Otherworldly Visitor
- Joined
- Aug 21, 2022
- Location
- a dimension beyond comprehension
I'm Aethernaut, traveler of the void, explorer of the spiritual realm, part time erotica writer. I always prefer a creative, fantastical setting over realistic slice-of-life. Fair warning, I'm a massive deviant. I'm looking to do some Dom/Sub and taboo roles currently. If that's what you like, keep reading.

I'm Aethernaut, traveler of the void, explorer of the spiritual realm, part time erotica writer. I always prefer a creative, fantastical setting over realistic slice-of-life. Fair warning, I'm a massive deviant. I'm looking to do some Dom/Sub and taboo roles currently. If that's what you like, keep reading.
- Fantasy Races and Non-Humans
- Drawn Image References
- Size Differences
- Age Differences
- Dubious Consent
- Power Play
- Risky Sex
- Exhibitionism
- Revealing Outfits
- Clothed Sex
- Casual Nudity
- Aftercare
- Breeding
- Cock-Warming
- Collars
- Netorare
- Incest
- Monsters
- Exotic Cocks
- Unrealistic Cum
- Piercings
- Jewelry
- Tattoos
- Voluptuousness
- Impact Play
- Spanking
- Hair Grabbing/Pulling
- Choking
- Mouthplay Such as Licking, Fingers in Mouths, Drooling
- Oral
- Deep-Throating and Throat Fucking
- Non-Penetrative Sex
- Facials
- Dirty talk
- Bad Ends
- Body Odor
- Real-Life Face Claims
- Blood Play
- Knife Play
- Race Play (Interspecies is good, but when people fetishize real-world race it rubs me the wrong way)
- Furries
- Toilet Stuff
- Hard Non-Con (Consensual Non-Consent is fine, but if she's crying and screaming and begging for help, its a huge turn-off)
- Hyper anything
- Ugly Bastards
- Obesity or Extreme Muscularity
- Gore (As a kink, just as part of the story it's fine)
- Inflation (Something like a minor stomach bulge from a large inhuman cock or a womb full of cum from a large creature is fine, but nothing more than that)
- Mind-Control/Hypnosis
- Heavy Bondage
- Meta-Stuff (ie: My character is a writer on an erotica website and she gets isekai'd into another world!)
The 'yesses' are all negotiable and they won't all make an appearance in every plot. If you don't see something you like on either list it's up in the air, feel free to ask. It's always a pleasure to get introduced to something I didn't know that I liked yet.
The Dark Lord's Concubine
(Themes: Exhibitionism, Clothing Play, Size Differences, Interspecies)
The Assassin & Her Mark
(Closed for now)
(Themes: Risky Sex, Netorare, Switch Dynamics)
The Wizard's Apprentice
(Themes: Monsters, Exotic Cocks, Breeding)
The Chase
(Themes: Primal Play, Clothes Tearing, Size Difference, Interspecies, Scratching & Biting, Rough Sex with Gentle Aftercare, Cockwarming, Threat of Pregnancy)
Adventuring Party
(Closed for now)
(Themes: Male Harem, Group Sex, Interspecies)
The Dark Lord's Concubine
(Themes: Exhibitionism, Clothing Play, Size Differences, Interspecies)
MC is the Dark Lord of the Underworld which is in the process of invading the Mortal Realms. YC is a princess in a nation that's being invaded. In a desperate bid for peace, YC's family offer her up to the invader as part of the surrender agreement. What starts out as a simple ceremony ends up with her being roughly deflowered in front of the peace delegation. I'm picturing a Hades and Persephone dynamic between the two. MC is an amoral, domineering, callous creature, but he'll develop a soft spot for YC. Initially, she'll be an object. She'll be frightened by the hellish world she finds herself in. But I see her gradually growing into her role, and eventually thriving in it. She'll accrue more power for herself, learn how to outmaneuver the other demons. Maybe even become a little evil herself!
There'll be a lot of casual nudity and public sex in this plot. He may keep in her in a sheer fabric robe, a 'slave Leia' style outfit, or perhaps nothing at all. The other demons are completely nonplussed by such things since it's so common in the underworld. But there will also be visitors, envoys, allies and captured slaves from the overworld for whom those things are still very much taboo.
There'll be a lot of casual nudity and public sex in this plot. He may keep in her in a sheer fabric robe, a 'slave Leia' style outfit, or perhaps nothing at all. The other demons are completely nonplussed by such things since it's so common in the underworld. But there will also be visitors, envoys, allies and captured slaves from the overworld for whom those things are still very much taboo.
(Closed for now)
(Themes: Risky Sex, Netorare, Switch Dynamics)
YC is an assassin hired to kill MC. She finds him in his chambers sitting at his desk distracted by his writing. Just before the blow is struck he springs into action and they end struggling on the ground. Wrestling, panting, tearing at each other's clothes. Then what started as a life or death struggle ends up as rough sex on the floor, over the desk, against the bookcase. All the while, MC's wife is sleeping in their room just next door.
I think this one would be too boring if MC and his wife were just King and Queen. I'd like to make it a bit more interesting than that. MC could be Diplomat arranging a peace deal that the people who hired YC want to spoil. He could be a scholar researching old artifacts that a dangerous cult doesn't want examined, or a mage looking into old tomes that he really shouldn't.
This isn't really a Dom/Sub role. Ideally I'd like both MC and YC to have leverage on each other. At any given point they're going to be wary of each other for different reasons. And despite their lustful liaison, they never quite like each other. There should be plenty of witty insults, subtle threats, and slightly humiliating scenarios traded both ways!
I think this one would be too boring if MC and his wife were just King and Queen. I'd like to make it a bit more interesting than that. MC could be Diplomat arranging a peace deal that the people who hired YC want to spoil. He could be a scholar researching old artifacts that a dangerous cult doesn't want examined, or a mage looking into old tomes that he really shouldn't.
This isn't really a Dom/Sub role. Ideally I'd like both MC and YC to have leverage on each other. At any given point they're going to be wary of each other for different reasons. And despite their lustful liaison, they never quite like each other. There should be plenty of witty insults, subtle threats, and slightly humiliating scenarios traded both ways!
(Themes: Monsters, Exotic Cocks, Breeding)
YC is the young assistant of MC: an insane eccentric and passionate Wizard! MC won't actually be a sexual partner in this roleplay. It's more about the situations that he'll put her into. For example: Oh whoops! I said the incantation wrong and now glowing tentacles are coming out of the book! YC, keep them distracted for a bit! I need to head downstairs and figure out what I did wrong. Or: Okay, YC, look. An Imperial inspector is coming down and he's gonna see all the illegal stuff in here. The emperor will have my ass if he finds out! I need you show him a good time. These bureaucrats are all sleazeballs, it should be no trouble! If he's a squeaky clean family man who doesn't do that kind of stuff, I have a potion that'll change his mind. Or: Gnolls are such lovely, majestic creatures! It's a shame they're nearly extinct. Hmm, maybe it's not impossible to fix that?
Quick note on this one: MC doesn't take sexual pleasure from putting her in these situations. He's not perverted or cruel necessarily, he just has zero qualms about doing whatever it takes to further his work.
Quick note on this one: MC doesn't take sexual pleasure from putting her in these situations. He's not perverted or cruel necessarily, he just has zero qualms about doing whatever it takes to further his work.
(Themes: Primal Play, Clothes Tearing, Size Difference, Interspecies, Scratching & Biting, Rough Sex with Gentle Aftercare, Cockwarming, Threat of Pregnancy)
MC is an infamous dragonborn tracker & assassin. Well known for his innate ability to smell & 'sense' his quarry from a mile away. He never misses his mark. Once a year, his hormones go into overdrive during mating season. Dragonborn have a specific mating ritual, the male must track and chase the female, and fight her to win his prize. Although he has problem, his species are rare, and he's far away from home. He needs to take care of his urges somehow, so he'll need a suitable replacement. He pays YC, and gives her one rule: "Give me a good chase, or else."
No actual bad ends or excessive blood though please. By the end after several chases I think he'd hold YC tenderly and tend to the cuts on her he made.
No actual bad ends or excessive blood though please. By the end after several chases I think he'd hold YC tenderly and tend to the cuts on her he made.
(Closed for now)
(Themes: Male Harem, Group Sex, Interspecies)
YC is the healer in an eccentric band of monster hunters. There's a minotaur, an orc, a dragonborn, a human. They fight monsters, she treats their wounds, blahblahblah you already know where there is going so I'll cut to the chase. We can either go the heal slut way, they're friendly and boisterous with each other and they all take turns fucking the everloving shit out of her whenever they aren't fighting whether its in the tent, in an inn, against a wall, in the dungeon they're exploring, in public, wherever!
A darker themed idea for this plot is that they use her as bait for the monsters themselves, sometimes with unforeseen consequences! Or perfectly logical and foreseeable consequences depending on how you look at it...
A darker themed idea for this plot is that they use her as bait for the monsters themselves, sometimes with unforeseen consequences! Or perfectly logical and foreseeable consequences depending on how you look at it...
Note: I prefer playing larger, gruff dudes most of the time. 'Pretty boy soft-spoken vampire' characters are eh to me. Stick that pretty boy's head in a toilet and see how pretty he is then.
What to Expect
I'm going to be a lot more honest than I probably should be to a potential writing partner, but I'd prefer to avoid setting everything up and then find out our writing doesn't vibe. I consider myself to be a solidly 'mid-tier' writer. Decent, but nothing amazing. I don't pretend I'm Charles Dickens. If you asked me to define what a 'participle' and a 'predicate' are without googling, I honestly couldn't tell you. I roleplay in the third person and my preferred posting length is somewhere between one and three paragraphs. Obviously, it'll vary, the introduction and scene transitions will have a bit more exposition, sometimes the story might call for five or six paragraphs, sometimes only one is necessary, whatever works works. At the same time, just a few sentences will bore me immensely, and a long novella length post will simply overwhelm me. I don't really care about formatting as long as it's readable and looks nice. Creativity and effort are always a plus! But at the end of the day it's just an erotic roleplay, I'm not trying to write the Great Expectations of smut. Yet
I only roleplay in PM's, I'm not nearly shameless enough to post our writing in the forums. Maybe eventually if we get along I'd be fine with discord? But I'd rather not do that right away.
I only roleplay in PM's, I'm not nearly shameless enough to post our writing in the forums. Maybe eventually if we get along I'd be fine with discord? But I'd rather not do that right away.
As much as I'd like to, I cannot read minds, and I hope suppose you can't either. Ideally, before the roleplay I'd like us to spend a little bit discussing ideas, characters, themes. During the roleplay I'd like us both to touch base Out Of Character every once in a while, discuss the plot, what we liked and didn't like. I really appreciate it when people are up front and clear about their feelings and boundaries. I'll be disappointed if you don't like something I write, but the last thing I want is to make you uncomfortable.
That being said, I'll make you a deal right now: I will NEVER poke or pester you for a reply, or ask for an explanation of why you stopped. The second I reply, I don't reply again unless I see you in my inbox. Frequency is however long it takes. Minutes, hours, days, weeks, months. It's a common issue that happens a lot in roleplay, sometimes a real life event takes us out of the mood, sometimes we're busy, and sometimes the roleplay just fizzles out for us. If that happens, I'd still appreciate it if you told me you were leaving/lost interest whatever, but it's not a demand I'll make. Folks who leave breakup messages on other's profiles weird me out.
That being said, I'll make you a deal right now: I will NEVER poke or pester you for a reply, or ask for an explanation of why you stopped. The second I reply, I don't reply again unless I see you in my inbox. Frequency is however long it takes. Minutes, hours, days, weeks, months. It's a common issue that happens a lot in roleplay, sometimes a real life event takes us out of the mood, sometimes we're busy, and sometimes the roleplay just fizzles out for us. If that happens, I'd still appreciate it if you told me you were leaving/lost interest whatever, but it's not a demand I'll make. Folks who leave breakup messages on other's profiles weird me out.
How to Message Me
This is more of a guideline than a rule. I'm not trying to seem like a border guard examining your passport when you send me a pm. You don't need to tell me that you saw my request thread or that you're interested, I already figure that if you're messaging me. Tell me which plot piques your interest the most, maybe send an image reference of a character you'd like to play, and tell me a few things about her. Also, if you have your own ideas how to put an interesting twist on any of my ideas, don't hesitate to let me know.
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