Mx Female Looking for long term story based RP partner


The eternal shadow
Feb 5, 2021
Hey everyone, I have two plots in mind, one modern and the other medieval. Looking for someone into long term dark fantasy/action rp with a slow building romance. NSFW is ok with me however I only do story based RP so as long as it is not strictly a kink rp I am ok with it. Although I have my own plots in mind I am open to discussing others or making something new together as well. I do have a strong preference for dark beings as rp partners. I don't really like werewolves and furries. Looking for someone who can also contribute to the story/world as well and who can be available to post somewhat regularly (within reason, at least a couple times a week minimum though I can be understanding and patient if a person need time away for whatever reason). Possible themes, these just depend on the plot we establish and may or may not ever occur it is just some of the things I am ok with in an RP.

  • graphic violence
  • torture
  • gore/horror
  • Abuse/ abusive language
  • SA
So updating this thread to simply hold the stories I have come up with and will keep them updated as I add more details and such.

The forbidden dead wood forest, was a safe hold for many dark beasts. A sort of unspoken truce had settled between the humans and the beings within. As long as they staid to the confines of the woods they were relatively safe. Save for a few hunters brave and stupid enough to try to collect the trophies within. Living on the edge of the forest was a creature. Centuries of isolation had eroded her mind save a few simple words taught to her by a human that can only be considered a friend. A lone injured knight whom had wondered into the cannon. Sir. Edmond was appointed on a near suicide mission to hunt down a pack of werewolves with a small group of soldiers. He had successfully succeeded in his mission, but the ordeal had left him bloodied with gaping wounds and a broken shoulder when he was swiped against a tree. He had wondered for hours, dripping blood lost in the darkness of the forest. Eerie shadows played with with the trees and his mind, the only relief being that of the pale moonlight. The forest was dangerous he knew, but what choice did he have? He wouldn't last till morning. The man had unknowing stepped on a guide wire of web that was laced throughout the cannon and the entrance along the wood. This would prove a near fatal mistake, but also his saving grace. The Arachne's keen senses picked up the vibrations that trickled along the threads, she would ascend with wrath and furry upon the knight and would have killed him then if not for satiated hunger. At that moment the for the need for vengeance for the cruelty his race had shown her was her ambition. She paused her forward leg which resembled the shape of a serrated arrow head resting against his heart. She was in fact not hungry yet, but a single bite from her would preserve him and keep him frozen from actually dying for days, onward of a week. Her fangs glistened as she looked upon the man.

Dark orbs peered daggers into his soul. She craved the hunt. She craved the chaos, but more then anything she craved the sounds of his screams. He did not grant her that however, instead his icy blues met her chaotic black and softened. Because as a knight he knew this day was inevitable. The moment he had joined the guild he was destined to die. It was a fitting fate he thought. In a world where no one understood his internal struggle, or even the acceptance he had settled with. He didn't wish for death, he didn't crave it. He wasn't suicidal, but he knew, that each day he was more likely then not to die then to live. A calmness was washed over him, and he seen something familiar in the beasts human face. That same acceptance. The same feeling of being lost in a world well known. So instead of a scream, he gave a soft weak smile, and reached out to touch the creatures hand. She had let out a sharp hiss at the contact jumping away from the man. Tilting her head to the side confused with her fangs still barred. He collapsed forward into her and she caught him. Pushing him off suddenly, he landed on his back. Bending her knees and torso down to look at him, noting the lifeblood draining from him already. she removed his helm and nearly granted him that fatal bite of hers. Her maw open inches from the exposed flesh. But something.. something inside her didn't want to. She gave a shake of her head, raven locks flying in her frustration. She circled his body and leaned in again, using her digits to pry his lid open to look into the eyes of the man. If only to confirm what had happened. She didn't understand. She couldn't possibly understand. She huffed and kicked him with an appendage, bending once more looking for answers. He only replied with a strained groan in which she jumped back again. She had stood over him but knew by the light of the moon morning was almost upon her.

She needed to make a decision quick. The sun burned her eyes, and humans ventured out in daylight. She didn't want them to find her. There was no worse pain then the bites of their sticks. And their flying twigs of fire. The only way she could justify what she was about to do was to think of the human in a concept akin to a pet. She wrapped him quickly in silken thread unknowingly compressing the wounds and saving his life. She threw the rather large man onto her back and carried him back to her den. It was a couple of moons before he awoke. When he did she hissed baring her teeth and looking into his eyes again. Her confusion matching his. Why was this human different from the rest? Their first challenge was getting him water. He licked his lips and struggled against the thick hold of her web. She knew only what she needed to survive, as time had corrupted even the basic knowledge of life outside of herself. She cut him free, watching him closely as he groaned and tried to sit. The voice hoarse as he spoke the word. "Water." She didn't understand the odd sounds coming from his mouth. But knew she required life blood to live. She walked to the corner of her lair reaching down to pluck the heart out of the wolf of her recent kill. Returning to him tentatively reaching out to give it. He shook his head and repeated the strange sounds again "Water." The creature had taken the heart to her lips gnashing her teeth above it and moving only half a step closer to outreach her hand. It was after all the best part! But the man just shook his head and repeated the odd sounds. Infuriated with frustration she hurled it at him hitting him in the chest, the force of which causing the heart to splatter against him. Eventually he had gotten through to her when he had tried to spit into a drawn out creek. Through time he had healed, crude drawings in the earth had helped them communicate. Eventually she allowed him to leave as trust was built. He had taught her a few basic words.

And she learned more with every visit. He came once or twice a week, staying in a nearby village. Eventually the town grew suspicious of his activities when he returned without trophies and whistling happily. A mob was grown and he was slain, the final insult being a denial of a burial his corpse laid face down at the edge of the woods he had grown so fond of. She only knew him for a year. He never returned to her, and so she searched. Following the trail he had etched inconspicuously in the deadwood. She came across his corpse and caressed his face, staring into the icy eyes of the dead man before her. The first time, since the beginning of her time she felt emotion grip her chest, her throat constricts and long drawn out screams pierced the woodlands. It was the first time she felt a strange wetness flow from her eyes and a pain more intense than any physical injury. It felt as though she was about to die as well except, she never did. Every being within a three league distance could hear her wails of agony. Every child woke up to shiver in fear. She silenced the forest that night. The humans did not even leave any of his belongings behind for her to hold dear and instead looted and defiled his corpse. Now decades have passed, she wonder's if it was a dream, a memory, or a delusion of isolation. She thinks about the human daily, clinging to the pain that she had felt. The pain, although dulled still stung with vengeance in his name, and that pain meant she wasn't mad, it was real. The Arachnid still practices the sounds he had taught her, it was all she had to remember the man by. Although coarse and barely distinguishable, the sharpness mauled by time. She soon degraded from partial many singularly spoken words to having trouble with simple words the gradual loss only served to hurt her just as deeply.

But for how much longer would she even be able to manage those words was left to be seen as it was beginning to terrify her to fall back into that feral animal like state she was in, yet there was little she could do to prevent it. Eric Noelman was born in a remote small city that neighbored the large mighty kingdom of Hailsgard. He grew up in a family of fisherman with three younger siblings. Despite their family occupation Eric always had a knack for fighting and would often go around either getting into fights just to prove himself or just for the fun of it. He wasn't mean or evil natures, he just enjoyed fighting. This tendency Eric was born with never died but instead grew more as the years passed. His family accepted the boys love for sparring and simply allowed him to flourish in it. By the time he was 13 he had sparred with countless people from his age to other adults. Eric was not only adept at physical work but was fairly smart as well. Though he was not quite on the level of those who went to the academy to study magic full time to become a scholar, he was well above average in both literacy and arcane knowledge for the people in his city. The city was not as well known as many others that littered the lands at the time however, they leaders of this city maintained a good relationship with their large neighbor. That is, until the new emperor grew too ambitious and bored of peace. One day this emperor sent a demand that the city surrendered its rights and become subjects of Hailsgard as a part of the emperors wishes to expand the borders of the kingdom. Eric was a child at the time of this conflict soon to be 14 years old. The small peaceful city fell to Hailsgard within a week. The knights at the time were even more brutal and ruthless than they were currently and killing many civilians for no reason. Including his younger brother.

Erics family was devastated much like everyone else's. However, Eric was lucky to be spared after an attempt to challenge a knight to a duel formally despite being a child. Most would have killed him at the time but this Knight in Particular imperial knight Sir Albert Weiss. The knight took him away and trained him personally to hone Erics immense talent. By the end of it Eric Noelman was formally taken in as Eric Weiss. The death of his younger brother was kept a secret from Eric as he was told if he served well his family would be taken care of considerably well. Eric became a full knight at the age of 17, making him one of the youngest in Hailsgard. Only a year after a war broke out between Hailgard and a rival nation. Eric participated in the front lines of this war where his prowess for battle truly shined. Due to his accomplishments and skills, he quickly became an elite knight. This angered many of his fellow knights as well as some government officials. The people of this nation did not take well to outsiders outdoing their own people. In addition to this the city Eric came from was known to be accepting of pagan beliefs and practices and it did not strictly follow the holy order of their nation. Some even practices dark arts such as witchcraft in that city and were accepted. Because of this some had begun to see Eric as a heathen knight that was somehow accepted by their government. It was not helped by Erics refusal to accept their holy order as well. This, over time, led the leadership to frequently send eric on assignments to have him out of the kingdom. However not everyone cared for the opinions of the senior officials and looked up to the tales of heroism about him. Years later at 27 Eric now had a small group of trainees who choose to learn from the man who they had heard about so many times who was also rumored to be the most skilled of those who ranked as an elite knight in the kingdom.

It was also a rarity that an elite knight would train the young ones directly. They often saw that as grunt work for the lower ranked knights. Alice, was a prodigy of a trainee. She was by far the best of his group and other groups as well. Many wondered why she bothered working with someone with a reputation like Eric who is also an outsider when she clearly was capable of being placed in one of the much more prestigious trainers. It was in his group that Alice began a relationship with Jared. The others simply believed in the hero stories told about him from 9 years ago when they were so much younger. They worked with him on easy assignments and journeys he went on for almost a year and the young couple of the group were set to be married soon. Eric never took them on assignments that was truly dangerous despite he knew they would have to face true danger alone some day. The exception being Alice, she was the only one he took on one job that was fairly dangerous, only because he believed she was ready, and she skill was already equivalent to someone fully knighted and approved by the kingdom. The experience exposed Alice to a mild taste of what real danger was like and what the future held for them all. The duty of a knight is seen in glory when they return but the reality is blood, guts and death in the field. Eric did not flood their minds with the holy orders nonsense. They were simply skilled killers with a title and some rules. This job was to be another one that was only slightly more dangerous than the typical work they did together but not something he felt the need to worry about as they all sat around a extinguished campfire. Eric has his armor on, and his helmet tucked under his arm. He was always one to be aware even if he was a laid back and easygoing person, who seemed at first glance to not care about much at all much different than how he was as a kid.

aware even if he was a laid back and easygoing person, who seemed at first glance to not care about much at all much different than how he was as a kid. They had just finished eating a meal and were preparing to continue their journey to a town on the outskirts of the kingdom's borders. Apparently, a small group of criminals had been terrorizing people for some time out here and avoiding local justice. They were to find this group and bring them back to the kingdom or execute them on the spot. Eric did not feel the need to bring his spear and simply carried his typical short sword which was currently sheathed. His group consisted of 6 pupils. With him there they would be more than enough to deal with a small group of 6-7 criminals.

this one is not as dark and would involve you playing both the arachne and Alice however the Arachne would be the main. I have pics for both as well just have to find them. It would move towards the arachne joining MC on his jobs and adventures. each one could possibly be an entire arc as alot could be involved. This one i wrote more as a backstory and lore introduction.

some additional information for the arachne: She is not very prideful and extremely curious her nature is that of a predator and always will be no matter how much she will become civilized over time. Fire is her greatest weakness and fear, second to that is very loud noises including yelling. She is excellent at stalking and planning strategically when it comes to survival but is completely ignorant of the ways of formal warfare. She is also almost completely amoral until she learns to adapt to new ways of life. Killing is just a means to get food and or survive and she does not differentiate humans from dark beings from animals in the forest and because of this, she has killed and fed on some of them all

She lacks a lot of typical human behavior and simply goes with her experience and if she has none then her feelings. As a result she can be brutally honest and sometimes unnecessarily vulnerable. Having only experienced friendship once everything between her, Eric and Alice would be new and difficult and confusing at times especially struggling to fit in with the norms of the civilized world which many times willl directly go against everything she thinks and feels. This one starts with Eric and his trainees at the campsite before they are ambushed. They end up getting pushed back into a cave some distance away with Alice in the rear. She disappears in the darkness of the cave and they get pushed into the den of the Arachne. Seeing a dark beast and hearing the rumors, the remaining criminals attack her on sight and oddly Eric slays them with the Arachne instead of fighting her too. This leaves her interested in Eric as a human who seems to hold no ill will to her existence. She tries to convince him to stay with her very limited remaining ability to speak and when he refuses she reveals she has Alice still alive but poisoned by her bite. She attempts to use Alice as a bargaining chip but is Alice does not get help she will die. Eric convinces the Arachne that he would return as she seems to understand the idea of a promise, though he gave her a choice to accept his promise or he would have to kill her. The poison would have lingering effects on Alice and prove to be debilitating maybe even causing so much damage as to ruin her career as a knight.

The world is modern though supernatural occurrences are commonplace it is kept in secret. There are multiple factions at play in the world usually hidden as large corporations or private groups or businesses. Mostly anyone involved in the supernatural world is involved in something like this and they are all vying for different goals and competing interests. Power, knowledge, world domination, individual supremacy are just a few

Outside realms connected to earth exist as well and it is not uncommon for territory disputes to occur among factions for control to access of these realms as well as the one who controls access has great power. In this world various factions vie for power in secret leading to many shadow wars occurring. The government does get involved as well though none of that known to the public and anyone daring to bring it to public attention would be swiftly dealt with.

YC is A ultra rare kind of being that is a type of undead but not a vampire, ghoul, or outright zombie. Has alot of demonic characteristics but has no soul at all like a undead and feasts on blood as well as food for sustenance. Does not feed on souls like supernatural creatures. souls and soul magic has no effect on her what so ever. Often referred to as a living doll as her nature is more doll like than like that of a living being despite clearly being of flesh and blood though she s not devoid of emotions like a true doll and feels pain as well. She is completely immortal. Weak to psychic attacks but immune to all binding magic. Cannot be poisoned but is vulnerable to purification magic though not necessarily most light magic. She is 6'1 short grey hair athletic build, flawless skin, ruby red human eyes. General human appearance but very feminine looking and attractive although slightly intimidating due to her height and fitness. feels very warm to the touch but feels quite cold inside all the time. her personality has yet to fully develop due to her life. She has spent the last 2000 years as a slave of the Jotur family who are not proficient in magic but they are in violence which is how they subdued her when she was already weakened. The family had been increasingly more brutal to her as generations passed devolving her treatment as their slave and captive to outright torture for their entertainment. The modern family is now a crime family meaning their actions are even more vile as she mostly spends her time chained up in the basement unless she is used for something. fire is another weakness but she is essentially resistant or immune to most other forms of elemental magic requiring very powerful attacks to really hurt her badly though she will feel the pain of it regardless of how badly it damages her body. over the years her mind has become fragile and traumatized from the constant abuse. Her physical strength rivals that of a demon or maybe with the potential to become much stronger. she is quite fast and flexible as well. she is highly intelligent if give the chance she can learn almost anything. recovering from fatal injuries takes a few hours or days depending on the severity. the more extreme the damage the longer the time. Although she has no fangs she requires blood to he sustained. So either she gets it for herself or it is provided to her. She also requires food to be at peak performance but starvation of nutrients only weakens her slightly. Starvation of blood causes her to suffer. The first phase of starvation is not so obvious amd occurs on after a full day. This phase is simply a feeling of strong hunger and thirst as if she hadnt eaten food or had water in days. The second phase begins 2-4 days. Her body begins to deteriorate somewhat like a corpse or radiation victim and she feels it every moment causing great suffering. At first comes growing pain as the days go on the pain is accompanied by blistering, open wounds begin to form in increasing number all over and start to necrose amd fester. Her skin begins to die and she feels every bit of this deterioration though she would not have the smell of a corpse despite her appearance. by day 5 onwards she would look horrific like a zombie this phase is also accompanied by severe physical strain. The very act of wearing clothes feels like heavy weights. Moving her own limbs feels hard to manage though with determination she can still function and hide it. After 6 days phase 3 begins. She begins to lose her cognitive abilities as her mind deteriorates rapidly. Speech, logic, memory, rationale, emotions and her very sense of self begins to die. Eventually leaving her as a husk feeling the unimaginable pain of a body rotting while she is living in it. After day 11 the last phase is a complete loss of self and degeneration into a feral state. With her mind completely gone she will begin to act as a feral monster attacking anyone in sight except unlike a zombie she still can manage superhuman strength. This is because with her mind gone the agony and rationale will no longer hold her back and although weakened she will attack savagely and relentlessly driven by pain and an insatiable hunger. At this state she would not only drink blood but tear anyone apart into an unrecognizable pile of gore due to her lacking fangs. Being fed blood can reverse this completely even her physical body will return to is flawless state. However the more advanced the deterioration the more blood needed. Normally she requires about as much as needed for a blood test in a hospital. Or approximately 1 cup. Phase 1 would require approximately 3 cups or 24fl oz. Phase 2 would require approximately 2L. Phase 3 would require an amount of blood that would kill an adult human. Phase 4 would require an amount that would kill 3 adult humans. Her immortality remains unaffected even in phase 4 as it is dictated by forces beyond human comprehension. Depending on the severity of her damage that caused her death the recovery time will vary however she will feel the pain of the injury and will be in a state of darkness but consciousness where she can very faintly hear but not see or communicate with anyone. Dismembered limbs can be reattached simply be pressing them on for awhile provided she is at peak health otherwise she would have to wait for regeneration to occur. She is completely immortal in the sense that even if atomized she would eventually recover to her normal self. Dying does speed up the starvation process and upon revival it is best if she is fed. Purification magic literally causes her body to decay and fall apart to the bone rapidly and must not be used in an attempt heal her unless one wants to inflict immense pain for no reason. The same goes for standard healing magic. These both have the opposite desired effect. She essentially has severe trauma and crippling ptsd from her enslavement. However, like anything it is not impossible to overcome. Her past is a blur as she was captured not long after her creation. She does not know her purpose and her creator is unknown. The horrors of her existence leaves her with extreme pent up rage that even a demon would fear. In this state she can be insanely dangerous even despite not having claws or other natural weapons. Her sense of self would remain but any rationale or morals she picked up would be gone and the only thing she would see is death and destruction to anything in her way to the point of being completely devoid of fear and emotions except that of anger and determination. Though unlike her deteriorated state, she would be completely in control of her actions and skills making her exponentially more dangerous. Her extreme physical strength alone would be terrifying to deal with making her fists and anything else she uses that much more dangerous. However due to being broken both physically and mentally it would take an extreme situation to trigger this. God help anyone who does.
Sometimes this rage can seep out in small amounts as a loss of control for a moment with her resulting to extreme violence and disregard for life at whatever angered her but it can be easy to snap out of this by one who has power over her or can trigger some kind of emotion within in and it is not something she would be proud of at all though it just may be her most powerful weapon. Perhaps one day she could learn to master that anger.

Plot: MC is doing business with the Jotur family. He notices the doll serving as a maid during the day. Though something about her intrigues him. The current head of the family, being nearly obsessed with impressing people he brings into his home decides to use her to impress the mage anytime he is around after he notices she catches the mages eye. Eventually the mage would consider taking her off of the hands of the current family head who is particularly cruel and has a dislike for her more so than any of the others. Though whether or not she is better off with someone completely unknown is left to be seen. However, the current family head may not wish to part with her easily as she is essentially a family heirloom in their eyes. His goals would be revealed as the rp progresses however he is not some knight in shining armor good guy either.

In this story the beginning would be dark, very dark probably my darkest at least as long as she is with her current master. I have a lot planned for this but this one struggle with being sustainable and fun for the very long term. If you are interested in this one we should definitely discuss what you're comfortable with because the nature of her captivity may prevent this one from being viable. No big deal if thats the case.

The trigger warning for this one is: graphic violence, gore, torture, physical and verbal abuse, drug and sex trafficking, criminal activity, SA occurs.

So, the world years ago underwent a mysterious calamity. These creatures were soon known as Abominations. They were capable of evolution over time and their sheer numbers and relentlessness saw them overwhelm the world pushing nearly all races and beings to extinction. However, with much sacrifice and bloodshed the combines forces of the world and realms managed to push them back enough to a stalemate. Currently it is 2063, there are multiple large nations, states, and smaller cities and settlements. Some grouped together as republics and others independent. These cities are walled off to the rest of the world known as the wild zone or just the wild. These are regions that are very dangerous to travel where abominations roam, criminals and terrorists as well. Typically only traders and mercenaries go outside the walls due to its danger and entrance and exits are monitored and regulated to protect people from getting themselves killed. Based on what I was thinking recently might be better if YC was a cop. If you disagree though, let me know. However, she would have a strong background in electrical engineering and pretty much be a good person more so that the average good person. She would have a mentor as well since she is relatively new to the police force (only a year in so far) Her mentor is an older guy closer to retirement but also someone very good and dependable. A lot about MC is full of rumors he goes by the callsign Ruin. He is a feared legendary ranked mercenary that is also rogue and has a 25 million credit bounty on his head by the military, not dead or alive, just dead. It's basically a kill on sight order to anyone bold enough to try it. He is known as a cold-blooded killer and the military has been trying to take him down for a while now unsuccessfully. No one knows his true identify, hell no one even knows his real voice. Also due to some of his feats some have even questioned his humanity. Despite him being shrouded in mystery, everyone knows what he looks like in the field due to his unique gear and mask. Only thing people know are the common rumors, he is known to take on suicidal jobs that others wouldn't dare try or would surely die in. Also everyone who ever works with him ends up not surviving. He takes on jobs that are "illegal" in the sense it is taboo for mercenaries to take on such jobs that involve assassination, working against the good of the general public, kidnapping.

Mercenaries are a big force in the world, they are supposed to be independent and apolitical. They can be on par with a military force and are definitely above typical police units. Also, they have a known ranking system given out by a central organization that helps keep them organized despite which allowed them their full freedom. Rookie, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Aramite, Legendary. They can take on jobs from anyone anywhere. Police generally deal with internal issues of crime and smaller things of a typical society before the calamity. Also, an important thing is that the harvesting of hell energy is very taboo. Anyone caught doing it can be legally killed on sight without any consequence due to past attempts and failures causing extensive damage and loss of life. It also has never been successfully done. MC is hired by the man who has a monopoly on the power supply (85%) of the city known as the Commonwealth which is a part of a small republic. He hires MC for a defense job for one night. Coincidentally YC and her partner are sent to the same mansion due to concerns of a drop in the power grid and the mansion having a power surge that seems he is doing something to the power without a permit. They have a warrant to search the premises in its entirety. At the end of their search things go badly and they end up caught up in a conflict. (i'm being vague because I don't like to give too many spoilers) this is where YC will be injured severely yet survive. Afterwards she would feel wrong, like her very being is wrong and also will have developed a sense for beings who have souls tainted by hell and/or darkness. She could have a faint sense of MC when he is close by.

Her transformation is VERY slow (would span over the course of a couple years/ arcs in story) and will occur both physically and mentally at the same time. Mental changes would be:
She would feel less and less alive inside, would become more prone to anger and responding with violence becoming much more volatile over time, slowly lose all sense of morals and actually gravitate to being a more vile person overall which would make her more prone to deception, excessive lust, greed, rage, envy, bloodshed, and killing for enjoyment. She would still feel emotions but they would be dulled typically or almost like bipolar switching between overwhelming impulsive emotions to being completely heartless and inhumanly cold. As a result she would often come off to be misunderstood more and more as her personality is warped to be almost unrecognizable but deep down she would still be the same person. However as demons are naturally the anti to the world of the living and good, humans would slowly start to isolate her even before she physically very inhuman. Her presence would simply trigger a natural instinct of discomfort and fear. The further she turns the more and more isolated she will become as peoples reaction to her presence would become more severe even when she doesn't do anything wrong. So you can see how this would also affect her emotional state as she is truly trying hard to resist what she is becoming which she will until it gets so bad she just gives up and accepts it. Her relationship with MC would be complicated by these changes as she would be so deceptive that trust would not be an easy thing for anyone around her and the fact that she would eventually become totally different and be very shitty at expressing her feelings about things, like her real feelings and vulnerability deep down under the murderous desire, lust and rage.

Much like a vampire, she would slowly acquire a taste for blood. Though unlike a vampire, she wouldnt need it to survive and would desire the blood of anything even the Abominations toxic blood is fair game. Consuming blood would strengthen her, help her heal faster and such also the blood of those who hold great darkness within them is intoxicating which is essentially the only way she can actually get drunk after the incident. Like vampires she would slowly gain a sensitivity to sunlight though unlike vampires it would not kill or severely burn her. Just would become more and more uncomfortable and weakening. Demons generally would be glad to find any reason not to be out in the sun, and as she turns this would become more and more apparent, and she would be significantly weaker in the daytime than night though not so much as to make her weak as a typical human. It probably makes more sense to say the night makes her excessively strong lol. Her nails would become black pointed and would harden like obsidian and become capable of rending flesh better than a surgical scalpel. She would develop fangs, her eye color would change to something inhuman, her blood would darker more and more until it is black and thick, her tongue would become longer and would slowly blacken along with her lips. Her skin would slowly turn to the color of stone and her eyes would become slitted. She would slowly develop horns until they become full and she would throughout the entire time become significantly taller. Her physical strength would be increasing from early on along with her pain tolerance (if you're into it she could even become a masochist over time finding pain even in combat erotic and pleasant), she would heal faster than a human as well and be able to survive much more dangerous wounds that could typically easily kill a human.

Alot of these changes would overlap as they occur at different stages and it would be kinda complicated to manage it all as it is a constant thing that is always happening in the background but some changes that would occur significantly later in the process would be the horns, the gray skin, slitted eyes. Some of the earlier things to happen would be the eye color, nails and fangs. Even these changes would happen slowly of themselves and take time to fully develop. The very last would be the whites of her eyes turning black, a tail and having wings. the wings would be the absolute last and would be the only one to be spontaneous. Her tail could also be used as a weapon as well as it could be sharp and deadly is she so chooses.
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