GM For Modern Harem Fantasy Wanted (NSFW)


Dec 8, 2019

An Orc at College is one of my favorite harem series and I'd love to do something in that vein, essentially DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS HAREM FANTASY IN A MODERN SETTING. Basically elves, orcs, and other fantastic races along with magic and such, all set in the modern day era. Instead of an orc barbarian loyal to his/her clan, you've got an orc gangster or mobster loyal to the family. The paladin becomes a private investigator, the wizard a researcher. There is SO MUCH to be done in this particular setting.

For example you might find a...

And of course, there's the magical element to consider, especially where sex is concerned...

And let's not forget the ever important school of Transmutation. Where a simple potion can transform into
To reiterate, I am looking for someone to take on the role of Game Master, or Dungeon Master, or Storyteller, whatever your preferred title is, for a harem style game. I am up for playing a male, female, or transgender character. I've a preference for the more monstrous races and love mixing those with contrasting and highly intellectual jobs and classes who are driven by a goal or purpose, such as the main character from the book linked above, who is an orc wizard attending college. We do not necessarily have to play in a college setting, although it does off a ton of options.

I tend to prefer playing dominants and against female and femme presenting characters...I just don't find masculinity attractive. Here are a few possible character concepts for me, and I'd be more than happy to discuss more options!

...Ogre Druid pursuing a dual major in biology and economics with the aim of becoming an financial ecologist, all to save his/her tribe's sacred forests by making it profitable to preserve them...

...Minotaur Wizard there specifically to pursue an advanced arcanum degree and get his/her PHD...his/her passion is for travel magic and he/she wants to create magical roads for his/her people (and others) to more easily traverse the (potentially dangerous) world...

...A Gnoll Sorcerer, the first ever of his/her tribe (possibly because he/she is half-dragon), trying to learn how to manage his/her powers in the only place his/her people could think to send him/her...

...A Lizardman (Lizardwoman) Paladin newly chosen by a deity of love or passion has been sent to this college to learn and gain experience...about what, he/she has no idea!

Of course, there are also the fairer races to consider...

...A transgender Half-Elf Artificer pursuing a software engineering degree following a passion for magical computers and a burning need for control due to the complications and chaos of her troubled past...

This list is NOT comprehensive or complete, just a few ideas, and we do NOT have to play in a college setting. Hit me up with your ideas! I want romance, I want conflict, I want drama, I want complications...bring on the fun! Hit me up with a PM and include a few of your own character concepts, a plot spark or two, and any preferences you may have for my own character!

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