Mx Female Looking for Worlds to explore


Dec 28, 2021
Hi all who wander into my thread. Thank you for your time and effort in coming at least this far. This is under construction only because I bare boned this just to get something out for now.

About Me:

The very nature of humanity is to stretch into the vastness of every corner of the world and discover its secrets. When humanity reaches too far, a darkness always rears up its head to remind humanity that some things should not be stumbled into. The first showing of such a moment was the day humanity discovered the power of the atom. During a time of great strife, two cities would be wiped out with that power and show humanity just what they had unlocked. This was the first time human's learned that venturing into certain unknowns can have devastating consequences in the wrong hands. The second time humanity touched the darkness... that was the time that humanity could not learn from with ease. That second coming was when businesses digging for rare minerals delved too deep and reawakened an ancient force that slumbered deep beneath the surface. Dragons.

The moment that this Pandora's box was opened was the moment that humanity had brought forth its own demise. The dragons that slumbered were as feral as wolves but they were much more deadly. The thick leather skinned creatures would burst forth from the Earth that they slumbered with only one thing on their mind, to feed. Hunger and isolation had driven them into a frenzy and the world above would soon know their wrath as they coated the earth in flames and destruction and tried to appease a hunger that had been festering within them. The once benevolent minds that dragons were perceived to have were completely wiped of such notions and all that was left was the dangerous fire breathing lizards that destroyed and consumed everything in their path. All they knew was destruction and not a single person on the surface was able to prepare for it. This darkness would cover the earth in a matter of months but the effects would last for years until nature began to reclaim the world and a balance was found between predator and prey.

Flying high above the ground, an injured wyvern would limp his way through the sky. From the tip of his snout to his sharp pointed tail, he measured a good 65 feet long which would give him a wing span of over 130 feet. His wings were similar to that of a bats as his long fingers made up the wing. A leathery canvas of scales would cover the flaps to allow him to fly and tapered down his side like a large kite. Portions of his wings were tattered from use and wear but the major wounds to his wings were caused by the cutting of tank shells and gun fire that were made special to bring this beast down. The panted, pained breaths could be heard through his throat as he had been able to fly hundreds of miles to escape death but the gaping wound in his side meant that death was not too far behind. His focus on escape had been his driving force but now blood loss and fatigue would begin to take over as his left wing cramped up and he plummeted to the ground.

With a heavy crash through the trees, the dragon would find itself on the ground gasping for air. The pain was unbearable and his eyesight was going from the lack of blood in his system. Grunting, he would get onto his hind legs as he folded his wings in to walk on the clawed knuckles that would form his front legs. His a deep red was the base color of his scales that tapered to a black at the tips of each pointed scale. His true color was unknown because dragons had learned to camouflage themselves lately. With a shake of his heavy head, the colors of his scales would shift to match the greenery above allowing him to be hidden on the ground. He needed to find shelter in this moment because the smell of blood would attract much larger dragons that would feed upon the weak. Pushing onto his legs, he would tremble some but would stand a good 12 feet to the shoulder. His eyes would clear and blur frequently which made navigation harder. He would have to resort to a rumble in his throat to act as echolocation to find shelter.

He pushed through the trees trying to keep from making too much noise but his senses were all but shot. The closing of his eyes allowed him to feel the vibrations in the air but it did not stop him from being clumsy. Grunting with each pained step, he would push through the foliage in search of something. His clumsy steps would cause him to slip but surprisingly he would find himself slipping into a dark cave. The trickle of a small creek would echo off the walls of the cave that cut deeply into the earth and the dragon would feel a sense of comfort here. This was a place he could hide and gain some strength but the nagging wound at his side continued to pump out his warmth in large splattering of blood with each motion that caused it to open. His shaky steps got even worse before he collapsed against the wall of the cave near the small creek that ran through. His pained and wavering breath was muffled a bit by his need to keep strong. Tipping his head to the side, he would lap up some of the water to at least get the feeling of dehydration out of his head.

With a push and a shift, he would try to get more comfortable but that was not going to happen. His pushing this far had worn him out greatly and the lack of blood to his brain would soon take its toll. The pupils of his emerald eyes would be blown to the widest state they could be as his body was trying to shut down. With a blackness falling over him, his whole body would crumple into its spot as he finally lost consciousness. He had finally had enough and rest was needed. His head tilted to the side and laid halfway in the water as he slept on the cold stone floor that threatened to suck all warmth from him in that moment and make this place his tomb should his strength and fight give out.

The biting cold of Crystalgarde was nothing compared to what sliced through you upon the summits of the mountains that made up the edges of the cavern. Clouds could be seen rolling over the jagged points of the peaks but none made a home for too long between them. It allowed for more sunlight but the shadow of the rocky behemoths kept the chill from ever truly escaping. This was not a land for the fool hardy or those that could not brave the elements even at their harshest.

Tanris kept his slate grey eyes upon the tavern as people came in and out. His party was situated in an old barn at the end of town since most accommodations could not fit the most notable of their group. It was almost comical to the half elf that there was such a difference in the world just in their small group of five. Then again, the world of mercenaries was the land of misfits and the world's most eccentric beings found their livelihoods and fame to be credible in a harsh world. His gaze would turn to the barmaid that placed his mead at his fingertips and offered her hand for coin. He would pay with a few copper pieces before pulling back his crimson hood and let his silver hair fall along his shoulders.

Pulling his long hair back, he would take in the smell of the mead and the spices that were in it. It was unique to these lands and very warming to the tongue. He would savor the moment before the first swig and enjoy the warmth that passed through him. He nodded his approval to himself just as the rush of cold came through the door that was opened at that moment. He would look to the door and see the blonde woman that now graced the inside of this warm cabin. The fall of her hair that was braided and adorned with beads and leather was a telling sign of a person who allowed rage and brute strength to guide them. A barbarian. Though a more petite version of such a strong and brutal class, but her skills would possibly be more than meets the eye.

He would let his eagle like eyes examine her from afar at this moment and study her a bit. The sword at her back almost seemed to dwarf her in stature and only showed more of her strength that was hidden beneath her skin and feminine frame. There would be those who would not take her seriously and that would be their demise. Watching her move, he could catch the tautness of her muscles from the reveals of skin in her warm clothing. She was very well kept and that was a bigger achievement. She was something their group was sorely needing. Another powerhouse to help tangle with the golems of the abandoned keep that was further to the north. For now, he would just watch her as his ears twitched a bit to focus in on her words to see what she was looking for here. Money was always the key but he was not going to offer such valuables without knowing for sure it could sway her. For now, he could offer one thing… a warm place to stay and a possible job.

Reinhardt took her name to mind since it was rare that many heroes even told their off duty name. He was used to many of them just disappearing when they needed breathers or breaks. He did not care either way because outside of this job he was basically homeless. All the money he made was poured into more books on magic and runes to try and help his power grow. He always believed that some threats would not be dealt with just brawn alone so he specialized in his craft. When she clasped his hand, he had almost thought that his hand would be snapped in two from the stories he heard of this woman from another side of the world. He was grateful for her assistance and it showed.

"The pleasure is all mine, Ultra." He said keeping to the decorum of the moment. The other heroes had taken their leave to either bask in the adoration of the media or even just go home. Listening to her words, he could feel that she was doing her best to give credit where it was due but there was no reason she couldn't be credited for this. "What would you be getting in the way of? You deserve just as much of the credit as anyone else here." He said as he looked over the edge of the building to the mass of people and the strobing red and blue lights of emergency vehicles. Even in this line of work, he was not one to actively seek attention. He did his job and that was enough for him.

"Before you leave, take this." He said as he placed his hand over hers for a moment. Between their fingers, a card would shimmer to life for her to hold onto. It had Reinhardt's name and the address to the heroes' organization that he was staying at. "You probably have hundreds of others in the world to save but when you have a chance, I would like you to meet up with me. Today was an event that showed that things are not getting any better. This one stretched these heroes, and myself, to the limits of our abilities. I am afraid that soon the others would not have the strength to be able to hold back the hordes to come." He said as he looked to her. He had been following each event and this one was showing that his theories might be true. "I may not have much money, but the cafeteria at the organization is really good. I could treat you to a nice government funded buffet?" He said with a smile.

-Male, play male characters. Tried and failed at being anything else.
-Roleplay experience: Pretty much a long time. Hitting that 15+ year mark. I haven't done the math because math is hard when big numbers are involved.
- I will always try to match my partner in every way but can reliably post 3-6 paragraphs at a time. My amount shortens in situations like conversations, high action, or the need to have more back and forth between characters and not assume reactions of those I write with.
-Kinks: There are some hard no's and they can be discussed as they come up. Otherwise, I will try things once and let you know if it works or not as we go along.
-Communication is important. I am very understandable and flexible. If I see that it has been a month or two since I have heard from you, I will check in at least once and wait. After 3 attempts, I will call it a day and move on. Which means I can be patient for up to at least 6 months or max of 9 without any conversation. But if you let me know, i will wait as long as it takes. If you tell me its over, then I will leave it there.
-Life understanding: I understand everyone has a life and I expect the same understanding. I will post as much as I can but if I disappear for a bit, don't get upset. I will always let people know if I have a extended pull away from writing but I also have spontaneous moments of absence. Just know I will be back.
-Ghost Friendly, as covered above. But please refrain from doing so. If its something I did, let me know so that I can learn and be better for the next partner. Can't fix what I don't know.
-Other info: Not sure what else to put so I will leave it with that.

Plots - Nothing is set in stone because all plots are negotiable and open for building to make them fit all. Collaboration makes things better.

Pokemon: YC a pokemon Vtuber is trying to increase her popularity and fame by reaching out into the more adult side of the industry. It started out as nude pics and other various requests until the day one watcher asks for her to have her pokemon use her. The thought at first was to ignore it but being strapped for cash... the dollars the man is offering is too good to pass up. Could this open up a new and exciting avenue of her life or sink her deeper into a darker part of stardom? (MC's would be the various pokemon and men sending requests. Up for tweaking)

Monster Hunter: In the monster hunting world, it was kill to survive. You take down the beast that is sought after and bring its skin and other items back for rewards. Some found better business in conservation by raising beasts in captivity. These monster masters are able to sustain the same rewards and more because they don't kill the beasts that they take care of but not all money is of noble means. There is a deep underbelly of it all that can be found in fighting rings, arenas, and even sexual encounters. Those who bring women for the latter are handsomely rewarded. And many bets are taken on which beast will break the new toy first.

  1. (Modern/Fantasy) The world had changed much since the Necromancer(MC) had taken up his mantle. Fearing death, he became the master of it. He used his abilities to siphon the life of those lost to the streets to stave off the reaper. He lost himself in the world jumping from bar to bar to drink away his existence. Out in the world, cultists and nefarious organizations have been hunting him to help unlock the power that had been lost to time.
a)Can be done in the fashion of ‘The Sorcerer’s apprentice’ or ‘Last Witch Hunter’ as well

  1. (Post Apoc) A man dabbled into the darkness of the necromancer in the attempts to bring back a lost love that was taken too soon. His attempts were rewarded with just one thing… the destruction of the world. The undead arose, demons were pulled from the shadows, and the world was bathed in the dark magic. His life was given the torment of immortality to wander these wastelands of his doing. Through his time in this hellscape, he had learned to hone his skills and hoped to at least save a few people to keep some life around.

  1. I would also enjoy doing this in the world of the manga ‘Solo Levelling’ where our characters are awakened hunters that cross paths or YC is a normal hunter who isn’t reawakened or becomes a reawakened hunter.

  1. YC & MC are rivals or companions in the world of pokemon. This could be an adventurous story where they get lost in many different regions, encounter legendaries and have fun and have some adult fun on the side
  2. YC or MC is a gym leader training a new leader to take their place as the challenge for all new challengers. This could come with conflict as the Gym Leader always finds a way to one up the trainee and it brings about a bond that is deeper than teacher and student.
  3. For those desiring more beastly companion than human:
    1. YC is traded their favorite pokemon of all time or at least something powerful. It levels to the point where it no longer takes direct orders from the trainer and it causes even more problems in the privacy of YC home, campsite, or pokecenter room
    2. YC has had a certain pokemon by her side since the beginning of her journey. One day the world is going through catastrophic changes from one of the many Villainous teams are beginning their take over of the world. YC and her pokemon begin to find that they are bonded much deeper than just partners.
    3. And just a more abstract idea, just because i bring the real world into any ideas. Maybe YC is a viral sensation or pornstar that is either sent or given requests of certain pokemon or told to catch pokemon by seducing them. I dunno. Just playing devils advocate for 5 seconds.

  1. This is just an idea to dabble in the DragonBall world. Build an original world around the characters and premises that come with it. No fully fleshed out ideas but one that would be fun to build

1.Rival or Cooperating hunters that hunt the world’s beasts and enjoy one another’s company.

2. For those with more beastly needs, maybe YC is hunting through the world and various creatures or her targets continue to take advantage of her.

I have always been a sucker for being a werewolf. Any tale for something like this would be a good to go. Whether it is underworld inspired or maybe a different take on beauty and the beast where the beast is a man afflicted with lycanthropy.

This one is a new little place that I am finding a place for. Whether they are humanoid or something completely different. Imagination is the only limitation.

In this world, I have only two races that I tend to gravitate to Tauren (essentially minotaur) and Worgen (Werewolf). So if that fits your view then this one will work just fine.

1. Comrades in battle as they venture through Azeroth fighting those that would raise arms against them.

2. YC or MC is captured by the other and is used for either enslavement at their home or as a shield or protection on the battlefield. The choice is up to the winner of the spoils. Maybe even bought off a slave trade that is taking advantage of those who are lost in the world or forgotten on the battlefield.

3. YC and MC cross paths during a skirmish or in a raid.

4. Anything else I am unable to think of at the moment.

1. (Cyberpunk 2077 inspired) In a world where you can do and be anything, the underworld is so much darker than when people were actually flesh and blood. Delve into the underbelly of a world that is a constant fight between the haves and have nots. We can work out the details on this one.

2. The mechanical had taken place of the biological in the world. Housekeepers, babysitters, customer service, even pleasure workers have been replaced by Artificial Intellects that now make up a lot of the population. There are many pairings for this but I don't have the moment to spell them out just yet.

Solo Leveling
Fairy Tale
Kaiju No.8
Final Fantasy
Chainsaw man
(more to come)

If you have a story or plot that you have not been able to get off the ground and the ones above don't appeal to you, let me know. We can build it up and try it out and see where things go. I am an open book and enjoy building worlds and running around in them. Escaping reality is the best thing in the world, am I right?

Thank you for taking the time to read up this thread. And I await to hear from you.
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