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What are your rp goals?

Jericho Z. Barrons

Oct 12, 2017
What are your motives and goals for writing in this way?

Are you here to make friends? Are you here to write an epic tale? Are you here for a specific fantasy?

Do you rp for kink? Do you rp for a story that you want to write beginning, middle, and end?

When you start an rp with someone what is the ideal, perfect situation for you? How does it go when it is going the best it possibly could be? What do you want?

What are your goals when you rp? Do you achieve them?
I started writing in RP format mainly to pass the time and because it's easier to work with someone else on an idea rather than write it myself. I also enjoy being able to bounce ideas off of someone and that uncontrollable element seeing what my partners add to the plot makes for a fun surprise that allows for the plot to feel more natural when not every part of the story is under my own control.

As for my purpose of RPing in general it's mainly for kinks, entertainment and settings. I find alot of enjoyment to explore interesting worlds and see what plots might evolve in those settings. Allowing it to have some sexual elements is just a cherry on top, as I can explore ideas that wouldn't be possible or wanted in reality.

When I start a plot I usually have the intention of it reaching a natural conclusion, often a general chain of events in my mind already prepared when I start. How often I reach that goal is often low, but as long as I enjoy myself while writing with my partners I'd say I've achieved what I came here for.
To be honest...I'm pretty simple this way.

I'm not here to make friends...but if I make them along the way, that's a Good Thing. I think I've achieved that, at least partially.

In the end, I'm primarily here to write one or more stories to completion. I've only achieved this once in more than 20 years of collaborative writing, and it wasn't on BMR. So...I'm calling it a failed objective - so far.

I write mainly for the story. I have no objection to kinks and erotica being included, but I'm not interested in erotica being the thrust (no pun intended) of the story. Plot/story, character development, world me, all these come before erotica.

As for what I like to write...a simple story is best, so I can focus on those elements that are important to me: world and character. I find that too much plot detracts from the effort of character & world development.

To each their own, however. Have a good day, everyone. :)
I signed up to the site because I wanted to write short, smutty stories with other people. I didn't know "RP" was even a thing, so the discovery was very new and exciting for me.

Honestly though, that intention quickly transformed into a desire to meet friendly people I can write collaboratively with. That doesn't mean I expect my writing partners to care about me outside of the site, but I'm a very openly introspective person, so being able to communicate with someone is very engaging to my socially-starved little brain.

Even outside of the erotic aspect, I love writing. I find it cathartic and fulfilling, to the extent that I divide my request threads into two distinct categories -- short, smutty roleplays that get straight to business and long-term collaborative writing exercises that are significantly more narrative-focused. With the former, it doesn't matter who my partner is. The latter? Perhaps more so.

My ideal situation is to meet people who are compatible with my personality. This means we can write together without a distinct goal or end point in mind. If we decide an RP has reached its conclusion, we can start a new one, simply because we're on the same wavelength. Of course, nothing lasts forever, but the journey is the most important thing, rather than the destination.

I think I do achieve those goals, for the most part. I don't know whether I've just been extremely lucky, but I've written with some lovely people on this site. It never feels like I'm wasting my time here. I get a lot of value from the people I write with and that's a wonderful feeling. It really has a positive impact on my life.
I definitely have some clear goals of what I want to achieve with this hobby.

1. Improve my creative writing
Even though I have a decent grasp of English (or I think I have) I have never been the most creative with the language. Reason as to why I want to improve this is just because I want to hone my English skills even further, improve my lyrics-writing and to make fanfics/stories that people might be interested in reading, and what could be more fun way to do so than creating collaborative stories with people right? Also the last reason to improve my writing is so I could be more fun partner to play against, since I think that my clumsy descriptions and lack of vocabulary tend to make me a rather boring one (selling myself well here hah hah!)

Have I succeeded at this? I guess a little. Most of the time plays die before they even get to start so no real creative writing can even happen, but when it happens I guess I tend to look for more fitting phrases to describe a thing X or emotion Y, and if my partner's descriptive I tend to suck influences from their writing.

2. Meet likeminded people
I'm pretty shy person who isn't the best with internet conversations, so I thought roleplaying could be a fun way to meet new people alongside with collaborative writing. OOC-chat is definitely not a must for me, but it's always something I really like and usually a good OOC-chemistry affects on the enjoyment of the RP as well, at least from my experience.

As for this succeeding at this I'm not really sure. I mean I have one or two partners who I really enjoy talking to OOC, but again usually people just fade out with the convo that I at least enjoyed. So I guess I do meet them, but rarely it becomes something that will actually last more than a handful of messages.

3. Having fun
Of course any hobby should be fun. Why else I would want to sink my time to it?

Am I having fun? Sometimes I am. Some roleplays manage to make me smile, some OOC interactions I enjoy wholeheartedly, and these are the reason I still keep going, however if these few roleplays and OOC-chats were to go away I think I would have to rethink if I want to continue with this hobby, or use the time for something else. Once again when the cons of this hobby have hit me hard again I've noticed thinking of just throwing in the towel more and more. However at the same time I'm currently having some of the best RPs I've ever had, so things kind of weirdly balance out and make me pretty neutral about this hobby hah hah!

In conclusion:
I think I haven't really succeeded at achieving the goals I set for myself back in 2018 or 19 (at least fully), but still trying to achieve them as long as I will keep this hobby going!


As for the ideal situation a likeminded, chill partner who I would get along amazingly well, who would be excited to plot a story with me and share similar fandoms to base our RPs on. We both would be eager to write with one another and we would have some kind of flow, that makes both of us write together more and more, and possibly create new stories together after the first one(s) come to conclusion.
What are your motives and goals for writing in this way?
I like to make stories. It's a creative outlet for me. It's fun. It's something to look forward to. And I really truly love to write with other people that "click" with me on that level. I have a hard time writing on my own. If left to my own volition, I stagnate in my own ideas. I never finish any of my solo projects. I also don't really get a lot (if any) feedback to my writing outside of the RP community. So it's always nice to see when someone appreciates the work I put in to my posts.​

Are you here to make friends? Are you here to write an epic tale? Are you here for a specific fantasy?

Ehhh... none of the above, if I'm being perfectly honest. I guess a good story? I wouldn't go as far as to say it will be an epic tale. But some well-written, co-authored stories would be a realistic goal.​
I'm definitely not here to make friends. I don't have the time or energy to keep up with that. I barely have time for friends irl. And while I have my range of kinks and fantastical settings, I'm never just looking for one specific thing. I assume most people switch up their mood and inspiration to undertake different stories. And I'm no different in that regard. Though I will say that I have a real big craving for spacey. sci-fi settings that I really don't see too many people share with me. It's my absolute favorite genre, but it usually goes unrequited.​

Do you rp for kink? Do you rp for a story that you want to write beginning, middle, and end?

Yes? I mean, the two aren't exclusive from one another. I like story in my narrative, and I like it to have sexy parts as well. How focused it is on the sexy parts differs from story to story. But closure to even a short story is nice.​

When you start an rp with someone what is the ideal, perfect situation for you? How does it go when it is going the best it possibly could be? What do you want?

Well, I have some kinks that are on a lot of people's blacklist. So, finding people who are not just tolerant of those, but actually WANT to include those themes is always something I'd consider ideal.​
But aside from the obvious points of having similar interests in character dynamic, setting, and mutual/corresponding kinks with one another, I guess the ideal would be to be to write with someone that posts in similar format to my own. I strive to find detailed writers that enjoy multi-paragraph responses. I don't have the availability to post multiple times a day, or even once every day. So, someone with the same kind of availability is best. That way neither of us feel rushed or are left waiting for the other to post for too long.​
While I'm a pretty patient gal, and life throws me some curve balls as to my own availability, if I'm left waiting too long for a response, I will quickly start to lose my enthusiasm for an idea. Even if the other person has explained to me that they might be away for a bit from writing. I mean, I don't get upset about it. I know they are busy or otherwise preoccupied. But my muse doesn't give a fuck. It changes if not entertained. And there is little I can do about it if I start to lose interest in an idea.​

What are your goals when you rp? Do you achieve them?
I mean, they are probably the same as everyone else, yeah? Find a suitable partner, share some common kinks, write together, have fun. Find some kind of closure to the story?​
Something that I seem to be perpetually hunting for is a good group roleplay. I really only do 1x1s as Adult roleplay. But group RP has always been where I want to be. And as I mentioned before: I love space-oriented sci-fi. Space Opera is the name of the genre. But I feel very segregated in that being my geek label. It's not very popular, so I don't really see any groups in that setting. An in the rare instance that they are, they aren't focused on the high adventure with aliens and starship battles that I crave.​
As far as achieving my roleplay goals... Well, let's just say I spend a LOT more time discussing Roleplaying than actually Roleplaying. The ratio is dismal, actually.​
When you roleplay with someone, they can surprise you in ways that writing by yourself generally doesn't. Besides, reading and writing is fun. In this case, you get to do both.
Mine are simple wants: I desire to find one or two long term partners to stick with, whom I jive with. Which on the surface seems a surmountable task. However when you look at my taste in both writing ability coupled with my taste in kink and story themes; Insurmountable. As an example, Not many roleplayers are interested in both being descriptive in long narrative form and writing erotic tales revolving around a world conqueror dragon of the chaotic evil persuasion whom is just as likely to put one female character into a Kobold breeding pit as he is to graphically eat another. My roleplays involve dark themes, bad ends and all around skullduggery. Erego, even amidst my incredible understanding of no's and complete ability to adjust to my partner, I rarely find what I'm looking for and am generally relegated to the guy whom satisfies the wants of other roleplayers. Tis sad but true.

Make no mistake, I am in no way bitter. And am in fact in every way understanding of these circumstances. To be bitter would be akin to an extremely ugly man whom set unreasonably high standards for a life partner, then wonders why in his 50+ years of life he has not but a dog as a companion. In essence, beauty and the beast is a tale as old as time but interest in my monsters weigns at the fact I cross into the territory of them acting as actual monsters. It's one thing to seek extremes, another to seek a fair but yet still high degree of narrative writing ability. Another beast entirely to desire both.
To get past the planning stage of recently. I'm very much thankful for the RPs I currently have, but lately the ghosting seems to be reaching new heights when I reach to try and expand my horizons.

I write for plot mostly, but I am trying to get into the realms of shorter one-shots and just RPing for the 'fun times', as well as try out things I've previously shied away from. Porn with plot, as it were, along with certain other kinks.

Being honest, feels like I put time in to try and flesh out a plot (even if it's very much barebones) and then boom...Up in smoke.

Granted by no means am I the greatest writer or the perfect person, but I like to think I'm at least somewhat likeable and easy to talk to. Maybe I'm wrong though, but without feedback or collaboration it seems impossible to get a better look introspectively.
Here are my goals:
- Experience relationships or sexual fantasies that are impossible or hard to get access to in real life : example magical impregnation, prolonged hours of sexual experience with partner. Relationships : deeply in love couple going on each other in public or private, abusive partner - am not so in real life but just want to experience some emotion
- entertainment : stories that are impossible in real life - multiple worlds, fantasy worlds
- finding long term partners with similar interests - people with common interest in smut + story or smut + romance or smut + abuse
- generally finding some friendly nice people to chat to to get away from loneliness
- escape from real life
Are you here to make friends? Are you here to write an epic tale? Are you here for a specific fantasy?
I'm here to write. I have various themes I love. Many ideas. Friends are bonus.

Do you rp for kink? Do you rp for a story that you want to write beginning, middle, and end?
I write a story, WITH sex.

When you start an rp with someone what is the ideal, perfect situation for you? How does it go when it is going the best it possibly could be? What do you want?
The best is someone who gets what I like and like what I like.That's why I don't double.

What are your goals when you rp? Do you achieve them?
Finishing the story. Happened, but not here.
For me it's to improve my writing skills and explore scenarios and situations that I would never get in real life. It also gives me something to do when I'm bored!
Meeting likeminded people as well and finding people to write with,

I mean, good people, honest and creative, that’ll be grand to me.
I'm here to improve my writing skills and frankly the amount of writing I do. Having a bit of fun and excitement will be a nice bonus alongside that.

I'd dearly love to meet new people/make friends but I very much understand people may want anonymity or just even want to avoid interaction outside of directly writing so it's not something I'm holding much hope for or would push for either.
Originally, it had been to break the writer's block and get better at writing the steamy scenes. Now, it is simply to actually finish a story. The journey is fun though, regardless if the tale meets its ending.
• Improve my writing. Writing is one of the few things I feel 'good' at, so I want to keep working on mastering it.
• To keep writing; I can't write a story alone; having a partner motivates me to keep going.
• To push my creative limits - from complex world-building to abstract scenes, I like to challenge myself.
• To create ART and to inspire others to create. Not all posts are like this, but I love it when I'm inspired to play with words, themes, colors, pictures, etc. Feels amazing when your muse hits you just right.
• Healthy outlet, e.g., you have been angry and you keep it to yourself, writing anger creatively can be relieving.
• Keeps my chaotic mind busy. I think about RP throughout the day. Daydreaming to planning. I even fall asleep brainstorming. It is better to have my mind on it compared to other stuff.
• To read and write erotica.
Hopefully, my main goal is to develop an episodic mastery of stories with all of my favorite things to write and all of my favorite kinks to explore in erotic writing. Seeing storylines from different genres become intertwined is always a fascinating thing to craft, and even more so with a like-minded writer.
What are your motives and goals for writing in this way?

I love to write; I love to create. When I have story ideas buzzing through my head it's a joy. When I have ideas of my own creation running through my head its even more. And what is better than writing by myself, and that is having someone else to write with.
The more I write, I know I am getting better as a writer.

Are you here to make friends? Are you here to write an epic tale? Are you here for a specific fantasy?

yes Yes and YES
Its lovely when friendships are made. I can count a couple that I've made through my years doing this, and even less of them I still can reach out to. Yet what I delight in is fact in knowing that people can enjoy the same thoughts I can.
As a young male these thoughts were terrifying. Yet finding an outlet, finding people to share them with, to write with. That is explosive. Many years later, these thoughts are still it my head; while no longer as terrifying it is still a joy to be able to write them out.
As I said earlier, I love to write, create. So, taking these darker thoughts, creating something more from them, a story, a journey and adventure. Something that I can look back on, and remember the joy and excitement of writing it.

Do you rp for kink? Do you rp for a story that you want to write beginning, middle, and end?

Once again Yes and Yes. All my stories and plots generally start around my plots. A lot of my ideas that I keep are plot lines that I have a beginning and an idea of where I want to go with them. So, it gives an objective and a goal even to the Kinks of what I want to achieve.
Then the stuff between the beginning and the end is the fun, the kinks, and getting to the end, without things seeming forced or abrupt, knowing I am doing with another active mind also writing with me.

When you start an rp with someone what is the ideal, perfect situation for you? How does it go when it is going the best it possibly could be? What do you want?
An active and challenging partner yet both working towards writing a story and bringing it to an end. Not drawing it out, that we lose interest and as it winds out.

What are your goals when you rp? Do you achieve them.
Mostly yes. When we can bring the story to an end. I would say it was achieved. When we both can thank each other as authors. And possibly write again then mission successful.
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