GM4F The feeling when the family next door invites you to join their tribal African incest religion


Jul 26, 2022
Amongst the Moru people of Nigeria, Naha'Ira is a goddess of sex and sensuality. During her life in her mortal form, she was a consort to a king who introduced him to the world of sexual vice. To a world of complete sexual freedom, with her family, with his, with his nobles, men, women, everything. As a result, upon her death, her husband declared that she had joined the spirit world and was now a spirit who could inhabit anyone and bring them sexual freedom, should they welcome her.

A small number of her cult survive, mostly in Nigeria, but with a handful in the diaspora. Though these folks, in public, maintain an appropriate image - after all, worship of traditional African deities isn't particular popular in most majority-white countries - at home, they have a shrine to the Goddess, at which they pray for sensual inspiration. Scientists might say that the substances they use at these ceremonies are the actual source of their arousal, but it's a matter of faith. Pray to the Goddess, inhale her essence, and your spirit will be filled with lust and pleasure. And one of the basic principles of the faith is that pleasure, the ultimate human experience, shouldn't be denied to the ones we love the most.

While often referred to as a "cult" due to it not being mainstream, the religion is more of a decentralized tribal group amongst the African diaspora. Of course, all are welcome, of any race, so long as they accept Naha'Ira's doctrine of sexual liberation: The abandonment of taboos. Having your sister fuck your ass with her high heel while you suck your dad's cock? If this turns you off, you simply need more of Naha'Ira's spirit.

Of course, when you first encountered the family, you had no idea of any of this. It was certainly unusual when a black family moved next door to you in your all-white neighborhood. But nothing quite prepared you for the fact that they never closed their blinds. By coincidence, your window could see right through to all the shocking behaviors that you watched with awe. Everything they did together. Two gorgeous, voluptuous, curvy black women, and two hugely muscular black men - mom and dad in their early 40s, son and daughter in their early 20s, as far as you could tell - had not a single sexual hesitation amongst themselves. Some nights, you might see the mom riding the daughter's face, or the daughter pegging her brother, or ... you never knew if they could see you as you watched.

Not until, one day, you had a note slipped under your door.


Hi there! I want to GM this for you, basically. A suburban white girl who enters a world of sexual freedom beyond her imagination. I'm going to leave this premise here, but there are many ways we can go. You can have your character be innocent and go down a rabbit hole, or be someone who's been lusting for sexual adventure for a long time. The family could be simply inviting someone new to join their faith, or it could be more nefarious. I'd love to talk with you (prefer messages to chat) and hash out these details and create something we'll both enjoy. I have few limits, but they include bathroom, blood, animals, children.
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