Femdom, come play with my boys


Aug 29, 2020
Hey hey!

So, as the title says, I'm looking for some femdom plots to play around with. I usually do M/M, but lately I've been having an itch that I really want to scratch. However, I'm looking for something quite specific, which I'm going to explain a little further down.

First though, I'll write down a few things that I'm looking for in a roleplay partner:

1) I enjoy longer replies and my usual reply is anywhere between 500-800 words. So I'd appreciate more than a few short lines from my writing partner as well.

2) I write in 3rd person only.

3) Plotting is important for me and it helps me keep interested in the story. So I'd like to be able to bounce ideas back and forth and see what we can come up with. I personally don't much like going in blind and just going with the flow, but that doesn't mean we have to plan out every single tiny detail about the rp either. Small surprises are nice too.

4) I'm not super strict when it comes to grammar and such, but I do appreciate some care being put into replies. Punctuation at the very least, because otherwise the text just becomes hard to read.

5) I only rp on this site, so no discord or other stuff like that.

Anyway, I feel like those are the most important things I'm looking for in a writing partner! Moving on~

As for the roleplay itself, I'm looking for plots where YC (your character) takes practically complete control over mine. I enjoy dub-con scenarios where MC (my character) isn't a completely willing participant of this new dynamic at first, but also can't help being into it much to his embarrassment.

I like stories that have a good balance of sex and plot combined. Some of the kinks that I'm looking for would be;

- Humiliation (public and otherwise)
- Sissification
- Pegging
- Pet play
- Edging and teasing
- Chastity cages
- Cuckolding
- Orientation play (for example making MC have sex with other men or only allowing him to masturbate to gay porn)
- Denial/only allowed to fuck YC with a strap-on
- MC giving oral
- Threesomes or a three-way relationship with another man

I enjoy scenarios where MC had some very traditional preconceptions about what the roles of a man and a woman should be in a relationship and YC basically turning them all upside down and making MC take on the "housewife" role he wanted to push on YC. Things like MC becoming financially dependent on YC are also stuff that could be fun to include. My f-list is in here if you want to take a look.

And although I enjoy YC going hard on MC, I do want there to be an emotional connection too and sweeter/softer moments in the mix.

I also have some reference pics that 'inspired' me right here (NSFW!): one, two.

Some of the plot ideas I had are listed down below, but if you have any ideas of your own, feel free to pitch them to me! ^^ when you send me a PM though, I'd appreciate a little more than "wanna rp?"

MC is a successful businessman/lawyer/etc. who has been looking for a woman to marry and start a family with. He met YC, a successful career woman in her own right, at a charity event and they began dating some time ago. MC has begun to push his expectations of YC staying home as a housewife on her, until YC decides that's not how she wants things to go.

MC has always had rather unrealistic expectations of his girlfriend, YC. She always tried to live by his expectations because she wanted to please him, but when MC suggests an open relationship because she "can't satisfy him anymore", YC's come to the limits of her patience with him. She agrees to an open relationship, but only if she can choose his partners for him - needless to say, MC will be getting a lot more than he bargained for.

MC cheated on YC one too many times. He says he'll change his ways, but YC no longer believes in just his word. If he really wants to prove himself to her, he's in for a strict regime from now on.

When our characters started dating, everyone said it'd be a difficult journey because of their different backgrounds. YC is from a wealthy and influential family where she grew up very sheltered. MC is from a rough neighborhood and the most educated person in his family for having graduated high school. MC always says he wants to do more with his life, but YC notices he's having trouble backing up his claims with real actions to do better. Maybe what MC needs is some discipline that he never had to deal with before.
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