Mx Female Kinky ideas


Jun 29, 2017
Hello everyone.
Currently I'm craving something consensual and light hearted. When you message me, let me know what type of roleplays you like, what type of character you like to play and what type of character relationship you like to explore.

Feel free to let me know any other information you'd like me know as well. I feel like the more we know what the other wants, the more fun we all can have.

ps: I end up playing a lot of non-con ideas. If you have an idea that not a non-con idea, I'll probably agree to play it no mater what.

Vague concepts I like :
-seduction/slippery slope
-married couple
-rough/selfish sex
-heat/mating rituals

And tons more. I like a lot of things and can always add the taboo element later

Here are a few generic scenarios

Incest: Daddy/daddy’s little girl -An father loves his little girl. When he finds out she wants to start having serious relationships, he gets seriously possessive.

Cheating: there is a million ways to play this one as well. There are ideas where one or two of them are in a relationship, yet either one or both can't resist the other. There are ideas where harmless flirting goes to far. I have about five different ways I could play this one and am willing to hear any ideas you may have.

Human/animal boy with animal/ human girl *current craving* - idea is simple. Either one or both characters is an animal with their mating instinct turn to eleven and needed to mate with pretty much anyone regardless of the situation. There can be situations with arranged marriages or a situation with a feral beast.

Pm me if any of those ideas sound interesting and we can work on a roleplay together.
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