Mx Female Seeking DC Comic Supergirl (NSFW)


Mar 17, 2012
Greetings my name is East, I haven't had a real request thread in a while, as I haven't really been active for a bit outside of a few edge cases. So I'll start off with a small introduction of myself. But firstly I may not post for you every day, it may take me a week or so to get to everyone, and emotionally I'm a little messed up, as I announced on my profile my mother died yesterday, and for the last four months I was her full-time care aid. Now I have time and freedom and I'm not fully sure what to do with myself.

I am East, I RP mostly on this site, but sometimes on discord, I have been writing smut for around 12 years now, I don't exactly remember when I started. I am a 31-year-old Male, and I play mostly male roles. You may notice that my grammar isn't always the best. Weirdly I have a bachelors in English, and I was an English teacher at one point in my life. I use Grammarly and reread my posts, but somehow this language always seems to betray me and mistakes get made. Just know I'm trying my best.

I am a massive WEEB. I used to watch anime all the time, and if people come to me with recommendations I will probably check it out, over the last two years I haven't watched much of the new stuff, and some of the older items on this Request thread probably deserve a rewatch, if I start getting cannon details wrong let me know. Most characters in this thread are going to be from anime, so they are going to be aged up to at least 15 as per site rules if they are younger.

Kinks: a short rundown of what I like most I'm gonna split this into two categories. Consensual and nonconsensual RPs note that none of these are required but they are all appreciated and you can mix and match from the consensual and nonconsensual piles. In noncon, i don't really care for the "I beat you till you love me" type of non-con. I like when nonconsensual relationships when they are toxic, and especially when my character has something they can hold over the head of your character that gives them power, be it money, or status. Transactional relationships are hot. I'm narrowing the focus of this thread for a bit.

Kinks for consensual
cute scenes, affection, rough sex, hand restraints, anal, nicknames, if bondage and rough kinks are applied there needs to be clear consent and aftercare in the scene. Oral, rimming, passionate romance, prostitution,​
Kinks for nonconsensual​
Blackmail, prostitution, Spanking, beating, slapping, face fucking, those moments where a girl does something she hates for the benefit of a person she doesn't like. If I can get a woman to dance naked on a table for a man she despises then I am genuinely happy. Toxicity in relationships. anal, humiliation,

My list of limits is very short so if it's not here, feel free to ask: Scat, removing limbs, Giantess, body horror, Pregnancy

So what fandoms am I looking for right now there are two or three where I have a solid idea of what I want, and the rest are more loose fandoms where I'm all for shipping. By the way, I don't play OC x Cannon, I will play Cannon x Cannon, and OC x OC, but I have no interest in playing a cannon against your OC.

I've been watching a lot of DC content recently and it sparked up an old pairing I kinda thought I left behind, but I still have a few ideas for.

Superboy X Supergirl
When I say Superboy I mean this smug asshole the 90's superboy as seen in the movie rise of the Supermen. He is a clone of Superman, and Lex Luthor, and as each of the four supermen represents something of the original, he represents the part that lives in the limelight, the place where Clark drew his terrible oneliners. Superboy has Lex's ego and all of the powers of the original superman if a little undercooked. He is the slowest Kryptonian, he won't win an arm wrestling contest with his cousin or 'big brother' but he lives for the limelight that comes with costumed life. Kara makes a really good counter then as she is a trauma survivor, her desire to do good comes from the fact that she was helpless when Krypton was destroyed. She has a genuine desire to connect to the people of this new world where she feels lost and reflects a much more humane persona.

So when Superman dies, the world is torn, and no one person could ever fill the shoes of the man of steel. So it comes to the clone Kon El, and Kara Zor El the last daughter of Krypton to try and find some way to work together. To Conner she is boring, and To Kara he is selfish, but both of them are now in a position where they need one another, and they are young, hot and don't have to hold back during sex. Sparks definitely fly.

Zod x Supergirl
This one is more noncon. Zod comes to earth with the promise that earth will die, but now that there is a Kryptonian female, the last Kryptonian female there is a chance. Zod makes an offer, if she should kneel before him, swear her allegiance, and breed for him a new generation, then he will not force her adoptive homeworld onto its subjugation. He instead forces Kara into a twisted living arrangement as his submissive housewife as he lives in America, and every time she disobeys the word of Zod, someone else suffers consequences.
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Edited, really looking for a Teenaged Mutant Ninja Turtles RP... I know what I said...
My current posting speed is slow, but if your patient I can be fun
I have been thinking about pokemon recently, really wanna do something within the pokemon world. Oc x oc is good but OC x Dawn would be very nice.
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