Mx Any Take it or Leave it!

Aug 24, 2022
Hello, I am looking for anyone who is interested in rping with me. I prefer PM if we plan to do NSFW but if you want to do SFW, more than happy to create a thread or Pming is fine as well.

First things first, I would like to point out that I will adjust with what my rp partner can handle. If you want to extreme, I will do extreme, if you can't handle certain things, we will go as far as you can go.

Now that we got that out of the way, let me introduce the genres I enjoy rping: Anything but historical and fandoms.

If you got this far, please go ahead message me. From there we will discuss any ideas you have or I have. Thanks and happy Rping!!!

Edit: Right now I have too many rps in my pm box. Thank for understanding. Will open depending if I can put up with more, but right now, closed for rp requests.
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