Love and Monsters (Masculine Offerings)

Sep 13, 2022


| she / her |XXXX status: openXXXX ☑ seeking: long termXXXX ☑ threads / PM's /Discord }



01. I'm Superluminal. I am a writer here to find a partner to lavish creative attention on,
and a story to sink my teeth into.
Please PM me to inquire! Do not post in the thread.

02. This thread will detail my masculine offerings. The feminine one will be available soon!
I am an experienced writer/roleplayer of 13 years ish. I like evocative prose, detailed settings,
and an enthusiastic partner. I am a busy adult, but I do enjoy getting to know my partners ooc
and building friendship as well as a tale. Hedgehogs are cool.

∎ Variable
∎ GMT+8
∎ 1+/day


High Fantasy
Low Fantasy
Space Opera
Post Apocalyptic (fantastical)
Historical (please inquire)

Shapeshifter x witch
Dark fae x summoner/changeling child
Monster x human offering
Satyr x human
Demigod x witch/princess/???
Demon/fae x hunter
Centaur x centaur
Alien x human
Werebeast x human/witch
Fae x fae
Your suggestion

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Power dynamic
Light bondage
Dubious consent
Public sex


Craving 1 ┃ Drk elf x other humanoid race
Craving 2 ┃ summoned monster x witch or princess


◣The Maiden and the Selkie
A selkie prince--those shapeshifters fair who are as seals in the water, and remove their skin to walk as alluring humans upon the sands--aspires to take a human woman to wife. He is drawn to her as he is drawn to the sea, in a yearning powerful way he cannot describe. He only knows he must have her. The woman (a fisherman's daughter, the daughter of a seaside king, a witch, whatever you'd like best), has always felt a strange inevitability about the waters. And she is not without her enemies on land--from local men pressuring her father for her hand, or even bandit princes or foreign soldiers riding up and down the green coast of her land. She and the selkie find refuge in each other, longing, companionship. But he can't take her to his palace in the sea human as she is. Luckily, either by blood or chance, the woman knows of a witch (or potentially a grandmother) to ask for a hidden selkie skin that can transform her. The journey inland is dangerous, and our heroes are menaced by those who would hunt them.

◣The Light at Death's Door
The orc city of Argash never sleeps. A cosmopolitan metropolis of luxury, vice and magic, a precarious royal dynasty perches atop a violent and unsteady tripod made up of three major gangs, roughly hacked across species lines--orcs, dark elves and humanity (though the city is host to a wide variety of races and cultures). Battles lines are drawn and blood is spilled in the vast dark valley between rich and poor, and the occasional assassination is remedied through the skillful application of blood magic paid for in blood diamonds and drugs.

At that intersection of assassination an resurrection, our characters meet. She was someone important to a major gang leader. YC, a daughter, a favored escort, a mage, a magical anomaly or lost royal--someone too important to stay dead in a conflict over who truly holds the keys to this city. MC is a skilled practitioner of blood magic, tasked by their mutual patron (or an enemy) to revive and protect her, until the perpetrator is found and dragged to a painful Argashi justice. But the price for cheating death is steep, and YC isn’t the only one with enemies and a past eager to get even.

There is a lot of flexibility in this setting--the tone of the relationship can be anything from bodyguard x client type romance, or reluctant allies to lovers, something more dark and transactional based on their skill sets or magical requirements, etc.

◣The Moon's Lariat
A kingdom on the shore of a warm and shallow sea, of white beaches, cypress forests and cloudscraping mountains--once prosperous and wealthy, is burning under the effect of a horrific curse. What is assumed to be a dark mage or a vengeful demigod summoned a drop of the sun, and coaxed it into multiplying elemental demon bent on burning the land to a charred, lifeless waste. The magic used to make it is old, and fell, that only arts long sealed away have a hope of combating it.

A princess or a witch performs an ancient ritual under a black moon to summon a demigod of werewolves--one of the First Children of the Moon--from the underworld in hopes of breaking the curse. But the prince of wolves has his price, and the negotiation has fangs.
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