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Mx M or F Hello, hello, (seeking mystery!)


Sep 8, 2022
And a third hello to whoever’s clicked on this!

I’m updating this post to add that I am, in fact, craving something specific. That something happens to be supernatural creatures! I’m looking to write something gritty and dark as I’m suddenly in the mood for elements of mystery, action, or horror. Think small towns with secrets, demons, vampires, witchcraft, etc.

Perhaps a curious photographer with a penchant for trouble stumbles upon a bigger secret that they’re able to handle…who knows what sort of business might be happening behind closed doors?

Lately, I find myself shooting for more plot than porn, but I’m open to virtually any plot/smut ratio, long-term or short-term.

I’ve got an itch to write lately and I’m looking to scratch it with something fun. If my ideas don’t strike your fancy, hit me with an idea, or let’s conjure another one up together.

As a note, I will play multiple characters if required, but my primary character will ultimately be male. However, I have no preferences as to who I’d like to play against. I will try almost anything, but my absolute no’s include underaged characters and animals in sexual situations, incest, and terminal illnesses.

As a teensy aside, I’m always a sucker for a roleplay set in the Harry Potter universe (with non-canon characters), but that’s just a guilty pleasure and by no means a necessity.

Interested? Shoot me a dm, magical wizards or none!
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