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How Many Rps?

I'm at a comfortable 4 with quality partners that can tolerate my sometimes extended periods of no posts. I could probably handle a couple more if I could find partners like the ones I have.
I currently have 4 RP partners and am looking for a 5th. Because my posting schedule is pretty lax I don't really mind getting a post in a day or a week or whatever, I did just make one of my partners wait 4 months for a post after all, and one of my partners has 3 RP's with me and is working on plotting a 4th so I think after one more partner I will just stop looking for a while. Being picky on this last one for that reason, but I'm also picky in general as I think that is only beneficial for your enjoyment on this site.
I rather like having a lot to do over just one. I can see the appeal of just one rp as there is a fluid nature to it. However I'm one of those rpers who have ideas and as such I do the double up so multiple rps are in play. I know for rpers there is often tiredness in play or at times even ghosting when too much is in play, for me, all I can say is that at least for me having multiples gives me much more to stretch my thoughts around over just one...lest multiple characters come into play at a certain point. I respect anyone who can stick to just one rp and all the more credit to that resolve but for me yeah bring on the rps.
2 - 3 has been a limit. The few times that I've gone beyond that limit I tend not like the results.

I tend to let a RP sit at the back of my mind as I'm going about my day. Planning, what could happen next, or what I'm going to do next. My headspace stuck in one of the RPs, only to get a response from RP 2 or RP 3 or RP 4 first. I then have to pull my head out of that Headspace to get into another. And then sometimes to have that replied come in as I am in the middle of a response.

I have always had a rule with Mutliple RPs with First Come first Server. And I don't like it when I am tempt to pause my response to the second, as my current headspace might have that response already mentally written, but sometimes that happens cause its easier.
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