Mx Female Dirty Confessions (Looking for F)


Apr 27, 2018

I hope you're doing well! I am posting this thread in hopes of finding a partner to play with! I have a plot that needs to be turned into a story, whether it is a short or a longer one. Before I waste your time, this plot will be featuring smut galore, but that doesn't mean there's no possibility of actual story development here! The nature of it will just make it very, very dirty!

I write detailed, I love descriptions, but I won't harp on about post lengths or whatever. Just as long as we can both throw vivid and utterly debauched imagery at each other, through writing, I'm all down for it! Of course, details entail a longer word count, but who knows! I'm waiting for you to surprise me!

On the topic of kinks, we can discuss those in PMs, although you may also check my other older search threads if you want to get an idea of what I'm into. Basically, as long as there's no scat, furry stuff, ridiculous sizes (oversized cocks/breasts/etc), bucketloads of cum and just overall exaggerations for the sake of it, it's up for discussion! If you want us to use faceclaims, I would be grateful if there wasn't anime involved; don't get me wrong, I love some anime, but not a fan of anime-style RP as a whole. Either digital art or real faceclaims, please!

And now, onto the plot.


This idea does not belong to me, originally. I don't remember where I've seen it (on which RP site, that is) or who posted it, but if you see this and you know it's your idea, feel free to let me know so I can credit you or, if you want me to stop using it, please, let me know and I will! Or maybe, you know, we can play it together!
The life of a priest isn't easy, not all the time. Being a pillar of the community, the link between human and divine, having to uphold certain standards and morals. However, sometimes, you end up in situations which challenge your faith and your integrity as a whole. So it was for one priest when one day, a woman took a seat in the confessional, ready to confide in God above about the sins which she committed. Her confession sounded more like the diary of a really, really easy woman, retelling her counts of the times when she'd cheated on her spouse or took strangers home. A nymphomaniac, to be certain. After that day, he thought he'd never hear her again, but not long after, she returned. And then again. He knew it was her, he already learned the sound of her voice, which rang in his mind even during prayer time, tempting him to imagine the kinds of things she might've done with the men she'd been with. For a whole year, she was a regular, coming about once every month or so to talk about what she'd done, and each new tale added to the weight until, at last, the priest broke, desiring to at least see her, just once, to add a face to all those debauched thoughts she'd put into his mind.

There it is! If you're interested in this idea, please send me a PM! Thank you!
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