Mx Any A Subject of the Scarlet Empire - BDSM Fantasy Nonsense

Sep 19, 2022
Ever since the conquest, the earth around the city had not been treated with the reverence and the solemnity it once had. Before the Scarlet Empire forced this land to its knees, verdant expanses and fertile valleys crowded the environs of the capital of a people who took silent pride in their nation's balanced bonds with the natural world. Trees grew tall. Flowers grew pretty. The rivers flowed, and the minstrels sangs.

Behold! Where now three hundred subjects of the Scarlet Empire toil in the clay-studded earth to create ditches and quarries, there were once groves of brilliant color. Where the air was once rich with the scent of honey and pollen, crude fumes of industry crawl like mist to the beat of steel-fastened drums and the screamed orders of taskmasters. Wooden machinery creaks. The flash and the twang and the sting of a whip. Because this is, even in its changed state, a rich land, and the Scarlet Empire has a hunger to match. Its cogs must run smoothly, and the labor of this people will ease their turns.

But what is that? From the old capital, now changed into a vast and dark pleasure-fortress for the regional magnates imported from the Empire, comes a procession on horseback. A great carriage wreathed in flowing fabrics is in their midst. Knights in burnished armor ornate with Imperial insignia flank the caravan, and at its head... A figure whose silhouette all know. Even those beyond the Empire knows of the Auditors, recognizable by their great triangular, plumed helmets and their gold-red veils. Their clothing obscures their bodies and their identities, and their voices are known to sound equally masculine and feminine. They are heralds of the one of the core institutions of the Scarlet Empire: the Conditioning.

The taskmasters scurry to greet the Auditor and their entourage with all due ceremony. The Auditor atop their dark grey stallion, resplendent in gilded caparison, seems to barely see them. Instead, they ride onwards, past the Imperials bent forward in supplication, and approach the harried mass of local laborers. Bodies coated in sweat, grime, dust and earth. Kept nourished for their ability to work, not for their deeper health. Clad in what rags their masters have deemed sufficient for the day.

The Auditor watches them from a small earthen rise in silence. Even the drums, the heartbeat of labor, have stopped.

The figure points.

"That one. That one. And that one."

The knights advance as the Auditor turns again and trots back towards the city. A moment of utter stunned silence passes. Realization hits. Three here have been chosen for Conditioning.

Three of this people will be taken to the Scarlet Empire's capital, to its very heart, where they will serve its most elite members. At least, after they have been Conditioned.

Ever since the Conquest...


Salutations. Hi. I'm T, 29, male, and been roleplaying and writing for years and years. Been to more than a few smutty corners of the internet, though the only roleplaying I've seriously done have been on Reddit and Discord. I've finally found my way to Blue Moon, and I look forward to exploring a new, wonderful world here - and hopefully provide you, yes you, with some quality, customized, laser-targeted written smut and erotica.

To give a bit more context: I'm an English Literature major (although English is a second language to me); I am a voracious reader and slut for the whole cluster of anthropological and humanistic spheres of knows - history, sociology, psychology, and so on; I love a good story, a good world, a good situation dripping with tone and a sense of authenticity and artistry; I adore the weird and the visceral; I want the wholesome and the cute to mingle and mix with the absolutely depraved and disgusting.

My sexuality is a bit of constant work in process. I generally identify as bisexual/pansexual, but the exact content of my sexual imagination depend on a wide number of factors. Mood. Current psychological state. My partner. Current inspirations and aesthetic likings. A huge number of things can inflect what I'm currently into. This isn't to say that I'm fickle, merely than I'm flexible, and that I am open to new states of sexuality and new sources of inspiration. And I must emphasize how incredibly important connection is to me. Nothing is more intensely erotic, empowering, and overall fun to feel like I'm hitting a unique, idiosyncratic, shared frequency of artsy-sexy-writing smuttiness with my partner. If that sounds a little abstract and ephemeral, it's... Because it kind of is. But oh, it is magical when that zone is found and tapped into.

My kinks are a bit of grab bag. The exact sexual content tends to be fluid and vary with story, the idea, and what my partner enjoys. But some themes I generally enjoy include: Impregnation, anal, oral, gangbang/group sex, costume play, age differences, partner contrasts, dom/sub dynamics, monsters, casual/open sex/free use, masturbation, squirting, power dynamics, futa, gender play, CNC, cum play, horror and fantasy elements.

One quite important point: I tend to not write first-person, and generally do not project myself very much into my writing and roleplaying. Thus I tend to enjoy writing third person, but I very much enjoy my partner writing first-person if they wish to. Being the "GM" comes quite naturally to me, and is generally enjoyable to me as well. Having that space to really focus in on my partner's character's experience is tremendously reward to me.

To return to this particular idea: It's an idea as old as time, I realize, and it takes a bit from various sources. But in short: A BDSM-tinged, hyper-depraved journey where your character find themselves brought to the Imperial capital for Conditioning - which, I suppose, can be summarized as "training to be a combined courtesan, sex slave, advisor and breeder". The specifics are as-of-yet uncodified, and I'm happy to develop them with you.

Stay safe.
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