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A Fairy and her Wish [CoNfUsEd//sub_voyage fan]


Jan 16, 2009
USA | East Coast
A Fairy And Her Wish
---Peter Pan//Tinkerbell---

Tinkerbell had never really thought about what she wanted. She would always just tag along with Peter Pan and the Lost Boys, helping them on their little adventures. She was so small she could only hold one emotion at a time, so since she was always consumed by the feeling of either being free or rushing adrenaline from the mishaps the Lost Boys and Peter were always getting into, she never gave a second thought to much else. Well, at least until one night when she was tucking herself into her little clock tower of a room. As she lay there, giving off a faint glow she peered out of the clock and looked down at a sleeping Peter Pan. She couldn't hold back a smile and a wave of happiness consumed her body.

Peter Pan was a terrific lad, and though he never wanted to grow up, he had let himself do such just a little. He was now just at the age of eighteen, and the Lost Boys had followed his lead letting themselves grow up a bit as well so that the majority of them were sixteen and fifteen. Tink had always been seventeen, so it was nice to see that all of them were a little more mature and closer to her age now. She had always been like a mother figure among them, but now that was changing. And as she looked down upon the sleeping Peter Pan she could feel something else was changing as well.

As she gazed with her big blue eyes a different kind of feeling began to wash over her. She gave a very slight frown and pushed her tiny tissue-like blanket away from her small body. She crawled to the end of her 'room' and leaned forward, tiny hands on the edge of the door leading out. Tinkerbell narrowed her eyes curiously and leaned forward. Such action caused her to tumble out from the clock room and land beside Peter with a soft thump. She shook her head, fairy dust sparkling off her body, and leaving a thin trace of it layered on the sheet. She glanced worriedly at the teen hoping she hadn't woken him with her bright shining in the middle of the night.

Seeing as how she hadn't landed on him, he had barely noticed, and only stirred slightly. She scurried closer to him, and sat herself near his chest. She could feel the warmth radiating off his larger frame, and couldn't help the feeling of intense warmth take over her small body. She sighed, as if now content, and sprawled herself against his sheets getting comfortable rather quickly. Next to Peter Pan's warm body Tinkerbell began to relax and slowly drift off to sleep. Her wings fluttered every so often through the night, and her small glowing body didn't glow too bright for it to be a distraction.
Peter Pan was remembeing the day's events. He had been flying around Neverland scouting the area from the top. His goal was simple, defeat the evil captain and the pirates. After scouting he flew back to his tree and saw the lost boys.

When he got back to the tree he recounted his adventure to The Lost Boys. As he told them the tale they looked at him in amazement and looked in awe as Peter explained that soon he would be launching an indirect attack against the pirates. For as Peter explained he might be leaving the boys soon and disguise himself as a pirate.

Soon he feel asleep and dreamed of the day's events. He was 18 and single and hated being single. His brown hair and blue eyes stood out. He wore a green shirt with green pants, and not to mention dark green boots. Soon he felt a poke, but did not wake up.
Tinkerbell slept peacefully, which was rare these days. She could not dream though, because she could only hold one emotion at a time her mind wasn't able to conjure up a dream. So she would just go to bed, be consumed by the darkness of sleep and wake up. She usually felt groggy and slow in the morning. But something changed when the sun came up and peeked into the room today. She sat up, not feeling sluggish at all.

A smile graced her lips, she felt completely rested, and she thought it may have been because she fell asleep next to a certain boy she had known for so long. With a smile she turned her head to look at him, her wings flickered slightly and the same kind of emotion from last night rushed back. It startled her so much that she jumped up onto her feet as if she had been electrocuted. She crossed her arm over her chest and brought her other hand up to her chin, tapping it slightly. What was this feeling?

Then it sparked, and she fluttered into the air, it was exactly that, it was electricity. Or so it felt as if there was electricity running threw her tiny little veins. Tink pumped her wings and soared slightly higher, then swooped down, towards peter showering him in a bit of pixie dust as she moved. She flew up and then back down to him a few times, wishing that her movements and constant showering of sparkling pixie dust would wake the teenager.
He continued to sleep pecefully. This time as he slept he dreamed of another dream. This time he dreamed that he was a pixie. In this dream he had wanted Tinkerbelle as a lover and would do whatever it was to have her. He flew over to her and blushed and started kissing her softly. Knowing he would have her eventually.

Of course being a pixie meant having one emotion, and his was love. He wanted her as a lover and would do anythng to please her. He would even give her his pixie dust and more. Sighing softly he looked around. "Well I love you Tink." He replied. Once again he made out with her and moaned softly.

Returning back to the present he saw a flutter of light and opened his eyes. There was Tinkerbelle flying over her. When she flew he could see pixie dust fly off from her wings. Sighing he looked at her and blushed.
Tink let a smile pass over her lips when she found that he had finally opened his eyes. With one last swoop down she landed on his pillow, nearby his head. Sitting Indian style she parted her lips to speak. Of course to most people her words would sound like small bells and such, but Peter always knew what she was saying, and sometimes even a few of the Lost Boys would catch a couple of her words, "Finally! You're awake!" Her small lips curved into a smirk and she got a mysterious twinkle in her eye. "I heard about your Pirate plan! I wanna help.."

Tink always wanted to help. She lived to help the Lost Boys and Peter Pan, and because of her fairy size she became useful in some tight situations. "You could say you caught Pan's fairy.. Keep me in a jar, with some holes in the top of it so I could breath of course." She let her eyes slowly wander over him, "I bet with a little bit of work I could turn you into a pretty bad ass looking pirate.."
Peter looked at her and blushed softly. He was still tired and soon gave a soft yawn. Hearing Tinkerbelle say that he finally woke up made him a bit made. Sure he was tired and wanted to sleep. But then again he wanted Tinkerbelle as his lover. "Yeah." He paused. "I am sorry for not waking up sooner Tink." He replied.

Soon he looked at Tinkerbelle and heard her say she wanted to help. "What can you do to help Tink?" He asked and blushed. As he heard Tink's plan it made him blush. She always had ideas that seemed to work. Soon he went out to find a jar and found one. "Alright Tink." He replied and put her in the jar.
Before Peter could screw on the top Tinkerbelle flew out of the jar, saying, "Hold On Peter," she buzzed up into the air, her wings flapping and giving of a trail of dust as she zoomed across the room. "We've got to make you look like a Pirate first, and I can't very well do that from the inside of a jar." She giggled softly and beckoned him to follow her. Of course Tink didn't need to use the door, she just weasled herself through the tree roots of Peter's little keep-safe of a room.

Now out in the open the sun was bright in Tink's face. She squinted her large blue eyes and glanced around. She glanced over her shoulder, to look where Peter would emerge after from his room. She pulled at the bottom hem of her dress, and bit onto her lip. A sudden electric feeling welled up inside her when she realized that or a short period of time her and Peter would be alone. Away from the Lost Boys, and no Pirates even though they would be going to them. She shuddered, and at the thought of the pirates, fear ran through her body, but then anger, followed by eagerness to get be able to surprise Hook and his crew.
Peter looked at her and nodded. "You are right Tink." He replied with a smile on his face. He always wanted to love Tinkerbelle as a lover and would do anything for her. Besides, he knew what he would do. If they managed to defeat the pirates he would grant Tink one wish. But he would not tell her this suprise.

Waking up he gave another yawn and looked around. It was still morning and he was tired. But he knew he had to be fully awake for this mission. Sighing he looked at Tink and started to put on a fake smile and laughed at himself.
Tink was zooming around in the fresh air outside, basking in the glory of the feel of the sun's rays on her skin. A sigh passed her lip and she floated on her back, letting herself drift downwards onto a branch of a tree. Resting her hands behind her head she glanced towards the big blue sky and waited for Peter to get ready. They had a big day ahead of them. First Tink would turn him into a Pirate Kid, then they'd stuff her in a jar, and get on board Hook's ship to do battle.
He looked at Tinkerbelle and soon changed into a pirate's disguise in front of her. Soon he was wearing an eye patch and a pirate hat. Looking around he started to think of how best to capture Captain Hook. Soon he grabbed a swoard and sighed and started to walk to the pirate ship.
Tinkerbell laughed, and flew out in front of him. She pressed a small shining hand to his chest. "Peter.. You look like a cheap imitation of a pirate, like a little boy on Halloween." She backed up a little once he had stopped moving, putting her hands on her hips and shaking her head slightly. "You wouldn't be able to get anywhere near the ship in a disguise like that." She lifted hand and tapped her chin thoughtfully. "You're obviously Peter Pan in those tights.. Hook'll be on you right away. We have to get you a little more rough looking."

She held up a finger, a motion for him to wait until she came back. She zoomed off, deeper into their set up of homes for the Lost Boys. A minute later Peter would be able to hear Tink whistle to him to find her. She was trying to heave a bundle of dark clothes away from Rufi's small hut. When Peter was in ear shot, she whispered, "C'mere and help me with this!"
Peter looked at Tinkerbelle and nodded. It wasn't every day that a farie would ask for help. Besides if she did need help he would help her as they were close friends. Looking around he started looking for Tink and sighed. Closing his eyes he started to dream happy thoughts. Then changed them to sad thoughts.

Looking around he saw Tink fly off to the Lost Boys's tents. Following her he arrived at Ruffi's hut. Looking around he saw Tink and started to see the pile of old clothes. Nodding he tiptoed over and started putting them on.
Tink blushed softly, turning her back to the teen Pan as he began to change out of his usual tights. She swallowed nervously and peeked over her shoulder, only to look away again very quickly. She waited until she couldn't hear him changing anymore and turned around to see him standing in ripped up black pants, and a striped red and black long sleeved shirt. She suddenly beamed, eager to get on the pirate ship. Bu that mop of red hair was a dead give away.

"Give me one sec, okay Pete?" She grinned and flew into the tent, flying into a chest of clothes. She came out a moment later carrying a rag for Peter to wear as a hat. She flew over him, dropping it onto his head. "Gotta cover up that hair of yours, or Hook'll know for sure that you're Pan." She helped Peter put it on and tie it to his head. She pat his shoulder, and plopped down, sitting on it. "Alright, I think that's all we've got to do, stuff me in that jar and go on to Hook." She grinned, quite happy to be able to help Pan so much.
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