- Joined
- Jul 24, 2020
- Location
- Northern Europe
Currently no longer taking any new players. There will be new chapters of the Naked City Chronicles opening up in the future.
There are many places that lay claim to the title: Most Haunted House; but none can even begin to hold a candle to the old mansion that sits alone on a hill in the middle of Greenfield Park, overlooking lake Palmeer, or Mirkwater as it is commonly known.
This is the first chapter of an evolving and expanding story and will be based on two locations (The Haunted Mansion & Wonderland Sanatorium) from my Naked City RT.
Looking for 2-4 players to play as either Paranormal Investigators or Urban Explorers attempting to solve the mystery or even just explore the mansion for the experience. They will play against my main character for The Naked City (who will act as their guide, someone who knows a safe way into the mansion). I will also play any additional characters as they are needed, unless another player volunteers to do so.
Add your characters here:
But please contact me first.
Plotting and planning goes here:
There are many places that lay claim to the title: Most Haunted House; but none can even begin to hold a candle to the old mansion that sits alone on a hill in the middle of Greenfield Park, overlooking lake Palmeer, or Mirkwater as it is commonly known.
This is the first chapter of an evolving and expanding story and will be based on two locations (The Haunted Mansion & Wonderland Sanatorium) from my Naked City RT.
The Naked City Never Sleeps (Adventure, Slice of Life, Sci Fi, Post-Apocalyptic, Paranormal, Horror, Mystery)
The Naked City never sleeps. This is an idea I developed some time ago, inspired by a roleplay on a different site, that I ever so often feel I want to get off the ground. It is far from a finished concept and I would love all kinds of worldbuilding input. It is a very open-ended idea that can...

Looking for 2-4 players to play as either Paranormal Investigators or Urban Explorers attempting to solve the mystery or even just explore the mansion for the experience. They will play against my main character for The Naked City (who will act as their guide, someone who knows a safe way into the mansion). I will also play any additional characters as they are needed, unless another player volunteers to do so.
Jane Marie, Jamie (Abbreviation of Jane Marie from before she could speak properly), was born to a junkie prostitute on the very day the earth had its first officially confirmed encounter with an extra terrestrial civilisation. Something Jamie herself has occasionally resorted to whenever she was living on the streets, along with pick pocketing and petty theft.
She was assigned female at birth but shortly before puberty her body began to show signs of male body parts. Despite this she still kept referring to herself as a girl and used the pronouns she and her.
The ability to camouflage herself against any surface and remain unseen by human eyes, as long as she kept perfectly still, first manifested itself on the same day she had her first and only period. The nightmares that didn't have the decency to remain dreams began shortly after. Soon after that she also developed telepathic abilities, heightened agility and a highly evolved intuition.
Drowning had always scared Jane Marie ever since she was a little girl and her mother had left her alone in the bath while she took care of a client. She couldn't have been more than four at the time and she had fallen asleep in the bath, too scared of what her mother would do if she disturbed her while she was working. She had been under water for a while before the client had found her when he went to the bathroom to piss. He had lifted her up and shaken her until she woke up and then he had pissed into the cold bath water. Before he had left he had smiled at her, ruffled her hair and said that there might come a day when she would curse him for saving her life. She couldn't honestly say that he cursed him for it but the way her life had turned out he was right. It might perhaps have been better if he had allowed her to drown that night.
She was removed from her mother's care at the age of six after several complaints among which one came from the above mentioned client of her mother's. Since there was no determinable father or grand parents Jamie ended up in the foster care system, a damaged child that lashed out against everyone that tried to help her or care for her as well as offering the male staff members sexual favours to get anything from cookies to cigarettes, alcohol or other drugs.
She was assigned female at birth but shortly before puberty her body began to show signs of male body parts. Despite this she still kept referring to herself as a girl and used the pronouns she and her.
The ability to camouflage herself against any surface and remain unseen by human eyes, as long as she kept perfectly still, first manifested itself on the same day she had her first and only period. The nightmares that didn't have the decency to remain dreams began shortly after. Soon after that she also developed telepathic abilities, heightened agility and a highly evolved intuition.
Drowning had always scared Jane Marie ever since she was a little girl and her mother had left her alone in the bath while she took care of a client. She couldn't have been more than four at the time and she had fallen asleep in the bath, too scared of what her mother would do if she disturbed her while she was working. She had been under water for a while before the client had found her when he went to the bathroom to piss. He had lifted her up and shaken her until she woke up and then he had pissed into the cold bath water. Before he had left he had smiled at her, ruffled her hair and said that there might come a day when she would curse him for saving her life. She couldn't honestly say that he cursed him for it but the way her life had turned out he was right. It might perhaps have been better if he had allowed her to drown that night.
She was removed from her mother's care at the age of six after several complaints among which one came from the above mentioned client of her mother's. Since there was no determinable father or grand parents Jamie ended up in the foster care system, a damaged child that lashed out against everyone that tried to help her or care for her as well as offering the male staff members sexual favours to get anything from cookies to cigarettes, alcohol or other drugs.
Add your characters here:
Naked City - The Cast.
Name: Age: Species: Height/Weight: Gender Identity: (including preferred pronouns) Sexual Orientation: Profession: Distinguishing features: Which chapter of The Naked City Chronicles the character appears in: Kinks favoured by the character: Kinks favoured by the player: Biography: The Naked...

Plotting and planning goes here:
Naked City OoC.
So this is where we will coordinate, organise and discuss plot and character ideas for The Naked City Chronicles. These are the stories currently running:

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