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Mx Female The shazzening (Current highlight: In the Ruins She Found Him)


Jan 30, 2022
Currently going through some updates to this thread. Over the next week I'll probably fluff it up a bit more, but for now I'm bumping it for the curious.

I want to try a story idea based off of this short. In brief a young man goes into the forest to search for a fae enchantress to ask her to heal his ailing mother. She agrees on the condition that she will claim his first born child as her own. Reluctantly, he accepts this bargain and the fae sees his mother restored. However... The fae enchantress quickly finds things immediately not going to plan, as the young man appears to have miss understood what she meant and she probably could have worded their contract a little better. Thus, the sudden marriage proposal catches her a bit off guard.

After all, how is an unmarried man supposed to have kids?

Intended story is a kind of romantic comedy with slice of life elements. A relationship that starts over an embarrassing misunderstanding but blooms into something more. Does the enchantress find herself moving into the village with him? How does his mother and his neighbors take the news? Do other faeries decide to get involved for their own amusement? Plenty of ground to break and discuss!

In a city plagued by inequalities, one man made a name for himself as a master thief. No lock could he not pick. No wall he could not scale. Yet one day he receives a commission for what may be his biggest challenge yet. To infiltrate the tower of a sorceress of formidable power, and steal a certain trinket of hers.

He accepts the job and plans his heist, unaware that the sorceress herself was the one who hired him as a test. She has plans you see, plans only a skilled thief can help her complete. And if his looks happen to be to her liking, well, bonus.

A bit heavier on the narrative this one, I've got vague ideas for the world and plot. One of political intrigue and and drama. Also one I'm looking for some fun character dynamics, and leaning towards a bit of gentle femdom on this one. What plans does the sorceress have for the thief? Do the two have some history together? What is their world like and how would their society think of the two of them being together? Lots to plot out and discuss!

So this one was actually borrowed from another RP that sadly never got off the ground.

A young witch/adventurer loves nothing more than exploring the ancient ruins that lie outside her hometown and bringing home whatever trinkets she can find to study and research. One day, on a regular trip, she falls through a weak section of floor and discovers a hidden chamber that contains what seems to be the form of a handsome young knight sleeping in a state of suspended animation. She unwittingly awakens him and, by virtue of being the only witch in the vicinity, becomes his new master.

Yet the ruins hold plenty more secrets, some of them more dangerous than either of them know, and now there's nothing stopping the rest from leaking out as well...

This another one Id like us to both put some world building into together. I have some fun thoughts of who the "knight" might be, but the contents of the ruins and the world beyond are fertile ground!

Of the obligatory smutty part, one idea I might like to play with is that for the knight requires a regular supply of mana to keep him fueled. One way that could be supplied is through physical intimacy, which could lend itself well to a fun bit of power dynamic with an experienced witch teaching her inexperienced knight the ropes.

in a land surrounded by burning sands, cities and villages eke out a life for themselves. Though hardy folk, all of this land are fearful of the eldritch secrets run that rampant in the dark places beyond their street lights. Wild beasts and monsters, demons that pray on your fears, magic. Superstitious and distrustful of such things, those that wield such arcane arts are looked upon with distrust.

Yet one small town finds themselves beset by a mischievous spirit of air. It steals from their market stalls, engages in vandalism, and plays pranks upon its shepherds and herdsmen. Though not evil in its intents, the spirit is bored and whimsical and has sought to quell that boredom with its own little games at the villagers expense. Left with little means to rid themselves of the troublesome creature, they turn in desperation to wandering sorceress and reluctantly beg her to drive it off or at least bring it to heel.

Though she accepts, for a price, in the confrontation she proves far more fun to play with for the spirit then the villagers ever were.

[Willing to be either the deity or the offering]

Every year the people have a festival to commemorate the Harvest season and the planting of next year's crop. Part of this tradition though involved making offerings to the local fertility deity who watches over their fields.

Most often this takes the form of songs, dance, burning food made of the harvest in thanks etc. But... It is said a once in a while the deity themselves make a personal appearance and invites someone from the village to lay with them and restore their power. This year such an occasion has occured, and they gave spied such mortal that draws their fancy.

A man has struggled with a fear of spiders for much of his life. What happens when he finds himself attracting the attention of a certain eight legged variety of monster girl?

(Open for a variety of settings)

They often told legends of (YC). She was beautiful in shape. Terrifying in her might. Awe inspiring in her splendor. She walked the world when the civilized races were young. She Guided some, warred with others, was hunted by others in turn.

But for all her might, she was alone in this world. None who were mortal could stand by her. None who were her equal were within reach. And many she did count as companions were now long gone. She was at once the mountain and the unreachable summit. And it seemed a fate that would keep on for the rest of her long life span...

Until one fool hardy idiot mage tricked her into a pact she can't get free from. And all for the sake a passing grade on a damn school paper!?

Mikahil (MC) was everything a student of the imperial University could hope to be. Handsome, talented, driven, good looking, and showing promise for a bright future.

He was also a Bastard. The literal kind.

Born from a forbidden union between a maid and a high lord, the young man was forced to live his life in the shadow of greatness to him denied. He manages to scrape together what resources and money he has to enter the imperial University of magic in the hopes of making a name for himself by his own hands, but finds himself being blocked and subbed at every turn from reaching that crucial final graduation. So what is a young man at the edge of his rope and nearly broke to do? Embark on a hair brained scheme to make one of the most powerful beings on the planet his familiar of course! And somehow, it works! (Mostly)

Of course, she's not exactly happy. And his control over her isn't exactly perfect. And his (mostly) successful feat draws attention to the two of them from forces that aren't friendly to either. But that can all be worked out on the fly.


So this is one of the few plots I actually have played out a fair ways before, and actually have a pretty good idea for how the plot could progress, and a pre-established character ready to go for it.

Now, I want to clarify that I'm not specifically looking for a non-con plot, for the most part. The theme for this one I feel is more of a slow-burn enemies-to-lovers kind of deal, with tension (sexual or otherwise), drama, humor and eventual romance with plenty of shenanigans to go around. So naturally For this one in particular I'm looking for someone willing to play a switch or a bratty sub who's willing to test the limits of what tenuous control MC has over her while the two learn to get along and work together on their journey I'm the face of adversity.

Bare bones pairing ideas for now but I'll likely have something more detailed for these plot ideas later. Anything with a * next to it is a role I'd be looking to play.

*Depowered God x Mortal housing them.
Space pirate x stow away
Royal* x bodyguard
Mage x *Familiar
Mage x *apprentice
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Open for one spot right now. kind of craving Never touch a sorceress things at the moment.
Bump. Still have a preference for Never touch a sorceress things but other plots have been added.
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