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Fx Male The Imaginarium - Historical, Fantasy, & Sci Fi Ideas


Mar 16, 2013
If you choose to message me, please send me something with more than one sentence in it, thank you!

Here, have some information about me: (just a quick overview I guess)
-I usually reply within a week, sometimes sooner but I try to do it within a week. Looking for the same! (bolding this because for some reason people miss it even tho it's the first line and then realize too late we're not compatible posting schedule wise)
-I like to brainstorm, I'm not looking to chat every day but I like tossing around ideas and doing a bit of planning. If you're someone who doesn't like to talk to your partners, I'm probably not the one for you
-I only RP through PM here on the site, I'll occasionally use Google Docs but it's not my preference
-I don't care about my partner's gender, I'm comfortable writing with whoever (so if you care, it's on you to bring it up)
-I usually play female main characters against male characters but I'm open to NB main characters for myself, possibly my partner, and occasionally MM pairings
-I average around 2-3 paragraphs per post, but can go longer than that, looking for the same
-I like a good balance of smut to story, usually favoring story around 60/40 or 70/30 story/smut ratio
-I love good characters first, plot and smut are only interesting to me if the characters are
-If you have anything you want to tell me, even if it's that you hate our game now and never want to talk to me again, just tell me. I'm not psychic, and we're all supposed to be adults right?
-Don't god mode me, if you want to include something about my character in your post, just ask me first

How I tend to play my characters:
-My main characters are almost always either women or nonbinary
-My main characters tend to be attracted to men and nonbinary people who tend to fall somewhere on the masculine to androgynous spectrum, but the ladies and femmes just don't do anything for me
-Main characters' sexual preference trends towards switch with a submissive lean, more submissive is possible but usually in kind of a bratty way (so if you're a brat tamer let me know)
-That said, I really enjoy playing a small cast of characters and side characters can be all over the spectrum of gender and sexuality

Writing Sample (this thread is a bit old and I think I write better now but this is my favorite public story thread on here yet)

Kinks and Stuff
Please note that just because something is listed here, doesn't mean it's required! Just that I'm interested in it if you are
-Rough sex: biting, hair pulling, scratching, grabbing so hard you leave bruises, yes please
-Struggle Play: playful or serious chasing, fighting, physical struggle, etc, that turns sexual, kind of ties into the above but can be its own thing
-Breath Control: this is just a thing for me that I like, usually more light to medium breath control/choking but it could go a little heavier
-Light Bondage: speaks for itself, not really into elaborate set ups or it being a huge theme but it can certainly be fun
-Multiple partners: maybe even orgies or gang bangs if it's relevant, open sexual relationships
-Polyamory: kind of tying into the above, I also love relationships that have multiple romantic partners, not just sexual ones
-Mild Jealousy: Even in polyamorous relationships, jealousy happens, and it can be fun to play around with. I just don't like overdoing it
-Forbidden love: Pretty self-explanatory, something personal, cultural, professional, etc should make the relationship between the two main characters forbidden in some way, but they just can't help it
-Rivalry/Conflict: I love romance that starts out as a bit of hate or just dislike or some sort of conflict
-Romance: fluff can be quite enjoyable sometimes; affection, flirting, courtship, all the classic elements of romance are good in my book
-Dirty Talk: Just because I like cuddly stuff doesn't mean I can't enjoy the dirtier side too right?
-Dynamic Relationships: It gets boring when a couple does the same thing over and over again, I like characters to change and grow (or become corrupted, depending on the game) and their relationships with others (not just their romantic partner(s)) change too over time
-Brat Tamers - if my character is more on the sub side, they tend to be a bit of a brat in bed. A character who can handle someone pushing their boundaries because they want to put in their place, and knows how to get them to get do what they want anyway (either through softer means or rougher ones) is going to be an immediate favorite of mine
-Fantasy Races: Orcs, Elves, Trolls, Dwarves, even Hobbitses, etc, I love playing as them or against them. I can play them with established lore from books, movies, games, or with original ideas and backgrounds.
-Beasts/Anthros/Aliens/Were Creatures: I tend to prefer playing against these rather than as them, but I do occasionally enjoy playing them too. By 'beasts' though I mean not animals but can look bestial, but are some kind of intelligent/aware
-Alternative Fashion: To me, a guy or girl with piercings and/or tattoos is very sexy, so I love having characters with them or crazy hair colors and the like, and love it if my partner's character does. I know this isn't everyone's bag though so if you're not into it, no problem.
-Adultery/Affairs/Love Triangles: Kind of ties into the whole 'forbidden' thing I think, I don't know why but I really enjoy the intrigue involved in affairs, I include cuckolding in this category but that also falls under open relationships or even poly for me, cucking isn't always forced
-Dub-Con: the kind of situations where one or both characters know they shouldn't be together even though they both want to so one ignores the excuses and goes for it anyway, breaking down the other's will to keep denying what they want

-Anal Sex -
It's not my default or preference, but I'm good with it in certain scenarios like when there are multiple partners for double penetration or if my partner really wants it. Just don't overdo it. (or obviously if the character in question doesn't have a vagina, anal sex is kind of a given if they're being penetrated lol)
-Incest - I don't work with this often and I'm very picky, but it can work in the right context. I like characters to have some real conflicted feelings (including guilt and/or shame) over it
-Breeding/Pregnancy/Risk of Pregnancy - This is something I tend to use more as a plot point than a kink, but it can be more of a thing in the right game
-Age Gaps - there is a line on this but it's a flexible line but I can definitely get into this and it be a thing in the right context

If you need to move my character around a little for a scene or something, fine (tho I'd prefer you ask me unless we've been working together a while) but do NOT control my characters actions beyond that (again not without my permission) and you should never, ever assume or control my character's thoughts or emotions. If you want to write the whole story yourself, just go do that
-Not Paying Attention- this is something that's become an increasing problem for some reason. If you're not sure about something, please please feel free to ask me if you can't remember or not sure if we even talked about it. I might not remember either (I'm not perfect) and two heads are better than one. But if you're making me constantly feel frustrated and confused because you won't pay attention, I won't be continuing the game. Especially if it's something we explicitly talked about and agreed on, or especially if you can't ever seem to remember your own character's background
-Scat and Water works
-Torture -
I can get into some light pain play, but if the point becomes to cause pain, I'm not interested. Basically not into having my character beaten or mutilated outside of story reasons. Full-on sexual sadism is not my bag
-Cervical Penetration
-Hard Non-Con-
It just doesn't do it for me, if my character is being genuinely raped, they're not enjoying it, and neither am I
-Hard BDSM - I enjoy including elements of BDSM, but I'm just not into having characters' entire relationship have a BDSM structure. It just isn't my cup of tea.
-Body part inflation/mutation- I'm okay with things like my character gaining some weight and as a result her curves getting fuller, but body parts getting modified to be suddenly huge and stuff like that, no thanks.
-Bigotry of any kind - I only mention this because I've had incidents with partners saying very off things to me OOC, not meaning to offend me but actually thinking I would agree with them. I am not homophobic, racist, transphobic, etc, and I have a zero-tolerance policy against them in my partners.
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Pairing Ideas: (not very fleshed out but more just a general idea, *denotes the role I would play)
-*Queen or *Princess x Royal Guard (realistic or fantasy)
-*Female Knight x Male Dragon (fantasy obviously)
-Mercenary or Pirate x *Kidnap Target (might be willing to play the merc/pirate instead, any setting, even sci fi/futuristic)
-A *Bonnie & Clyde style criminal couple (any setting) current craving
-Japanese Yakuza gang stuff in the 1980s
-Vampire x Hunter
(down to play either role but prefer hunter, basically any setting)
-*Married Lady x Knight (historical fiction or fantasy)
-*Time traveler x Time resident current craving

General Cravings
- Historical or Fantasy Slice of Life - I actually enjoy more character-focused slice of life stuff, just not if it's modern and realistic, I'm trying to escape reality a little afterall. Put it in another time period or an interesting place/culture or even make it futuristic and sci fi, or throw in some supernatural or fantasy elements, and I'm interested!
-Modern fantasy/occult/supernatural - Vampires, werewolves, maybe even witches, hunters, secret organizations, etc, set in the modern or even modern retro world like the 80s or 90s (would also be interested in historical fantasy/occult) - current craving
-Scifi/fantasy fusion - think Bright or Shadowrun, though it doesn't have to be exactly either of those, just examples, modern or futuristic settings with both fantasy and sci fi elements, magic and tech
-Synthwave/Cyberpunk Aesthetic - heavily inspired by the synthwave and retrowave music genres and aesthetics as well as games like Cyberpunk and Shadowrun. I love this setting in general
-Political intrigue/drama geared plots - allies, enemies, rivals, betrayal, deals, debauchery, blackmail, ruin, victory, and more! lol I've really been wanting to do something set within a royal court or political arena (or both) with a good cast of characters that would be a lot of fun to push and pull around a twisting drama
-Historical fiction or fantasy (possibly AE- Alternate Earth) - in particular; American Prohibition/Roaring 20s/Jazz Age and Pre Revolution/"Golden Age" 1600s-1700s France, Ancient Rome and Bronze Age Europe in general, colonial America and the Wild West. Up for everything from small scale almost slice of life stuff or bigger historical dramas, fantasy elements could also be worked in
-Crossdressing Femmes in Historical Settings - current craving - it wasn't that rare for women to disguise themselves as men to go to war, get a job, escape a bad marriage, or to travel safely. These can all make pretty interesting plots too, with lots of secrets and drama. I love stories that involve my character starting out disguised as a man for one reason or another
-***Vampires - current craving - I really love dark, romantic, twisted stories and vampires are a perfect carrier for that. The nature of vampires can vary depending on my partner and the story. They could be the classic, unholy creatures of the night, repelled by religious tools and more magical or occult in nature. Or they could be something more scientific, humans infected by a disease that has both negative and positive side effects and no relation to religion or spirituality. I'm not looking for Twilight vampires though, nothing against you if you're a fan of that but not my bag. The setting could be historical or modern, or even futuristic with some sci fi elements
-Partners willing to play bisexual male (or possibly nb masc) characters - pretty self-explanatory, not required by all means but it's a big plus, I honestly like to have a variety of sexualities when it's a game with a bit of a cast, but it's all about mine and my partner's shared comfort level

Full Ideas (or at least more developed):
Historical, Fantasy, Modern, and Futuristic (in that order)

Historical (Mythology, Fantasy, and Period Fiction)

Through the Standing Stones (Inspired by the book/show series Outlander) - Historical Fantasy, time travel -
current craving
Honestly the characters and story here are pretty open, but I do have an interest in the various Scottish rebellions against the British crown. It could just be a general time traveling story and not have any particular historical or political events going on but if you're interested in discussing anything along those lines let me know. The character could even be transported all the way back to Bronze Age times (and maybe there's even potential for a take on the Arthurian legends) but regardless, I'd like to do something with my character being accidentally transported through time through a circle of standing stones. I'm not looking to do anything with the characters from the Outlander show/books, and I'm not trying to recreate it but I'm not against it can being used for inspiration if we're both familiar. If there's some historical or political events going on I'd like MC to end up involved (either willingly or not), with your character's level of involvement or who they even are being up in the air, I don't have any firm ideas but I'm happy to discuss it. We could change how things went and go with a sort of AU timeline if we like even. Or it can be a more scaled down and personal, there's plenty that can be done with just a woman out of time trying to survive being suddenly hundreds of years in the past. How much myth or magic we want to include is negotiable too, could be pretty real world other than the time travel itself, or have more fantasy and myth elements mixed in

Strings of Fate - Greek myth and adventure - kinks are pretty wide open, especially depending on the level of fantasy
I don't have the firmest idea of where I want to go with this, it could involve some real world historical even from ancient Greece like one of the many wars they were involved in, or we could make up some military or mythical (with the gods maybe, they were always angry about something) conflict to be resolved too. Either way, the story would start with a Greek soldier (could be a Spartan) who had it foretold to him that his firstborn would become a great hero of Greece/Sparta/so on, and expects his firstborn to be a son but instead has a daughter. I'm thinking he either raises her as a girl but teaches her how to fight and ride and all of the more traditional skills reserved for boys, or tries to raise her in secret as a boy. Either way, things would really start with the game when she's older and sets out on her own (willingly or not). Everything beyond that is very vague and up in the air and I'd like to form it up with my partner!

La Cosa Nostra - Italian Mafia Game - would likely have a good bit of violence and substance abuse
I have a lot of ideas for this, I'll work on something to detail the bigger ones but more or less wanting to focus on one of two time periods in the mafia. Either the early days during the Prohibition with lots of gun and booze running and such, or sometime in the 80s which was sort of the last golden period for the mafia but has the most tension with the FBI, perfect mix of drama for a good game.
I'm really looking for someone to play a member of the Italian mafia at the very least, what kind of person I'm not sure, nor their rank, but there's plenty of potential for other characters too
I'm leaning most towards a Prohibition game, I've been watching Boardwalk Empire and really like the setting, though I'm not looking to do anything quite like that.

An American Heiress in London - (late Victorian) possible supernatural elements (such as vampires and/or werewolves, or even possibly demons) - Romance and drama, would probably be pretty smutty, would love some taboo elements but what exactly depends on mutual interest
After the industrial revolution, the traditional feudal system began to shift as many of the poor in the countryside moved to bigger towns and cities for jobs at new factories, changing the prospects of many old noble families in England who had long depended on the labor of serfs to maintain their position, power, and luxury. One of the common ways these struggling families attempted to recover was looking for women from the growing class of the new rich, captains of industry and opportunity who had to work for their fortunes and everything else they have with daughters on offer to the old elite with their connections and prestige. American heiresses were a popular choice, and I think it'd be fun to play one such heiress arriving in London in time for the Season looking for a prospective husband, she'd be rich and likely hot-headed and bold, not at all what the London gentlemen are used to, and they find they'll have to really give her a run for her money in order to get it. There's potential for a lot of characters here and different directions, I just know I'd like to have a few suitors for her at the very least.

Once & Future King - Arthurian Legend - mix of historical fiction and fantasy, will have an incestuous relationship between Arthur and Morgana (the name I tend to go with for my versions of Morgan le Fey's character) room for plenty of other kinks, breeding feels like it fits kind of naturally in here but doesn't have to be a big focus - current craving
I'm looking for a take on the Arthurian legends with a game that focuses around Arthur, Morgana, Lancelot, and Guinevere and the relationships that form between them. There'd of course be some politics and war going on here but I'm definitely wanting to be a bit more character focused. I have an idea for allowing Morgana to at least start out as protagonist on Arthur's side and only later becoming more of a threat. Essentially the plot to corrupt Arthur and use him to father a child from Morgana to create a rival for the leadership of Britain (in the name of the pagans instead of the Christians) would be started by Arthur and Morgana's aunt, Morgause, the head priestess of Avalon. Morgana would only learn that she and Arthur had been manipulated into a relationship and having a child until it's already happened, and eventually turn on Arthur and try to complete the plan with their son. Lancelot and and Guinevere would obviously have roles to play, I'd like to keep their love affair in the game, but perhaps have Arthur find out and eventually accept it. Bonus points to anyone who's willing to include some homoerotic elements in Lancelot and Arthur's relationship, but it's not required. I have ideas on where and how to start this but it's really up in the air and I'd like to figure that out with my partner.

Robin Hood - folklore/historical fiction, fantasy elements possible, adventure and intrigue, probably not especially kinky but could be smutty with the right angle
The story of Robin Hood is a classic, and I have always wanted to do something with it. I would especially love something along the lines of the 2010 version with Russell Crowe with a more historic lean and a stronger Marion, and possibly some female members in Robin's band. And of course the inclusion of the baddie, the Sheriff of Nottingham, whom I'd like to be a bit more serious than the usual bumbling, inept bully he's usually portrayed. My goal is to create a version that takes the best parts of all the others that we (my partner and I) like with our own additions and ideas. I think it'd work best starting out focused on just the Sherwood Forest situation then eventually start getting involved in bigger issues with England and the crown.
I'm thinking of doing a bit of a love triangle with Robin at the center between Marion and an OC I've thought of who would be a woman in disguise as a man who joins the Merry Men (likely running from something), when and how Robin discovers she's a woman is up in the air (could happen almost immediately or take some time), either way Marion would be very useful for the political side of things but the OC would be around for more of the every day adventures and fighting. How Robin handles this is mostly up to my partner but I'd really like to talk it over
There's also potential in the Merry Men themselves as characters and for smut.

Fantasy (general, modern, sci fi fusion)
The Witch and the Werewolf
- General Fantasy; kinks are fairly wide open as far as potential, but there would definitely be smut involving a werewolf in werewolf form
I keep trying to write a description for this that doesn't sound too much like a cheesy romance novel but the idea is honestly pretty straight forward. A witch living in the forest on the outskirts of her village finds a naked and injured man one morning and decides to help nurse him back to health. He claims to be a trapper who was attacked by a bear but is secretly a werewolf who knows he has to leave before the next full moon. The two grow attached to one another, complicating his plan to leave, and he also ends up pulled into the politics of the village, possibly putting the witch in even more danger as the villagers already tend to blame her for anything bad that happens. I'm imagining this story being mostly focused on the main pair, but with plenty of potential drama and intrigue fueled by the villagers. I think something eventually involving a witch trial could be interesting.

Balance of Scales - High Fantasy, Dragon Riders; kinks again are fairly wide open, but there would definitely be smut involving the dragon here
This game would start with a young woman finding a dragon egg out in the wild and having it hatch, but eventually move to being centered around an order of dragon riders, with plenty of potential to build into a larger plot involving war and myth and glory, all that good stuff. To start though, it would be about a girl who falls into a hidden cave on her family's farm and finds a dragon egg that hatches. She tries to raise the dragon in secret (thinking that he would be taken from her if everyone knew) with plans for both of them to escape one day, but of course is eventually discovered (the family could find out before the rest of the village or everyone finds out at once). Instead of the hatchling being taken from her, however, they are both taken and put in the kingdom's order of dragon riders, completely changing the trajectory of their lives.

The Taking of Persephone - Dubcon/Nonconsensual and BDSM elements likely, could range from being rather vanilla to very dark and twisted, depending on how my partner wants to play Hades - current craving
So this would be a retelling/reimagining of the Rape of Persephone, I changed the title there a bit so people didn't thin it was just a rape story. In this instance they don't mean literal rape, though it's of course implied that that probably also happened, but more her being literally taken by force. For those unfamiliar with the story:
Hades the god of the Underworld came to the world of the living one day seeking to escape his loneliness and sees Persephone, daughter of Demeter the goddess of the earth, picking flowers with the nymphs. He's instantly enraptured with her beauty and life and kidnaps her to take her to the Underworld to be his wife. Long story short, she refuses to eat while she's there, her mother throws an epic, goddess fit and refuses to let anything on Earth grow until she gets her daughter back. Zeus demands Hades give her back and he reluctantly agrees but before she leaves he tricks her into eating six pomegranate seeds, binding her to the Underworld forever. He's still forced to give her back but she must return to the Underworld to be with him every year for six months, then goes back to the Earth for six months. During the six months that she's in the Underworld, Demeter refuses to let anything grow in protest and the Earth grows cold and unyielding. This was the Greek's way of explaining the changing seasons, during the fall and winter, Persephone is in the Underworld and Demeter lets nothing grow. Then she returns and life returns to the Earth.

I would love to do something like this, staying either mostly true to the original myth or we could change things up somehow. Hades could be lonely and perhaps a little oblivious but mostly benevolent (towards Persephone anyway, I'd never call the God of the Underworld benevolent or harmless), or he could be more demanding and dominating. Persephone could even be willing to go with him and her mother just thinks she's been taken against her will, or doesn't believe that she would willingly go.

Twin Crowns - Fantasy or Historical - political intrigue, cast of characters, multiple partners, incest (siblings)
I've had this idea rolling around for a while and have tried to get going a couple of times in different forms but it's never gotten very far. Basically, I would like to do something involving a pair of royal twins who are competing to be named heir to their father's crown. There's a lot else that could be going on and happening but I want the twins to have a very twisted, unhealthy relationship, including a sexual and romantic element. The combination of being rivals, lovers, and siblings under the high stress of political competition and the usual family bullshit would be interesting I think. It'd likely be a darker toned game, how dark depends on my partner, and there would be a lot of other characters and smaller plotlines twisted in, but I want the twins and their relationship to generally be at the center.

Hunter vs Hunted - Fantasy, but could also be a Sci Fi/Fantasy fusion or Modern Fantasy game - I am definitely looking for someone comfortable playing inhuman or even bestial figures in some sex scenes, but not all
This game would revolve around a monster hunter guild/organization and one of the members, MC, a huntress, and her exploits both on and off the field. I think I'd like to match her against another hunter, a rival, who is secretly a beast himself, a werewolf. I have a bit of a cast of characters in mind though, and it isn't set in stone for that to be her match. I'd like to include classic fantasy races like elves and orcs, and a range of beasts that would either be featured, fought, or hunted, from humanoid and sentient ones such as vampires and werewolves, or semi humanoid like satyrs and nagi, outright mythical beasts like chimera or gyphons or even dragons. I'm not against pairing it down to something more centrally themed and modern but I was imagining this more as a mid to high fantasy game. If you're not comfortable playing at least semi human/humanoid characters in smut, this is not the game for you

Modern (realistic and supernatural)

Fang vs Claw - Modern Supernatural - female werewolf and male vampire game, probably some dub con

People don't seem to like female werewolves much but I actually really like playing them, and I really like the idea of pairing one with a male vampire as a bit of a twist on the usual gender roles of that kind of pairing. I like the idea of it being set in a city that's being vied over by a pack of werewolves and a clan of vampires to claim it as their territory. So I think a classic enemies turn lovers kind of story and situation. It could be more of a longterm stalement kind of situation where both have been existing in the city for some time, or one could have been established for some time and the other has recently started edging in. Either way, the story will likely be building up to a big confrontation between the two. Maybe things between the main pair contribute to tensions boiling over?

A Werewolf in Las Vegas - Modern Supernatural - looking for someone comfortable with playing a werewolf in his were-form in sex scenes - current craving
I feel like a modern, urban environment like Las Vegas is the last place you'd expect to find a werewolf, which means it would be a great place for one to hide in plain sight. My character would be a new transplant to the city who's also seeking to use its size and bustle to escape an abusive ex. I'm imagining two people with a lot of issues trying to figure out a relationship while dealing with said issues. Also, plot twist, her ex is also a werewolf lol maybe that's cliche, and it wouldn't come out for a very long time, she wouldn't even know, but I think a dramatic reappearance and confrontation one day would be interesting. This would likely be a bit of a slow burn, not too slow and still aiming for it being pretty intense, but given their respective issues I don't see them jumping into bed together immediately.

Futuristic Sci Fi
In Sanguis Veritas- Futuristic Supernatural Apocalypse Sci Fi (yeah sounds nuts lmao) - monster hunter x probably vampire (but could be a werewolf or demon or really any sort of infernal/undead being)
This idea actually comes with an inspiration picture (sfw), which spawned the whole thing. That image would basically be MC's armor, a holy monster hunter for probably the Roman Catholic Church but this will take place so far in the future it could be some made up one. Regardless, as I said this is pretty far in the future, how far we can decide, but in this setting there was an apocalyptic event some time in the late 20th/early 21st century (1980-2020). A team of archaeologists find an ancient artifact and pull a Mummy, opening it and unleashing a sort of curse, this time opening a portal that allows all the monsters and magic and strange things that were once real and fill human folklore to come back. There's more to this but I'm trying to keep this to being a summary. Centuries later, and humanity has been struggling to survive ever since the Arc event (as I'm calling it) with entire regions of the planet either destroyed in the fight to keep back the tide of hellish monsters and demons and others having been lost and now under the control of infernal forces. How far humanity has fallen is up for debate, there could be cities or regions still intact where humans still mostly have hold, or they could have been reduced down to having to either live in hiding, as nomads constantly on the move, or as slaves/vessels to the other side.
The story itself is kind of open, I have some ideas, but it would definitely revolve around my huntress and one of the monsters she's meant to hunt.

Building a Better Boyfriend - Futuristc sci fi, not sure what flavor - humanoid robot or android and human woman, definitely a bit of a slow burn
This is a fairly recent idea so it's not very concrete yet, the world is definitely advanced enough for androids to be pretty common place but there are laws and rules regulating them and AI in general. MC would be someone who is a tinkerer by night and maybe some kind of mechanic during the day, and has been working on building her own android for a while. Or it could be a recent project but either way, she's built it mostly gathering parts and scraps from the various junkyards she likes to scour. Her life isn't the greatest, and she's recently tried to end a very toxic off and on relationship again and throws herself into this project to distract herself from all her problems, and finally finishes it. I'm not entirely sure where things would go from here, I have some ideas, but I was definitely thinking that this android ends up developing he's not supposed to according to AI laws (which are meant to keep androids and robots from becoming too individualistic or self aware) and a romance starts up. I'm looking for someone to play the android, and would prefer someone who would be up for their character being very simplistic at first and then becoming more and more complex as the game progresses. I'd like to poke around at the whole ethics around AI too, not just looking for robot porn, but I mean, definitely want some in there ha
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Fandom Ideas

On Canon Characters vs OC Characters

I am not generally looking to play as or against canon characters, except for with a few favorite fandoms or if my partner is really up for it but in general I'm just looking to play OCs and come up with our own ideas
On Doubling
I no longer double. Meaning I no longer do fandom games where there are two main pairs to usually accommodate both people's interests in a given fandom (I play an OC and your favorite character, you play an OC and my favorite character and then we pair them up) it sounds like a nice compromise but it almost never works out. I'm more open to having two games going with one partner to try and cover everyone's interests.

-Mass Effect - see below
-Dragon Age - see below
-Baldur's Gate 3 - to be upfront, I haven't completely finished this game myself, I'm very close tho and I've basically had a lot of it spoiled for me by now. I'm not sure what I'd like to do here but there's plenty of potential. I love Halsin and Astarion, Wyll is also pretty cool, I think I could pull off Karlach, as well as Lae'zel and probably Shadowheart. And of course, there's always The Twins lmao and a lot of other interesting side characters actually (I was a little disappointed how little you got to flirt with random side characters actually)
-Red Dead Redemption 2 - mostly interested in canon characters, since the game is so real-world it wouldn't feel right without them, really love Arthur, John, Sadie, Abigail, Javier, and Mary-Beth
-Fallout - Hancock is my favorite companion in the game and of course the one I always romance, I would love to do something with him, either with the Sole Survivor or some other Commonwealth citizen, maybe someone in need of help showing up in Goodneighbor. See below for a more fleshed-out idea I have

-Terminator - see below
-Aliens - looking to do something with an OC crew having their own xenomorph encounter that they have to try and survive
-Tron & Tron Legacy - see below
-The Lost Boys - one of my all-time favorite movies, I'd love to do something set in vampire infested Santa Carla still during the 80s or maybe in the 90s. Another older teen/young adult kind of supernatural adventure and drama I think, with some steamy parts of course (like so many of my favorite 80s monster and horror movies)

-Tolkien works - mostly interested in OC characters, maybe some that are mentioned and lightly covered, and either doing something original or working with the history of the world. I love Rohan and the Rohirrim, I would love to do something with a shield maiden, but playing an elf or even a halfling could be fun. Only canon characters I'd be interested in doing anything with are Eowyn and Faramir
-Bram Stoker's Dracula - really more interested in doing twists or different versions of this story, with similar characters like Dracula and Van Helsing, Jonathan and Mina, etc
-Hunger Games - I don't have any firm ideas here, but I feel like there's a lot of potential for OCs and stories set before or during the books, maybe after tho I dunno what we'd do

Full(ish) Ideas

Dragon Age - This is one of the few where I'm interested in playing as or against canon characters, I will only not play as Josephine in DAI. This is one of the only fandoms I will double up on canon characters for

-Dragon Age Origins Redux - I'd be very up for doing a version of the game where my partner and I both play a warden who survives the Joining in the beginning at Ostagar. They could be any of the origin stories in the game or someone completely different. This can also be pretty smutty to be honest haha I like pretty much all of the romance options in this game (Leiliana is probably my least favorite in this game but I'm still up for playing her as a side/secondary character) so I feel like we could figure out a good group dynamic like in the game or if we'd prefer to focus on certain characters that works too. I have other ideas on approaches with the canon story, but this is the most developed.
-Dragon Age 2 - like a lot of fans, this game isn't my favorite, but I'll admit I love Fenris so he could be a good offering for a double up, it could take place during DA2 or after, there's a lot of possible situations he ends up in
-Dragon Age Inquisition - while, as usual, I'd be happy to play OCs anywhere in this story and world, I love most of the main crew and the romance options. Solas is my favorite but Cullen bumps up at a close second, I'd love playing against either of them or the Iron Bull, I have an itch to pair Cassandra and the Iron Bull, I love their flirty banter when in a party together. I'd be happy to play Cassandra, Leliana, Morrigan, and maybe Vivien, I don't think I'd like to play Josephine as a main character or for smut and I don't do ff much so Sera isn't likely either. There's a lot of interesting side characters and stories you encounter in this world tho and there's some that might be fun to flesh out, like the Grey Warden and the sailor you read about on the Iron Coast.
-Taken to the Tower- a Dalish elf mage (MC) is separated from her clan during the fifth Blight in Denerim. Templars (including YC) are sent to capture her after reports of an apostate reach them, and manage to do so before taking her back to the Circle Tower. I think it'd be interesting to have a Dalish elf with some training under her belt already trying to be assimilated into the Circle, trying to stay in line enough to stay alive but always looking for opportunities to work towards an escape. YC would be a Templar though side characters who are other mages are also very possible. Could basically have this all lead up to the events where the Tower is taken over by abominations, with our characters using the chaos to escape and with my Dalish mage being so newly acquired, they could still smash their blood vial too before they escape and not be registered by the Chantry
-I'd like to do something with some OC Grey Wardens, maybe set in one of the past Blights instead of the Fifth since it was so small and most of them were killed. Would be open to having it set in between Blights when things are slow and could have them get into something unrelated to the Blight.
-There's also plenty of political and social situations that the game talks about or you read about that we could work with, countries we haven't been to yet in the games, any of the past wars or even something with the Dalish, Qunari are also very cool to me. An interaction between the Dalish and Qunari could actually be pretty interesting

Mass Effect
This has always been one of my favorite game series but with the Legendary Edition having just come out and me replaying it, I'm REALLY into this setting. I'd be up for canon characters here but I could have an entire thread of just Mass Effect content, so feel free to message me about this to talk about any ideas you have. I have a few characters on the no list (like Miranda) but this is something I'd like to talk about with my partner if they want canon characters involved. Most of my ideas are for OCs, I have a lot of small ideas for this, I might add them more later, for now just the big one. Definitely feel free to just message me about interest in this game because I could have a whole thread for just Mass Effect ideas honestly
Garrus is my absolute favorite, I am a shameless turian fangirl in general to be honest, so if you like turians, I'm your best friend. Don't ask me to play an Asari stripper though, I'm not doing it.

-First Contact - OC Male Turian x OC Female Human
Set during the First Contact War between the turians and humanity when humans were first discovered (the first meeting resulting in a skirmish that lead to a brief 'war' between the two before the Council stepped in), this would revolve around two individuals from either side of the conflict. Most likely two soldiers but the human could also be a civilian captive being held by a turian or turians. If the two are military, it could be a turian captive or a human captive for whichever side. Or perhaps both are stranded after a fight and have to work together to survive (a la Enemy Mine), or a blend of the two. I have a lot of ideas for after the war too revolving around their relationship.

-Slice of Life Stuff - I actually just really like the Mass Effect setting and think it'd be fun to have a slice of life story set on The Citadel or a colony world or possibly Omega or Illium. There are a lot of good potential locations and settings.

Terminator - through the first two movies and Dark Fate we basically learn that multiple terminators were sent back and we know from all of the movies that the future, and therefor sometimes the past, is changed multiple times. So I feel like this story is kind of wide open. I'd love to play Sarah Connor, and love Kyle Reese, but I also love John Connor, and the first two terminators at least are interesting to me. A human and a terminator in the future during the water, the machine perhaps accidentally damaged and bonding to a human or being purposefully reprogrammed as a protector, or something, could also be a lot of fun.

Love & Life in the Commonwealth (Fallout)- This would be set after the events of the main game and focus on the on and off again relationship with lots of drama and wasteland action mixed in between my sole survivor and Hancock. Essentially, the sole survivor decided to retire to try and have a normal life and raise Shaun after dealing with the Institute and the Brotherhood, but Hancock being Hancock couldn't commit to the domestic life and took over the Minutemen instead while Elizabeth (my sole survivor) ended becoming mayor of Concord. I'd like to start up a year or two after the events of the game and basically do something that's part slice of life and part action-drama (with as much romance and smut as we can work in lol)

Tron: New User -This idea would involve a programmer-by-day-hacker-by-night who more or less detecting a signal coming from The Grid, possibly the source of a virus that's been causing problems out in the world or maybe a distress signal from a fallen Tron, but either way she ends up pulled into The Grid with a reawoken but injured Tron trying to protect and guide her through it. This is a long shot but it's been rattling around in my head for a long time

The Realms of Middle Earth - I don't have any completely firm or formed-up ideas here, but I've been itching to do something with a Rohirrim shieldmaiden, set well before the movies since they weren't really around by then anymore, or it could be set afterward with a new regiment established. Who to pair her with is up in the air, a fellow Rohirrim, a Gondorian, an Elf? I'm not sure, send me a message if this gives you any ideas.
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On Ghosting:

I've been roleplaying now for years and years, and anyone who's been rping for very long will no doubt believe me when I tell you that that means I have dealt with a LOT of ghosting. It used to bother me a lot and I used to strive really hard not to ghost people myself and I do still generally prefer to let people know if a game is over. However, after having had this happen now probably hundreds of times, I've accepted it as a part of the game. I don't like being ghosted but I've definitely encountered situations where it was best to just say nothing or I've gotten so busy I've completely forgotten about a game, so I give leeway. Life happens, if you disappear off the site for a while with no word, you can always message me to see if I'm still interested, I won't hold it against you. I don't guarantee I'll still be interested but if I liked working with you I'll likely be willing to give things another go.

HOWEVER, if you're someone I've gotten a game going with (especially if it's been going for months or longer so that I've gotten a little invested in it) and you suddenly stop responding to me and ignore my attempts to find out what's going on while still being clearly active on the site/messenger, I'll likely be blocking you as I do feel that's a little disrespectful.

I get that this is just a hobby, and that it shouldn't take priority over anything to do with real life, but I write in a way that actually does take time and energy for me, and if I really like a game and it has worldbuilding and lots of character development, etc, I've invested some of myself into it. Being ghosted by someone when a game is still new is one thing, being abandoned after investing hours and hours of research, planning, and writing is different especially when they're still active and are just ignoring you. If you're someone who isn't capable of taking a minute to type 'I'm sorry, I can't continue with this' for someone who you've known for months or years and you know has invested themselves like that, then please just leave me alone. I get that I'm not entitled to anything but if you think your partners don't deserve a little common courtesy then I'm not the one for you.
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