Mx Female Seeking F for Various Smut Oriented One Shots.


Sep 21, 2015
Hello! First of all thank you for clicking on this ad, and second of all I would like to just state right now that I don't like to play as IRL people. In other words, I don't like playing or playing with characters that are essentially copies of real people, famous or otherwise. However I do love playing furries or non fictional cartoon characters (i.e. anime characters). Finally, as the post states these will largely be short, smut focused ideas as I don't have the time to invest in a long term roleplay. With that being said, let's get to the scenes!

1. Breeding the Farm Girl: A woman starts her own small scale organic farm as a hobby, mostly selling her produce at road side stands on the sides of various back roads. However much to her surprise she finds that her produce is selling quite well, and the locals are demanding more. Unable to keep up with the demand herself, she hires a local young man as a farm hand of sorts to help her around the farm. Being so busy with the farm, she hasn't been intimate with anyone for quite a while, and starts to develop feelings for her muscular farm hand.

2. Anything involving incest: I've left this intentionally open because I'm craving just about any M/F incest pairing right now, but in particular daughter/father or mother/son are my two faves. However if you're uncomfortable with actual incest we can substitute it with step parents/siblings instead.

3. Hook up at the Gym: It's only natural for people with perfect chiseled bodies to turn each other on, and of course when that happens they might sneak into an unoccupied changing room or shower to help each other with their "stretches."

4. Crooked Cop: I'd be playing a crooked police officer pulling over an attractive woman for speeding or driving while being on her phone. Unfortunately for her she's a notorious repeat offender, and if she gets one more ticket she loses her license! She pleads with the officer to let her off with a warning, and the officer agrees, providing she does something for him in return.

5. Any ideas you may have. I'm open to basically anything to scratch my smutty rp itch. So feel free to suggest any ideas or plots that are tickling your fancy.

I do have refs for characters upon request, and as for kinks I do have an f-list that you can browse at you're leisure: F-list - Warning
If any of these catch your eye please feel free to message me so we can work out the details. I should also mention that I'm open to playing in DMs, the forums themselves, or Discord.
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