Mx Female Monsters, Maidens, and Mayhem


It's such a long way down.
Sep 20, 2021
Hello! First of all, I would like to get out of the way that I literally do not care who you are on the other side of the screen. If you're interested in these ideas, spectacular, you are welcome here.

This thread is for a particular grouping of ideas involving monster men and human/elf/tiefling woman. I'm a huge sucker for this kind of pairing, and after a few inquiries for others fell through, why not just make my own thread for it?

I like smut-heavy roleplay, but not 100% smut. If these scenarios go beyond a one-shot though, I would like there to be plot. It doesn't have to be the deepest plot in the world, but it needs some kind of substance to it.


Lizardmen (CRAVING!!!)
•  Minotaurs
• Aliens, sentient or otherwise
• Tentacle monsters
The Predator
• Dragons
• And more! Just ask.


• Con, dub-con, non-con scenarios depending
• Unique anatomy/physiology
• Perception-altering substances or psychic abilities (This is not necessary, as i know many people aren't super into this, but I like playing with sensory alteration in my roleplays. Note that this is not strictly mind control, but more stuff like altering sensory intensity, time perception, memory altering, etc.
• Rough sex, ranging from minor stuff like hair pulling to flat-out brutality. These are monsters, after all. They tend to scratch and bite, and they might not even know their own strength!
• Gangbangs! One woman against a group of impossibly stronger monsters she couldn't possibly hope to overpower having their way with her. Hell yes!
• Bad ends: not every character walks away from a monster encounter alive. Also not necessary, but I'm willing to play with this.

Plot Hooks

These are more springboards for discussion than full on plot

• A Different Kind of Trophy
Monsters: Lizardmen, The Predator
Settings: medieval to modern fantasy, sci fi elements

YC is a soldier, adventurer, huntress, etc. out in the jungle, either on a mission, quest, or hunt with her party or platoon. During their outing, YC's comrades are picked apart by an unseen assailant, a stealthy inhuman hunter whose cunning is matched only by their proficiency in killing. It hunts for sport, and lives for the thrill of taking the bones of worthy prey. However, when YC becomes the last survivor, the hunter turns out to have different plans for her.

Once in a Full Moon
Monster: werewolf
Setting: modern fantasy

YC has just met the most charming guy. He's funny, handsome, interesting, and totally gets her. After a month of seemingly perfect dates, she decides to spend the night at his place. But there's a problem. He's a werewolf, and it's a full moon tonight. What's our heroine to do when she's trapped in a house with a beastly monster in heat?

• Disappearances (CRAVING!!!)
Monsters: Lizardmen
Setting: medieval fantasy

A local town built near a swamp is having a terrible problem: young women are going missing, and multiple male villagers have been slaughtered. YC(s) are adventurer(s)/mercenaries hired to investigate the nature of these strange disappearances. As they venture into the dark swamps to the south, they are ambushed and come face to face with the horrifying truth: beastly reptiles have been kidnapping young women to sexually abuse.

Crash Landing
Monsters: up for discussion
Setting: modern

YC is an archaeologist/anthropologist on an expedition into the unmapped jungles of South America when the plane has an unexpected engine failure, plummeting into the mountains and trees below to disastrous effect. YC survives, but just barely, and finds herself the only living member of her group in a hostile jungle. Desperate for help, she comes across a strange, inhuman creature, and expects this encounter to be the end. But to her surprise, the monster seemingly takes pity on her, mending her injuries and giving her a place to sleep. With no way to communicate with the civilized world, she'll need to rely on this strange creature's help to survive the wilderness.

• A Bored and Cruel Fiend
Monsters: Demon
Setting: modern, medieval, or Victorian fantasy

YC is a witch, practicing her dark arts with her neighbors and fellow townsfolk none the wiser. She researches a demon that is said to grant one knowledge of all secret things, the arts, and sciences, as well as granting powerful familiars and great wealth. But she finds herself in over her head when the summoning process completely backfires, and instead of conjuring the demon lord to her world, she is warped into his. This pocket dimension is in the total control of the demon lord she tried to manipulate, and now she's entirely at his whim.

Dungeoneering Mishap
Monsters: Minotaur, Dragon, Oni

YC is a skilled thief, and she's just hit the jackpot. An untapped ancient dungeon with traps that are easily avoided or disabled and a treasure that will have her living the easy life for the rest of her days. Seems too good to be true.

Unfortunately for her, she didn't hear the dungeon guardian(s) coming for her. What price will she pay for her greed and hubris?


Have any other plot ideas? Come at me with them! I love discussing and hashing out stuff with people. Want to include a kink or play against a monster I didn't list? Just ask! The worst I'll say is no thanks. I'm a big fan of keeping stuff chill. I just ask that you give me, on average, 2-4 paragraphs of content with each post. Also, please try to have good grammar and spelling. A few typos here and there happens to the best of us, but it takes me out of the roleplay entirely when there are just too many errors. Sorry!

Look forward to hearing from you! And even if I don't, have a great day!
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