people are naturally more concise and some verbose, hopefully we can strike a good balance.
- This is a casual session. You don't have to post everyday and don't expect others too, either. A few times a week is great. Most of us have other RPs going on to keep us from getting bored in the downtime. If you're free to post more, by all means!
- This portrait will feature some themes that are on folks' Hard Nope lists: Incest, Coercion, non-con, supernatural bestiality (shapeshifters), and all the fun stuff that is just not anatomically possible in the real world.
. You by no means HAVE to take part in such scenes, but you will very likely be witness to them. There will be sexy and non-sexy scenes. Be courteous and check in with your scene mates for their preferences and limits before going hardcore.
- MATURITY IS REQUIRED. I'm not talking about age here (though, yeah, site rules 100%!!). This is a group setting possibly with established writing partners – you do not own your partner – they are going to interact with other people. If you harbor any real-world jealousy or possessiveness issues, you're going to have a bad time and you'll probably make the rest of us have a bad time and you'll be asked to leave. Just be cool, mate.
Cast: Characters could include house staff, close and distant relations, and their partners/family/staff.
Player number: 6 – 10
Characters per Player: 2 main characters. NPCs/background characters to support your mains are fine.
If you made it this far, wow, thank you! The rest of the particulars we can bang out if there's suitable interest to even get this off the ground.