Boys Will Be Boys Until They Aren’t Boys


Oct 11, 2017
They were group of friends formed through membership of the same club. They’re all nerds. They play games together. They watch anime together. They get into dumb debates together. All in all, they make each others’ school lives better.

Everything changed one fateful day. The group was hanging out together when one of them brought out an item (it could be a collectible, a snack, anything we can make work). This causes a change to occur, all of the boys suddenly finding themselves to be beautiful girls.

There was one member who wasn’t affected. He was either late or simply busy. What matters is that all of his friends have completely different bodies. And nothing will stay the same.


So there’s the basic idea. A group of guys become girls and their dynamic is completely uprooted. I’d like for this to be awkward and confusing, but they come to enjoy and embrace their new identity. I’m open to all manner of interesting twists and turns to this. So let me know if this sounds fun.
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