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[CS] Left over characters

Character Sheet


Jul 24, 2020
Northern Europe
Characters from disbanded roleplays I have grown quite fond of and would like to play again.
(All characters posted here can and will of course be tweaked and edited to fit whatever new setting they find themselves in, including but not limited to their background.)

Character Name: Aoura Stani Umpiva-Jask Leh (Aoura Leh for short).
Age: 16
Species: Dolarian.
Gender: Female
Orientation: Pansexual
Weapon Proficiencies: Dual swords, Whip.
Background: Dolaria is a planet covered mostly in dense jungles and treacherous swamps filled with flesh eating plants, inhabited mainly by lizards, amphibians, insects, arachnids, mollusks and other invertebrates such as worms and centipedes of varying sizes. The Dolarians are a rather small Humanoid species, (adults range in height from 130-160 cm) with insect-like wings and an extrudable tongue with which to catch small insects. They are an egg-laying species and once the eggs are laid in specifically designed nurseries they are abandoned by the mother and once hatched the Dolarian offspring spend their first year as larvae before cocooning for another six months before appearing in their Humanoid form. This counts as their official birthday. Once that form has been achieved they are educated in ancient Dolarian traditions and history as well as science, technology and the art of war. It is during these first twelve years of their Humanoid lives that they are selected for their future professions, (Bureaucrats, Soldiers, Scholars, Clerics, Medics or Workers), based entirely on the merits they show excellence in. It is also in the twelfth year of their education that they are assigned mates with which they are expected to breed, apart from that obligation there are no expectation of loyalty or fidelity to their mate. They are free to engage in sexual acts with whomever they choose, as long as they do not breed with anyone other than their assigned mate.

Aoura proved herself to be proficient with all manners of blades, far surpassing everyone in her class and defeating her mentor at the age of ten, but lacked the discipline to become a soldier. She also showed great skills in medicine and science but as with her proficiency with blades she lacked discipline in both those areas as well. The same proved to be true with her leadership skills as well and having no interest at all in religion she was selected to be a worker. When time came for graduation and with that being assigned a mate Aoura refused to accept such an obsolete tradition claiming she had no interest at all in breeding and made an official complaint of it to the Bureau of Reproduction but her complaint was denied. She was however presented with a choice, either accept her assigned mate or be permanently exiled from Dolaria. She chose the latter and spent most of the following years travelling through the galaxy as a sword for hire, and also doing some smuggling.

* About Aoura's age: As specified in the backstory Dolarian's have an insect-like life-cycle and as they Hatch from their cocoons they would appear to be the equivalent of 10 years old in Human years. This means that a 16 years old Dolarian would be equivalent in age to a 26 years old Human. It also means that the age at which they are assigned mates to breed with is equivalent to 22 in Human years.

Full Name: Kim Su-Ji

Alias: Chameleon Kitty

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Orientation: Lesbian.

Background: Suji grew up at a private research facility with three other kids that were also the result of experimental gene-splicing. Doug was part dragonfly with skin that shimmered in every colour of the rainbow, wings and compound eyes, Trish was part armadillo and had thick armourlike skin, Cleo was part chimpanzee with opposing thumbs on her feet and covered in fur.

Whether the four kids were actually related to one another or not is uncertain but they grew up as siblings at a large farmlike house in a remote mountainous area, lived well and were trained to use their abilities. Until one day when Kitty/Su-Ji was 13 a group of mercenaries found them and their "parents" were brutally murdered and her siblings were captured. Only Kitty/Su-Ji escaped and has ever since been looking for her siblings.

Abilities: Camouflage Can blend in with the environment to the point of becoming invisible as long as she doesn't move. If she moves she would be visible as a shadow, or a disturbance in the background. Feline agility and speed, fangs and retractable claws.
Complications/Side Effects: Pointy ears, whiskers and a 5' tail (not seen in the image reference but easily imagined I hope). Extremely high metabolism, (basically has to eat all the time, the higher in carbs and fat the better.) If she misses a meal she grows tired and weak, and also get migraine-like headaches. It also affects her mood.

Apart from her natural weapons she is skilled with throwing knives and darts (some of which are laced with various toxins for different effects).

Personality: Mood swings: Each mood max out. When she is angry she is absolutely pissed no matter what she is angry about. If she is sad she burst out sobbing as if the world around her was coming to an end and there was nothing but darkness left. On the rare occasions she is happy she is absolutely ecstatic. When she's feeling cuddly she is an absolutely relentless nuicance.
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Technological (Post)Apocalyse

Astrid Kowalski
Faction: Neutral with a leaning towards Eco/Activists.
Age: 33
Height: 175 cm
Former hacker with identification documents for at least five different identities between which she used to switch as needed.

Some would know her as Agnes Dietrich, professional dancer and DJ at the LBTQ nightclub The Playground in New York. Others as Miranda Stewart, owner of a small used records store on Bleecker Street. Some would know her as socialite and filthy rich heiress Noomi Thorstensson from Scandinavia, an absolute brat that seemingly refused to grow up. She was also known to some as Olivia Smith, investment broker. Some might even know her as Victor Miller, the reclusive digital 3D artist. Few knew her by her hacker name: N3m3515, and only one person really knew her as Astrid Kowalski, Wren Jones 32 , her partner as of the last 10 years.

Philipa "Pippa" Bracknell.

Faction: Eco.
Age: 56
Height: 168 cm

Widowed Eco farmer, mostly self-sustainable, with a farm in upstate New York. Part survivalist, part Eco warrior. Before the death of her husband and subsequently moving to the farm she worked as a fitness coach in New York.

Morgan Sweeney
Faction: Fossils.
Age: 27
Height: 172 cm

Morgan grew up with her single mother for most of her childhood, with only irregular visits from the man she suspected was her father. That changed a week after her 16th birthday when she woke up to loud crashing noises and found her mother on the kitchen floor, badly beaten, and him sitting at the table with a cup of coffee, the morning paper calmly having a smoke. When she asked her barely conscious mother what had happened (even though it was obvious what had happened) He told her to stop poking her nose into things that did not concern her or she would be next to end up with a split lip, broken nose and two black eyes, just like her mother.

When she protested and took her phone out to call 911 he grabbed her hair (which at the time was still down to her shoulders) and using it as a handle slammed her face down on the table.

Over the next two years this became a regular occurrence. Her father moved in without asking permission and every day he abused Morgan and her mother, physically, verbally and sexually until one day Morgan stopped struggling, stopped talking back and seemed to comply and submit to his will. The abuse against her still continued but less violently.

What her father did not know was that the moment she began to comply and submit to him was the same moment she began to plot against him. Her loyalty and submission was all just an act.
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Yumi Orlach

Age: 37


BACKGROUND: Yumi as lived a mostly nomadic life travelling the woodlands with her father and her younger brother, settling only for a few years in a small human village near the capital of the Kingdom of Vaidenfell where she was briefly married to Brek Orlach, a human male, to whom she bore a a daughter. The marriage did not last long however and she decided the child would be better off with her father and left to reunite with her family.

COMPANION: Often appears to be talking to a voice inside her head by the name of Maeko. It is uncertain whether Maeko is an actual separate entity of just a voice inside Yumi's head that answers when she talks back.

The Ebo

Scattered across the Southern woodlands The Ebo, a small tribe of shapeshifting felines, live in harmony with nature and in human form often live among the humans of the kingdoms of the area as part of their societies. They are skilled warriors but also skilled in the art of healing and herbal medicine which makes their services highly sought after by humans. Their culture is ancient, and little is actually known about it outside the tribe though it is surrounded by speculations and rumours. They never settled into a kingdom however but preferred to maintain both neutral and independent from the political games played among the kingdoms of which they were a part.

MOTIVE: Eternal winter does not suit The Ebo well and thus Yumi has been tasked by her tribe leader to help in whatever way she can to end it.

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Aurora "Rory"
(no family name known)
Age: unknown but appears to be early to mid 20s
Gender: AFAB Non-Binary (pronouns: they/them)
Sexuality: Pansexual (Female Preference)


Has no memories before waking up 6 years ago at a secret underground research facility on the moon To'ulah, an outpost for the Orion Syndicate, from which they escaped during a fire, that may or may not have been set intentionally, along with a few other illegal cybernetic experiments.

Ever since the escape Rory has made their way through the solar system taking what work they can get, usually illegal.

Has a living (sentient?) cybernetic tattoo on their face that continually changes and allows them to change their facial features. The tattoo cannot maintain the illusion for extended periods of time, even after as little as 20 minutes an attentive observer might spot glitches It also ages her facial skin, which requires a constant regime of high end moisturising lotions.

Their eyes are also cybernetic implants and change colour according to function, Red for IR vision, Purple for X-ray, Black for screening out bright lights, and so on. They can also record video onto external hard drives inserted into one of the two cybernetic ports behind each of their ears. Due to their ability to change appearance and camouflage themself, as well as having several cybernetic ports, they also became quite a successful hacker, thief and bounty hunter.

They have a whole box of memory sticks containing everything from vital information on every heist/job they have pulled since they was in their mid-teens (supposedly) to their personal journal.

These ports also allow them access to almost any digital network, whether on or offline.

They are also highly skilled with handguns

Pragmatic (usually)

Rory's Playlist


Size: Roughly the size of Ganymede.

Population: No official census has ever been made due to the lack of a stable government but an estimate of 500.000 people.

Landmass: 85-90%

Climate: Warm. Temperature ranges between -25 centigrade in winter to 45 in summer.

Economy: Since no official collective currency exist precious metals such as Platinum, Gold, Silver, Osmium, Iridium and Palladium (most of which can be mined at great risk near the equator, slaves are used for this,) is used for trade.

Government: None that last very long. The moon is generally ruled by various factions of bounty hunters, mercenaries, traders and smugglers who are at constant conflict with one another.

To'ulah is the largest moon around a gas giant on the outer edges of explored space. It is mostly a rocky desert with an extremely high volcanic activity which is the reason for its low percentage of water, most of which is gathered in warm lakes in the polar regions, which are also the only habitable areas.
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Walküria "Ironcunt" Herjasdottir Sinmara of Utgard

Age 75 (Appears mid/late 20s)
Race: Jötunn
Height and Weight: 219 cm (7'2) 101 kg (222 lbs)
Biography: Walküria is the twin sister of Queen Kára Herjasdottir of Utgard. She is captain of space raider Nibelungen. She might come off as bisexual but really she is a hedonist, taking pleasure where she can without much consideration for anyone but herself.
Personality; imagine if Harley Quinn and Catwoman had a baby (as anatomically impossible as that is.)

Being the younger of the twin sisters (by no more than ten minutes) Walküria of course would be second to the throne of Utgard but it also place her in a position to roam freely as she damned well pleases.

While the The Jötunn species might still be feared warriors and the name Sinmara still hold some degree of power in certain places of the galaxy the clan is no longer what it used to be.

The Sinmara is a matriarchal clan of great warriors that has ruled Utgard (another name for Jotunheim) since the world tree Yggdrasil took root in the three wells from which it draws sustenance, (basically since the dawn of time).

(Walküria can also be played as a hermaphrodite.)
Pandora Jones

Age: 249 (or 17 depending on who you ask). I her own opinion it is always the day before her 250th birthday and she expects, cake and a keg of rum.

Quirk: Solipsism Syndrome, Dumb Luck.

Nicknames: Merri (because she claims to be the daughter of a Merman). Voodoo (Because she claims to be the daughter of Marie Laveau). Bloody Bones (becaus she leaves a trail of Blood and Bones in her wake and because she claims to have the ability to turn into an undead skeleton covered in blood). And many more which I am sure I will come up with as the story moves along.

Skills/Talents: She is highly skilled with swords and all manner of blades, including throwing daggers. She also carries a blowgun with poisoned darts of varying effects (from lethal, to stun, to mind altering and everything in between). She also considers muskets and other black powder based weapons cheating.

She is a rogue pirate with no loyalties or affiliations, blowing through the Caribbean like the wind, (a breeze or a storm depending on mood), and wherever the wind takes her is where she is supposed to be at every given moment in time.

She also carries around a small box about 2" x 2" x 2" which she claims is The Pandora's Box that she inherited from her grandmothers grandmother.
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