Mx Female Perfect love for less than perfect people

Mature Male Writer

Nov 19, 2019
Coastal Georgia, US
Thank you for checking out my request thread. First, a little about me as a role play writer and then the plots, themes and pairing ideas I have in mind.

I have been doing role play writing for over 20 years now, starting in a special interest room doing one off scenes mostly, but in the last 10 years moving to longer serial stories. If it matters, I tend to do postings of 100 to 300 words on average, but when doing background or inspired I may go 500 words. Most often, I write third person, but I am comfortable with first person too. I like to write dialogues which does make for shorter post, but try to avoid the dreaded one-liner. While I enjoy watching science fiction and fantasy, I don't write them very well. What I like to write is best described as slice of life with minor suspensions of reality for the benefit of a good story. Smut, we all seem to like it in our stories. I will not give some ratio, as that is a difficult task, in my opinion. When it comes to sexual intimacy, what I like to write is personal and intense vanilla with nuts and chocolate syrup. If we get to the point of brainstorming a story, we will discuss our preferences and dislikes.

Now, to plots and themes I am looking to explore. These plots, like all plots, have been done before, but not by me and the writer who joins me. In general, I wish to write a story(s) where one of the characters has a flaw not of their creation which causes them to suffer rejection in life, and another character who comes into their life and loves them as they are. The following is a list of possible character pairings, and basic themes. I am always open to hear yours should you have a craving.

Deserted wife X Younger man, After years of faithful marriage when her last child is finally off at college, her husband deserts her for a younger more attractive woman. Yes, she has put on some weight and not as attractive as she once was. After dealing with her pain, she decides to make her self over and in the process meets a younger man who becomes interested in her as a person first.

Mature Professional Woman X Younger man, A mature professional woman who is coming to the end of her work life realizes she has missed out on love (sex). One day serendipitously a bit younger man comes in her life. He is intellectually, socially, and culturally her near equal. They fall in love and begin an October of life adventure.

Reverse Beauty and the Beast, A man is exiled to an island or a mansion with a seemingly older woman who in time by his love and care transforms into a beauty.

Mobility challenged person X lover, They only see the chair, the crutches, leg brace or prosthesis! That seems to be the story of one character's life until someone they meet online comes into his or her life for real. The mobility challenge would be one that might make sex difficult, put not impossible.

Chronic managed condition, One of the characters has a disease like Type I diabetes, epilepsy, asthma, or Crohn's. One character has a disease that is not terminal, but makes life challenging.

Your suggestions here.

Again, thank you for checking out my thread, and best wishes on finding the story you want to write.
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