Mx Female The Unusual Werewolf Pack (longterm polyamorous plot)


At parity with pears...
Apr 7, 2017
From the Flames of Creativity
A village that is in the middle of a forest had requested the help of an adventurer to take care of a pack of werewolves. The behavior is very unusual, as they never attacked humans, instead showing attempts at seduction of men who were alone.

A male adventurer comes, thinking that this was just another monster slaying job. However, he soon encounters the pack when the full moon comes. The pack is smaller than expected, consisting of only two members, and they're non-aggressive females with no Alpha. The Adventurer decides to not slay, but tame. He has to now figure out someway to become their Alpha, without becoming a werewolf himself.

This is meant to be a Longterm plot, with a polyamorous relationship between a human adventurer and two female werewolves. Not going for a harem (as in 3+ girls) here. Will actually like to do world building for this fantasy setting. I can also change things if asked. This will be done through PM.

I welcome furries here, I actually would encourage it actually. Just keep in mind, I will like my parter to be female as I prefer organic interactions, plus knowing that I'm with a male partner is way too distracting for me. Sorry.

I can easily do at least two paragraphs per post, but I match effort. Just be warned, I am busy in life, so I often can't reply fast. Sometimes, it takes me a day or two to reply sadly. However, I ask you to not assume I abandoned the plot. I commit to my roleplays. If I fall quiet, just reach out and ask. I'll be patient in turn for you if you too are busy.

I will want to keep the plot in a separate PM as I come up with a lot of ideas and would like to keep it separate so the plot doesn't get lost.

My kinks here will be the following: Outdoor sex, slutty outfits, collars, aftercare, creampies, and exhibitionism. I can add or remove things to suit your own kinks as long as they are not my limits.

For limits, they are: gore, sexual violence, death, anything that belongs in the toilet, and characters under the age of 18. These are hard limits, bit if there's a nonfatal version to things, I might be convinced.

If you are interested or have questions, feel free to contact me via PM. Thanks for checking this out.
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