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Twisted Savior (ZoneyGirl X Staine)


Genderless Blob
Oct 11, 2018
"So we are getting drinks later this week, right Evie?" Roger asked as he leaned against the nurses station, a smug smile on his face. "I mean, you did bet that I couldn't figure out what was wrong with Mr. Betz and here we are. The man is in surgery to remove a mass on his kidney that was producing too mu-"

"I will get drinks with you, if you just shut up Roger," she didn't look up from the charts she was finishing off. Handing them to Roger so he could take over on the floor. "And as I recall you only got the idea to check his kidney from a nurse. Otherwise he was presenting like someone with cardiac issues. If anything I owe the nurse a night out," she handed him the last chart and smile. Tucking her pen back into the top pocket of her lap coat and raising an eyebrow towards the blonde haired doctor. They had been friends for a few years now having met in medical school. Roger was going into general practice where Evelyn had her focus on oncology, but she still had some time before she chose her specialty. "Now, I will warn you. Mrs. Parks is NPO but has been tricking visitors to give her water. So double check on that..." for the next twenty minutes they did a general walk of the patients and all the details to make sure no one would call her with questions later in the night.

"See you in twelve hours!" Roger smirked as Evelyn slipped on her jacket and waved goodbye to the man.

Stepping out of the hospital into the chilly early winter evening. A bit of steam leaving her mouth as she slipped on the pair of gloves and made her way towards the bus stop. Her car had broken down early in the week which mean she had to take the bus to do anything. Commuting to work, running errands, and other tasks that were just made more annoying when she didn't have a car. They were hoping to get it back to her next week, but they were still waiting on a couple parts and couldn't make any promises of when they would be in.

It would be about thirty minutes until the next bus came, there was a coffee shop down the road she could relax in and stay out of the cold. Catch the bus in front of the store with a warm cup of coffee sounded like a better plan. It would at least keep her off the street and out of the cold. She could get herself something warm to drink as well. The walk was brisk, she chose to take a shortcut through a small alley behind a couple of restaurants. One she often took and with the sun still in the sky it didn't seem like a bad idea. Most she would see is a worker throwing some trash in a garbage or a stray cat helping itself to the garbage.

There was a trio of cops in the alley, but Evelyn didn't pay any mind until she noticed the two well dressed men in suits. They were huddled around a car with its trunk open and she quickly averted her gaze. Trying to ignore the men as she picked up her pace and tried to hurry through the alley. She didn't spot the slick piece of black ice that was hidden on the rough pavement, falling straight onto her bum. "Ugh..."

The trunk of the car slammed closed along with the doors. The two men in suits were gone and just left Evelyn with the trio of cops who were quickly closing her routes of escape.

"Are you alright ma'am?" a rather handsome officer with dark slicked back hair asked as he closed the space between them. His hand resting on his gun and Evelyn looked up at him. Rubbing her back a bit.

"I think so, just slipped on the ice..." she use a few crates nearby to pull herself to her feet. Looking at the three officers and giving them a smile. "Was just passing through, lovely shortcut so I'm not out in the cold as long."

Evelyn was feeling her heart pick up its pace and she was trying to think of a way out, only one officer had his hand on his weapon. The other two were silent but blocking both exits of the alley. She spotted an old piece of metal that was within her reach, she would rather not attack an officer, but she might not have a choice. She wasn't an idiot, she knew what was going doing. Some sort of deal and judging from the bags, it was most likely drugs. Cops on the take for a local mafia or gang, it wasn't good.

"It is starting to get cold out, we just want to make sure you didn't get hurt. Be surprise at the damage falling on the ice can do to someone," he moved his hand from the gun and offered it to her. "Though sure a young woman like you knows the dangers of walking in alleys. All sorts of things can happen here."

"Which is why I'm happy that you officers are here to protect me," her voice shook a bit and she steadied herself with the officers help. "But if you excuse me officers, I had a long day at the hospital and just want a nice cup of tea before I head home."

"Of course ma'am, don't let us keep you."

She was able to walk away, glancing over her shoulder at the officers as they let her go. One of them making a phone call as she turned out of the alley. Evelyn skipped getting a cup of tea from the coffee shop and went to take a more roundabout way home over the direct line. It meant she got home later than she wanted, but she didn't want anyone to follow her. Or at least make it more difficult to follow her. She took crowded buses and transferred and busy stops. Hiding herself in the crowds just as a precaution.

It was easy to relax in the comfort of her apartment. Pouring herself a glass of wine and warming up some left over Chinese food before she sat down on her couch and turned on trash reality television. Something to take her mind off of what she had seen in the alley and the nerves that had yet to relax on the back of her neck. They didn't know where she lived, they didn't ask for her name and her badge had been hidden under her coat. She was safe. Eventually Evelyn dozed off on her couch.

It was late at night when she heard rustling, like someone was in her apartment with her. Opening her eyes to see the officer that spoke to her in the alley along with the red haired one that had been silent. Panic crept back up and she stood up from her couch. "You can't be in here."

"Shut up," the red head spat. "Know you saw us in the alley and we can't have you going off and talking."

"I won't say anything, I swear," Evelyn looked at the dark haired officer. "I promise. I won't..."

She was turning herself towards the kitchen, knowing these two men weren't going to let her leave. It was her against them and she rushed towards the kitchen grabbing a knife from the block on the counter and turning back towards the two officers. "Please, I don't want any trouble."

"Too bad," the ginger smirked and moved towards her. "Do love them feisty," he lunged at her and she was caught off guard as he slammed her against the counter. Grabbing the wrist that held the knife and twisting it backward. Evelyn grit her jaw as the knife was forced from her hand, reacting by kneeing the man in his groin before slammed in her against the bridge of his nose. Hearing the crack and shoved him back.

"Fucking bitch!" the ginger man spat as he worked to recover, grabbing Evelyn's full attention as the dark haired officer went to grab her. Wrapping a strong arm around her shoulders and the other hand wrapped around her arm as he tugged her back. She didn't give up the fight and struggled to break the hold, taking a move from movies. Slamming her heel down on his foot and thrusting an elbow behind her. He shoved her forward and Evelyn fell into the mirror that hung against the wall, shattering it on impact. Feeling the shards of glass in her shoulder and the ginger tackled her to the ground. More of the mirror digging into her back and his hands wrapped around her throat.

It was desperation as Evelyn's hand curled into a shattered piece of mirror and she stabbed it into the mans throat before ripping it out. Shoving the ginger away and running out of her apartment before she could even look back. She stole a jacket that was on a chair in the lobby and made it outside. She had to get out of town.

**** three days later ****

Evelyn had only been on the road a few days. She had stolen someone's car and used what she could to patch herself up. Her shoulder was still torn up and at risk for infection if she didn't seek proper treatment, the wound on her hand was deep and would still bleed from time to time. She was exhausted and in pain. The car had run out of gas and she was in the middle of no where as a blizzard was rolling in. The stolen jacket was stained with her own blood and she just had a pair shitty black flats she found in the trunk of the car. Hardly anything fitting for being stuck in a blizzard as she walked down the side of the road. Hoping some kind soul would stop, but she hadn't even seen a car drive by her in hours.


It was the only reason she started to walk up the dirt driveway and towards the home that was at the end of it. As she got closer she saw signs of life, smoking coming from the chimney and a couple of lights on. Someone was home at least. She couldn't go to law enforcement, she had no idea how deep the corruption went and she had killed a cop in her apartment. It wouldn't look good for her, even if she stated it was self defense. It wouldn't matter to the other officers she was guilty for killing a brother in arms. They had information on her and probably passed it along to the men they had been making a deal with. Which meant more trouble. The perk of being out in the middle of no where was that they didn't know where she was either.

Evelyn let out a hard breath as she reached the door. Raising her hand to ring the doorbell.

"Hello," her voice was hoarse and a bit weak. "Listen my car broke down and I've been walking for hours. Wondering if I could use your phone, I seem to have lost mine. Besides this snow is getting back and I'm turning into a freaking popsicle, I'll just stand in the doorway if it means I can warm up!"

She knew she looked like shit, but at the point she didn't much care.
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Luther dragged a single finger along the books on the shelf, dragging them over the spines with a smile. He'd read almost all of them, of course, several times over but he had his favourites and as he'd just finished one it was time to select again, or maybe he would try one of the newer ones. Some might consider it a boring life, he knew many would if they saw his home. Large, it was akin to a small mansion more than a house and from the outside it didn't look like it had been very well taken care of. It wasn't dilapidated...Luther had money, and he had access to an old landline phone which meant he could get the things he needed to make repairs delivered, and he was good enough with his hands to manage them on his own but it was old, the windows were dusty as they were rarely used, the curtains always drawn. The garden was surprisingly well taken care of, high, well trimmed hedges and rose bushes adorned the large plot of land. There were no vehicles, the driveway was long, cobblestone and the deliverymen that did visit hated driving down it but that didn't matter, not to Luther...what mattered was the peace and quiet. It was at least a mile to the nearest home, at the end of the drive it led to a single road and on the other end of that was the woods, a single stream running through them and no more civilisation to speak of.

Of the deliverymen that came there were only a few, most were one time visits to bring something that Luther needed unexpectedly, then there was the one came to drop off a package every week, only visiting at night and bringing that all important cooler, swapped out for the one he'd taken the week before, now empty. Every few months Luther would ask for something else of him, for a delivery of books. Each book was selected at the discretion of the deliveryman but with criteria that he wouldn't budge on...nothing set after the late 1800's, usually he liked to read fantasy fiction or something in the Victorian era. Recently mysteries had started to make him smile more so that was what he'd asked for this time. Most would consider such a request strange, eccentric, but his deliveryman understood all too well, he'd looked after Luther's needs for over a hundred years after all and while they didn't speak often he knew that anything after that period Luther simply wouldn't be able to enjoy. Technology was alien to him, the most modern thing he had in his home was a refrigerator and that was because Clark had insisted on it. You couldn't keep the blood at room temperature for long, he'd said, and it had been a long time since he'd been willing to bring it every other day so he'd forced the damned thing on him and Luther had taken it. He wouldn't admit it but it had come in handy. That and a modernised phone that looked out of place was all he owned, the rest of his home decorated sparsely, only old fashioned conveniences. The only other delivery he really took was alcohol he enjoyed a drink along with his reading, it took a lot to even hit him so he had several bottles per month and still rarely achieved more than a slight buzz but it was something, and it wasn't like he wanted for money. Interest on what he had stolen, transferred to a more modern account, had built up a tidy sum over the years.

Nobody else really visited besides those bold souls looking to sell him things. He rarely answered the door to those, they only came during the day and he was often fast asleep...the daytime did not agree with one who burned as easily as he did. That was why it was such a surprise when the doorbell rang...he looked round from the bookshelf, his selected tome in hand...he'd even forgotten he had a doorbell, Clark knew better than to use it and who else would visit at this time of night? Walking cautiously towards the door he considered it could be a hunter...over three hundred years old it would be past due that he had to deal with one but why? And how? Luther had isolated himself almost flawlessly...after over a century of indulgence in his predatory nature after being sired he'd been feared in those days, he'd dealt with an aspiring hunter almost every week and he'd brutally killed every man that had been foolish enough to seek him out. The few women that had taken up the calling...they had met a similar fate, after a few weeks. It had been one of the last hunters that had forced his exile, a girl who had stood no chance against him and had somehow piqued his interest as he'd triumphed over her. Most were terrified, showed fear when he approached once they had been disarmed and injured but not her, not Isabella. She had looked at him with only pity, and none of his threats had seemed to faze he'd taken it further, as he always did, stolen her virtue, defiled her in front of her god and the cross she bore and she had still shown no fear, probed him constantly with questions. Did it please him, to be so brutal? Did it bring him joy to murder and destroy? To rape and to feed until nothing else was left? Did he care for the lives he destroyed? What of his family when he'd been alive? Something about her piercing blue eyes had shook him, and he'd tried the only thing he could in order to push through it. He'd killed her.

It hadn't worked. Instead, it had sent him into a spiral and he'd spent the next two centuries avoiding human contact as much as he possibly could, avoiding civilisation and temptation. It took extraordinary self control to fight the urge to feed on those few humans he did speak to, and the little joy he had in his life came from the books he read, windows into the world he'd left behind. He knew times had advanced, Clark tried to sell him on the idea of a 'smart' phone at least twice a year but connecting with humans, seeing humans, it was foolish. What if it brought out his old self? What if he became that monster again?

The tang of fresh blood in the air hit him before he reached the was faint, there was more stale blood around it, dried somewhere but there was no mistaking that there was a human at his door, he could even hear her heart racing. Her...because she called out to him, her voice hoarse and weak. His hand trembled as he reached for the handle and he could feel an itch where his fangs where hidden in his gums. He considered walking away, he should walk away but she made it clear she didn't intend to just leave. Slowly he opened the door, standing wearing nothing more than old jeans and a blood red shirt; more things brought to him by the indispensable vampire that had made a business out of blood and other night time deliveries to vampires that chose to isolate themselves. 6 foot tall he was an imposing figure, powerfully built and of course it was impossible for a vampire to truly become out of shape, and he looked at her with golden eyes that caught what little light there was. She was injured...if he focused he could tell precisely where with his keen senses, her shoulder and her hand, nothing vital at least but he could feel the hunger...cold blood would sustain but warm, hot blood from the vein...even after two hundred years it had such a strong pull...

"My phone...I have one, inside, but I don't think..." His voice was deep, words slow and carefully chosen as he paused. "I don't think it would be the best idea to invite you inside." She was freezing, clearly, and even without much contact over the centuries he knew she expected to come inside. He could just let her freeze, he could close his door but that would be a death sentence, if he was to do that he might as well just drink her dry right now. He looked at her for a few more seconds in silence. "You're injured." It wasn't a question. "Fine...come inside..." He stepped aside, wondering why he was risking this.
If she were to be honest, Evelyn wouldn't be surprised if the people ignored her. With the state of today's world, it was best to not let the strange woman into your house. She looked around for any sign of a camera but the entranceway seemed to be free of that. She couldn't wave to grab anyone's attention and plead a stronger case. She didn't even know how long she would stay by the door before giving up and praying she would stumble upon another house or someone driving down the road. Or just go find her fate deep in the wounds, it wasn't like anyone knew where she was. Even if her family would worry, it wouldn't only be a risk to reach out to them. She didn't want to put her parents in harms way, not after all the work they did so she could afford to go to medical school.

She swallowed a bit as the door open, looking up at the tall man. He had about half a foot on her. "I know its late...." she was about to plead her case, but the man seemed to have other things on his mind. If he wasn't going to let her in, then why even open the door?

Was it that obvious that she was injured? Evelyn gave a nervous smile. "A bit, nothing major but probably use a chance to clean things out. Get something clean over it," it seemed that was enough of a reason to let her in. Evelyn took a step in, enjoying the feeling of being somewhere warm and out of the wind. Take a moment to enjoy the simple warmth. "Thank you for letting me in. I mean you didn't have to but..." she stepped herself and tapped her foot against the ground and sighed a bit. "Regardless, thank you."

She didn't want to track mud through his house, she kicked off the pair of shoes and put them by the door. Grimacing as she slid the jacket off, the grey shirt she had been wear was stained with blood. She could even smell the faint scent of copper from the blood she had loss. "Sorry..." she wasn't even sure how to explain the injury she had. It wasn't like she could just come out and say two corrupt cops had attacked her in her apartment. It wouldn't look good for her. "Don't hit black ice on the road. Busted a window and that's what I get."

Evelyn stepped in a bit more before she turned to face the stranger that had let her into his home. He was handsome, but part of him screamed that he was a recluse. His home was evident of that and it felt like she had stepped into a museum more than a home. "You have a lovely home..." she looked around a bit. "Most can't pull off the antique look but you seem to do it rather well."

There was a nervous chuckle. "Pardon my rudeness, I'm Evelyn," she held out the hand that didn't have the cut on it. "Don't mind if I use your bathroom and possibly have access to your first aid kit. Rather not see my wounds get infected," that was her focus for the moment. Work on tending to her wounds and maybe get a clean shirt or something she could wear. The last thing she wanted to do was press her luck with the stranger. "And then I'll use your phone and call someone."

Or at least pretend to call someone. Her cellphone was back in her apartment and she didn't want to bring trouble to anyone she cared about. A fake call at the very least, buy herself a little bit of time to figure out what her next step was.
Luther was experiencing a great amount of difficulty in trying to keep himself under control. It wasn't the same as it had been so very long ago, he could feel the difference between the desire to feed and the desire to gorge himself and tear this poor girl apart but that didn't change the fact that he was hungry. Ravenous. It didn't help that he only fed once every other day normally, and he hadn't fed the entire day before. He would need to soon before he went too far, to take the edge off but when he thought of sating himself he couldn't picture the sterile plastic bags waiting for him in his refrigerator, chilled and entirely unappealing. No, the only thing his hunger brought to his mind now was the heartbeat he could hear beating in her chest, a long faded memory of fresh, hot blood filling his mouth, the sounds that were made as he fed on a willing...or unwilling girl, the way their bodies had felt to the touch. Two hundred years was a long time to be so isolated, and this was the problem with it...temptation was rare but when it made itself known it was loud, it drowned out the other thoughts and it took a lot of effort to ground himself. He wasn't going to kill this girl, he wasn't going to take any of her blood by force either and he very much doubted she would offer it up to him so he would control himself.

He had to.

"It's's either let you in or you freeze to death, you won't find cars driving by here at this time in the night, nor in the morning and it's miles before you reach the nearest town." He didn't feel the need to tell her that was why he had chosen this location, the lack of people coming through. He owned enough of the nearby land to make it impossible for any real development too and he'd ignored any and all attempts to purchase it from him. No, down this way there was nothing but the woods, his home, the stream and a small lake. It made him wonder what she was doing along the road near his home anyway. It did connect to the highway, eventually, but it was an odd detour to take when there were much more direct routes and nothing down here but him...he did hear cars go past on occasion and he assumed they were all doing the same thing. Avoiding public places.

He realised he'd been staring at the blood on her clothes for a few seconds now, her apology and explanation for it brought him out of his reverie. "It's fine...come with me." Something he hadn't considered when he'd answered the door was how difficult it was to maintain conversation for him. It used to be so easy, but centuries of low contact hadn't kept his social skills sharp as he led her into his front room. Kneeling low, he added another log to the that fireplace that had already started to burn out, that he used to light his kettle, feeling it might be good to get some warmth into the home for her and he turned to face her, trying not to smile at her comment about his home, though the corner of his lips did rise just a little. "Thank you...I don't like technology, never really understood it, or wanted it." He stared at her hand for a second before he reached out to shake it, his grip firm but chilled to the touch and he accepted her apology, though he really didn't think she was being rude. "Luther. I don't have a first aid kit." He didn't feel there was a need to explain why he didn't have one either, or rather he felt it might be an awkward conversation. The bathroom...sure. It's the first room on the right. I have alcohol, I can take care of your wounds once you've cleaned them, so you don't get infected..." Why had he offered that?? Was it the awkwardness of the conversation he was feeling? A stupid thing to do as he turned away from her towards the kitchen, to grab the alcohol. Fortunate for her that he needed hot water to bathe and he had relented and gotten a shower around 30 years previously, and the plumbing required to use it. It might be old, but it did the trick, though she might find a lack of anything but the most basic soap. Before he left the room, he pointed to the corner where the landline phone sat on a small table, the yellow phonebook next to it clearly the most modern thing in the room, there so that he could find a number for any services he might need. "Help yourself."

He left her there, fully expecting her to be gone by the time he returned while he sought out his alcohol and his sewing kit.
"Suppose getting a person sized popsicle off your front stoop would be difficult," she gave a weak chuckle at her ill attempt at humor. She wasn't sure if he would enjoy it or not, but it didn't stop Evelyn from attempting her humor. It was an attempt to make herself feel more comfortable. She couldn't help but feel his eyes on her, almost like she was some sort of meal. She better have not just walked into the house of some deranged mad man. It would be just her luck for that to happen. She shoved it to the back of her mind, she was probably just over thinking it, she was still in her fight or flight mode. Anxious about seeking out help.

At least there was a perk of being so far from any towns, she doubted the cops would just pop in for a random visit. It did make her feel a bit more comfortable.

Didn't understand technology, a difficult way to live when the world used it so much. She doubted that she could get any food delivered out here. She frowned a bit at the knowledge he didn't have a first aid kit. Think someone who lived on their own would have something just in case an accident happened. "The alcohol will have to work I guess, thank you, Luther," she gave him a nod and moved to the bathroom he directed her towards.

It was a bit outdated, but it would get the job done. She started up the shower and found a towel and some washcloths. Peeling away her old clothes and tossing them to the side. Taking a moment to look over the wounds that sat on her shoulder and back. None of them looked infected but they were irritated and the shower wouldn't feel the best. She still needed to get cleaned up.

Evelyn was torn between enjoying the shower and wanting to get out from the stinging in her shoulder and could see the water turn a faint pink as she cleaned out the wounds with a bit of soap and a washcloth. She would have to offer to do the laundry at the very least, see if she could not stain his belongings. It was about twenty minutes before she stepped out of the bathroom with just the towel wrapped around her. Heading back to the room Luther had last been in.

"Right..." she started and exhaled heavily, hating to ask so much of the man. "I...given the circumstance, if I could borrow something to wear and have a chance to toss my clothes in the laundry. I'm more than grateful. I'll help you with some house chores or cook some food...."

"Though first should tend to the wounds. A few opened back up and this one on my hand is the worst of them," it had been the deepest and she kept the washcloth pressed against it to help stop the bleeding again. "I can do it, I mean my medical training should go somewhere."
How was he meant to act in front of normal humans, again? It had been so long since he'd had to blend in and in truth he hadn't really cared so much back then anyway. If some human had figured out that there was something wrong with him, that he was a vampire then he had simply killed them and moved on, but now Luther didn't want to do that, he wanted to just get her out of here without any incidents...he truly had lost his taste for violence. If only his damned taste for blood had changed along with it, but unfortunately that was going nowhere fast. Strangely, he also felt a little judged, which was somewhat alarming to him. Luther had never had anybody in his home besides Clark and of course he understood perfectly. Hearing this girl's surprise that he didn't have anything in the way of technology made him somehow feel like he should be embarrassed. He didn't like it.

Thankfully she'd gone to the bathroom and he'd brought the things he had, busying himself by drinking some of the whisky and using the fire to sterilize the needle he intended to use. Looking up as she entered the room again after her shower, his eyes flicked over her and then fixated on her shoulder again where he could see the other wound now. "Something to wear?" The words were said in confusion...if he'd thought about it then it would have been expected but she hadn't mentioned this at first, she'd wanted to clean up, to make a phone call and now she wanted clothing from him too? "I have nothing that would fit you, I think...but I'll consider giving you a shirt and some trousers." The difference in size between them made it pretty obvious to him that they wouldn't fit right but once her clothes were washed. He wondered if she realised he didn't have a washing machine either, that he did everything by hand.

He gestured to the seat next to him on the sofa. "No, just sit. It's difficult to do it correctly on your own hand, and it will hurt." He knew it had opened up again, he could taste it in the air but he felt he could resist, he was stronger than he used to be, wasn't he? Still, a distraction wouldn't hurt. "You said you got these injuries from...a crash?" Even if he wasn't a vampire and his senses were that of a normal human he would be able to tell that was a blatant lie; the wound on her shoulder looked like it had closed and reopened several times, it had to be days old and he assumed the rest were too. The blood on her clothes had been dried, and he'd seen the holes in the back, where it was unlikely to be injured in a car crash. While he'd never drove in one he at least knew how they worked, the seat would surely protect the back from the glass.

As she sat beside him he grabbed her wrist, surprisingly gentle despite his fingers locked tightly enough around her that pulling away was simply not an option, not unless she was as strong as your average grizzly bear. Peeling the cloth away from her hand he could see the blood and his eyes fixated on it, his mouth opened slightly. He was very hungry, and having it in such close quarters was far more taxing on him that he had thought it might had been easy to assume he could resist until he was this close, and he could feel her pulse beneath his much fresh blood, hot blood. "You're lying to me." He hadn't intended on calling her out on it, but he needed something to distract him, or maybe something to convince him this one would be okay to just take, to feed on and satiate himself. "These wounds are old. The one on your shoulder, and this." He pulled her closer to him by her wrist, his other hand again rather gentle but threatening as it found her throat, fingers around the back of her neck and thumb lightly held against her trachea. He wouldn't squeeze, he had no intention of hurting her but his instincts, his desire to feed was starting to overtake him. He raised her hand up so it was between them. "This is just as old. Tell me the truth, tell me now..." Even as he demanded it, his eyes were on her hand and he could feel his fangs growing, knew they would be visible, and her heartbeat was pounding in his ears. Just one taste...would it be so bad?
Evelyn looked at Luther and rolled her eyes a bit. She would rather just tend to the wounds, it would be less questions asked. She wouldn't have to make up details about some accident she was in that could injury her to the degree it did. She took a seat on the couch and shrugged a small bit. "Its what I said, glass got everywhere and just kind of cut me up," and she could always figure out a better lie about her hand. Cute it on a piece of metal when she was getting out of the car. Though she hadn't really thought much about the details. She didn't think anyone would ask outside of the answer she gave.

The woman froze as her wrist was grabbed, he wasn't hurting her but Luther had a firm hold of her wrist. One she couldn't break, but it did made Evelyn start to panic. Her heartbeat picking up and her pulse starting to race. Swallowing her fear down as he moved her injured hand closer to himself. "I...I," she couldn't answer before the hand was around her throat. Evelyn closed her eyes, the fear only building. What was she supposed to tell him, that she killed a cop? Crooked or not, that wasn't something she could just share with a complete stranger. She shook her head. "I..."

She tried to pulled her wrist back. "I can't...." hazel eyes fell onto Luther, pleading for him to let her go. "I won't make trouble for you. I just..." not she couldn't tell him what she had done. Even if it was in self defense and panic, she still killed someone. The thought of it made her sick to her stomach and she didn't want to acknowledge it. "I broke a mirror and that's how it happened. Shards of the mirror," it wasn't the complete truth but she wasn't lying about what had injured her. "Please, let me go."

Her free hand when to the hand that was around her neck, wanting to push it away. She wasn't sure if he would start to choke her or not, but she wasn't going to risk it. The bruising from her attack was visible having been hidden by the collar of her shirt. "I'll leave. I don't want to be any trouble. It was dumb for me to knock anyways."
The girl still seemed to be lying to him, that much was clear. She was scared she tried to pull her wrist out of the vice-like grip of Luther's cold hand he could feel her pulse quicken, hear her heartbeat race, an all too familiar sensation creeping into his own chest at the same time. Excitement. It had been a long time since he'd felt any kind of thrill, truly, beyond a good story in one of the many books he had read there had been nothing, he'd deliberately chosen his life that way. Now Evelyn was here, lying to him and he could feel that blood rushing through her veins, her pulse against his thumb as she pleaded with him and lied to him. Would he kill her like he had in the past? The temptation was there, but the haunting memories of that girl, the last one he had killed, the one who had changed the trajectory of his life so much flashed before his eyes and his grip on Evelyn's throat relaxed slightly. No, he wouldn't kill her, he wasn't that monster anymore, he had control, he could do this. Slowly he looked down at her hand again, bleeding openly now if only a little...then he looked up at her shoulder.

"You're lying." Two simple words to cut through the nonsensical story she was trying to tell him and he pulled her closer to him, releasing her throat at the same time as he twisted her arm. The entire time he was still gentle, he'd had centuries to become fully aware of his own strength and how fragile humans could be, he had played with enough of them to know just how he could twist and turn them to manipulate their bodies without breaking or even hurting them and he put that knowledge to use as he twisted her into his lap, her back against his chest, one arm around her holding her wrist still and her throat now free. "This cut on your hand, it's on your palm and your didn't just slice it, you were grabbing something sharp. Grabbing it tightly...look at the damage." His other hand curled around her and his fingertip ran through the blood, over the wounds. "Were you protecting yourself, or seeking a weapon? That's the only question here."

He was studying her wound over her shoulder. "The one on your shoulder...that could be from crashing into a mirror...but these." His hands moved again, releasing her wrist finally one had found her hair and pulled back gently, exposing her neck and throat to him while the other was brought up, brushing over the bruises there. "These bruises, you were you weren't the aggressor. You were attacked." His gaze lingered on her throat, on the artery he could see, feel, hear pumping the blood through her body, it would be so easy to sink his fangs into it...he hadn't realised just how long he'd been staring, that his mouth was open, that his incisors, his fangs...they'd started to elongate and were plainly visible, razor sharp. He was almost lost, he was leaning closer before he caught himself with a visible start. He gave a small, soft laugh and looked up at her, releasing her hair but keeping her in his lap, arm slipping around her waist. "Apologies, I got a little distracted...tell me what happened, the truth. If you lie to me again...I'll throw you out of here into the cold." His eyes met hers, the golden hue catching the firelight, his fangs still visible as he smiled. "And I will be keeping my towel."
It almost felt like she was a ragdoll in his hands. The firm hold, but still seemed to be gentle enough not to hurt her. Strong enough to keep her from fighting back at all. It almost seemed inhuman, but Evelyn would just put it to her being tired and losing a lot of blood over the past few days. It was easy for Luther to get her into his lap. Her back pressed against his cold chest and his hands keeping her in place. He was calling out her lies, recounting what happened without even being there. The wound on her hand and the cuts on her shoulder.

Her entire body froze as he exposed the bruised on her neck. She swallowed a bit, pushing back her tears the best she could. She wasn't sure if they were from fear, frustration or her own guilt for taking a life. She didn't even notice Luther staring at her like a predator or how sharp his fangs have gotten. She was a bit too caught up in her own thoughts.

She didn't want to go back in the cold either.

"I didn't mean to..." she started, her voice cracking. Her hand going to touch over the bruises themselves. "They just came into my apartment. They attacked me and..."

She cringed as her mind replayed the moment, her stabbing the broken shard of mirror into the man's throat and ripping it out. The reminder that some of the dried blood she washed off, wasn't even her own. "I had no choice. He was going to kill me so I stabbed me..."

She tried to pull herself away from Luther. The guilt was making her feel sick to her stomach and she didn't want to be touched right now. "Please let me go...." he would be able to feel her in the full panic attack, her heart was pounding in her own ears and her body felt hot. Luther's hand and chest were ice cold, almost to the point they stung.

"I didn't mean to do it...I didn't want to kill me..."
It had been so long since he'd had to deal with a human that Luther hadn't known exactly what to expect from her when he had questioned her. The obvious was that she would try to deny it again, and he would have followed through with his threat and thrown her out...not something he truly wanted to do since it would no doubt be a death sentence to do so. Thankfully it hadn't taken her long to start telling him the truth and he listened quietly. As he'd suspected, she had been in a fight, she'd been attacked. Somebody had tried to kill her, she had defended herself and judging by her words the person was now dead. If he were a normal person maybe he would have concerns about her upon hearing that, maybe he would be worried she would do the same to him or that maybe it wasn't really self defence at all but a being such as Luther had no such concerns.

As she tried to pull herself away from him he refused, instead grabbing both of her wrists and pulling them tight around her own body, trapping them against her with his own arms. It was something he had done many, many times when he had a victim in his lap, one who learned what he was and that she was soon going to die, at most become sport and a meal for the undead predator that had captured her. They almost all panicked, much like Evelyn was doing now, struggling to free themselves, scared of the fate that faced them. "Shhh...stop...stop struggling..." Holding her tight, he'd found pressure often worked to calm somebody and the act also helped distract him from his own hunger, for now. "Relax, Evelyn, I believe you. You were's okay." It occurred to him that this was the first time he'd calmed a girl like this without intending to take her life, a funny thought really, especially as he could hear and feel her heart still racing, pounding, he wanted to bite her, to sink his fangs into her throat and taste her, to savour that hot rush, it had been so long...

"Stop struggling, stop trying to fight..." She didn't seem to be stopping, he could feel her panic seeping into him and the predator in him was fighting to break out. In the end, he did the only thing that felt right to him...he sank his fangs into her, where her neck met her shoulder, the tender flesh...immediately he felt the rush of hot blood filling his mouth, he felt the elation that came with feeding, the pure flood of arousal that he'd forgotten about for so long...he felt alive again, like the dreary existence up to now was falling away. He could feel himself growing aroused beneath her as she struggled in his lap, he felt her heartbeat begin to slow as the toxins that made feeding pleasurable for the vampire's prey coursed through her veins, he relaxed his grip one of her wrists as his hand moved down to her thigh, squeezing roughly...he had to force himself to stop before he drained too much, before he went too far. He was nowhere near sated but it was enough, for now...
While Luther's attempt to calm her down ight have worked for someone else, Evelyn was still panicking. Getting more desperate as she was pinned back against the man. Shaking her head and still trying to pull herself away. How could she calm down right now, she had admitted to killing someone. She didn't know what he would do with the information, how it could be used against her. She didn't know anything about the man that kept her pinned against him. Keeping her against him, impossible to escape his grasp right now.

There was a loud gasp as he bit into her neck. The initial sharp flare of pain, her struggling stopped out of surprise. Her heart picking up slight before she started to feel the venom enter her bloodstream. The cool tingle that started to take over her entire body. Numbing any pain from her wounds and as Luther drank from her. She started to feel the pleasure from her neck.

Feeling him get excited under her, she relaxed. Her body loosened and as his hand fell to his thigh, Evelyn's legs started to spread a bit. She rocked her hips a bit, rubbing over his arousal. A quiet moan slipping her lips and her free hand move to grasp her arm. Her fingers wrapping in the fabric of his shirt, the worries started to slip away in the drug like pleasure she was feeling as he fed off of her.

It didn't make sense, but at this point she didn't care. She closed her eyes. "," she muttered quiet. Part of her not wanting it to stop, but the other part had too many questions that were rolling through her mind. Her hips would grind against him, he would be able to feel her own arousal, the subtle wetness coming from her lips.
At least it had stopped her panicking, for now. In truth Luther hadn't bitten her to stop her from struggling and trying to push him away despite it having that affect on her, he'd done it because of his own hunger. He thought he could control it, control himself and in some ways he could, he definitely didn't have the same urges he'd had once upon a time where he would have drained her dry, raped her and thrown her body aside while he moved on to the next girl. No, he didn't want to kill her or truly harm her at all but the call of the blood pumping faster and faster through her veins as she fell into a panic had proven too strong for him to entirely resist, and now his fangs were in her next, her blood was flowing into his mouth.

He'd forgotten what it felt like...two hundred years was a long time, more than enough to forget how feeding made him feel. It was perhaps the most potent of aphrodisiacs, it took over his senses and those of his victim, coursing through their veins to simulate the pleasure the vampire themselves felt. It was a way to paralyse the victim, to prevent them from trying to escape the deadly predator that was feeding on them and to even look like they wanted it to happen, something he'd taken advantage of in the dark streets of London in his past. He could feel his arousal growing, he was hard beneath her, her rear pressing down against him as the venom took her over and she started to rock her hips, rubbing against him.

He didn't stop when she asked him to, not for at least another minute, feeding slowly, taking his time. Only the towel was covering her and he could feel how wet she was against his jeans, he could smell it in the air, hear it in her moans and it took a lot of effort for him to finally pull back, to drag his fangs from her. At some point in the haze of lust his hand had started to squeeze her thigh, there was no doubt she would bruise while his other had released her wrist and moved to loosen the towel, pulling it down enough to grab her breast. He groaned, trying to regain control and not force himself on her then and would be so easy to free himself, to sink his large cock into her and make her ride him and he had no doubt she would do so willingly.

"Fuck...I forgot how good it feels to feed from a human..." His voice was a low growl of desire. "Don't panic...I told you I'm not kicking you out, you can stay here, if it keeps you safe, so try to relax." Even while he spoke the effects of his feeding were still enflaming him, his hand squeezing her breast roughly. "Do you feel less panicked now? Less scared?"
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