Looking to rp! Who would've guessed?


Aug 26, 2022
Names Fox, looking to rp, I'm open to just about anything! I play a wide variety of characters, mainly fantasy based characters however. I would say I'm semi literate, but as long as there is a bit of detail to keep the story going I'm happy! Honestly not sure what to really say, but if you're interested message me, I wouldn't mind chatting a bit and discussing a future plot, or something. Oh right, I play males, females, futas and femboys. Mainly males though lol. Anywho see ya around, hopefully. Muwaha reusing the same start, but adding more. Like I said before, I'm up for playing almost anything, mostly males though! From a wide variety of characters, from beastkin, kitsunes, vampires, humans and many more! I'm open for more rough and gritty rps, to more light hearted gentle and sweet romances! So if anything of the sort interests ya, feel free to message me!
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