Mx Female Here there be darkness


Oct 31, 2021
Welcome to the grand consolidated request thread of the one and only socksandties!

I have over time deleted various threads because I craved something new. It was always a shame to do so. But despite seeing other people make consolidated threads, I never thought of it myself for some reason… Well here we are! No need to worry about losing any of my plot ideas ever again 😊

So a little about me before we get to the ideas


My limits are few. The kinkier, weirder, and more elaborate the situation the better. My only real limits are bathroom things. Not a huge fan of blood or gore but I could be persuaded in the right circumstances. Oh and no underage but that goes without saying. But honestly though like incest, snuff, cannibal, pet play, slavery, wrestling, face sitting, vore, human furniture, beastiality… There are so many things I like!!! I've become so perverted over time…

My rare kink that people don't often know much about is my sock fetish. I loooovvveee socks! Clean, cute, soft socks. If your character is wearing them, that gets my motor running. If my character is worshiping them, even better!

I should also say that I have a great love for casual clothing. For instance, sneakers, socks, leggings, yoga pants, jeans, thongs, t-shirts, tank tops, sweatshirts and the like are faaaarrr superior to high heels, slacks, fancy lingerie, and dresses.

I do third person past tense only.

Reply length is not important to me unless all you give is two sentences. I range from one to multiple paragraphs. Usually not more than three.

Response time varies. But it could be multiple times a day down to once every two or three. But I'll aim for at least once a day.

I am ghost friendly but it's always nice to have communication about it.

I can do long term. I can do short term. But what I really want is a good story. It can have tons of smut or very little. But we need to keep things interesting. Let's plan out and communicate to make a story that stays juicy and intriguing from start to finish.

Lastly I prefer you to not only play a female character, but also to be a female irl. That's what gets my motor going. I personally however can play guy or girl or any kind of creature needed.

Now! On to the ideas, feel free to offer modifications or original ideas btw.

I shall divide the ideas into different categories based on overlying genre



Bad endings with vore or cannibal


A hidden tribe

Perhaps you are a tourist or a scientist. Your travels have brought you to the enormous, mysterious depths of the Amazon rainforest. Through a series of unfortunate events, you find yourself at the mercy of my tribe of primitive indigenous peoples. At first perhaps you think this is a godsend. Unfortunately for your continued existence, you soon learn these peoples’ dark secret, they are cannibals…

Daddy’s Farm

You are a young college student living in the city in the dorms. You’re getting good grades, partying it up with your newfound friends, everything is going great!

One day your dad calls… It turns out the hog farm you grew up on with him isn’t doing so good. The hogs all got sick and died and now the meat is worthless… But don’t worry! Daddy has an idea…





For centuries the mighty Amazons have been shrouded in mystery. One knows not where they live. One knows not when they will strike. In fact, it's been so long now since the last raid that some begin to call them myths, legends.

That all changes for my character one day however when his village is taken by surprise. Soon the rope rubs painfully against my skin and neck as I'm led forcefully to your mysterious homeland. I'm about to get a first hand education in Amazonian life.

The doctor

Your character is a sexy female doctor. Mine is her patient. It starts out simple enough. I'm not sure how a female doctor was assigned to give me physicals but I don't mind, after all you're quite attractive.

But as you check my vitals I see you start to frown and your brow furrows in concern. "Is something wrong?" I ask.

"I'm not sure, but we need to get you some more tests, this room doesn't have the proper equipment."

You have me put on a hospital gown, in front of you, and you bring me to a basement room full of "medical" equipment. Soon you're strapping me in place for more "tests".

The human chair

In this plot, my character, for whatever reason, decides to sell himself as a chair. I imagine he does it because he can't handle the pressures of being an independent member of society as an adult. But perhaps he was kidnapped, or lost a bet…

In any case, you take possession of your chair and make use of him…

He can be configured with the face as the seat and/or with the pelvis as the seat with the folded legs as the back rest and the face as a foot rest.




The taste of the dog

You grew up with dogs. You love dogs. They are man's… and woman's best friend. How can one animal seem to contain so much love and affection? They truly are remarkable creatures!

Now though, you are entering young adulthood, just leaving your parent's place for college. They know how much you love dogs, and you’re leaving your family one at home. It's not easy for a young lady to do. So your parent's get you a new dog.

This dog is just as amazing and more as you could possibly dream! So loving and affectionate and full of energy. Maybe a little too energetic at times… You notice his unhindered sex getting hard around you more and more often… and to your dismay, you find it more and more difficult to ignore over time.

The sacrifice

Deep in the African Jungle, you are part of a small team of scientists experimenting on chimpanzees. Everything is going well until one day the chimps are suddenly violent and aggressive. They swarm the base. You hear the sound of banging on the doors and windows all around. You just barely manage to get everyone inside… but not without a bit of injury. (Maybe someone does get killed trying to run back) You notice that the chimps don’t really want to hurt the women though. They just try to rape them. The male’s genitalia are all engorged.

You try to wait it out but they never seem to cease. Soon multiple days have passed and without cell service you’re stranded. Probably should have invested in some long range radios but that hadn’t been in the budget…

Finally an executive decision is made. A vote is taken. You are stripped naked, tied up and tossed out as a toy to satiate the beasts’ desire while your companions attempt an escape. Hopefully they’ll return with help before anything too terrible happens…




Lost bets

Young adulthood is a confusing time. From 18 until one finds their first job, there is much to be discovered. This is made all the more difficult with a sexy sibling nearby. Hormones fly, passions soar, and people can find themselves in… awkward… situations.

You and I are very close siblings. We always got along well and have both grown into attractive young adults. It started with cuddling during movies, and progressed to stealing your socks and panties, until it became an obsession. The forbidden fruit of the sister was becoming irresistible. However, despite your deep down cravings. You always managed to halt things before they went to far.

Finally the time came. The parents were gone on a long vacation. It was just you and I, home alone. We couldn’t resist. Scantily clad days together and increased cuddling. I thought my blue balls would kill me. Then, during a nearly naked chess game, inspiration struck. If I win I get a blowjob. What will your reward be?


Pet play


College can be a very stressful time. Constant homework and exams, finally living on your own, bills… It’s a lot!

Fortunately at this university there is a brand new work study job available. It’s called Campus Comfort Cuties. Any female student at this Nevada university can sign up to be one. If they are selected by a student, they are stripped to a thong and socks, collared and leashed, and given to the student to act as an obedient puppy for the duration of their shift, a comfort dog if you will.

The doggy must obey all owners commands. Perhaps a bj under the desk during the lecture, a fuck after a hard exam, or simple licks and cuddles of affection. The better you perform, the more in demand you are, and the more a shift will net you. It’s great experience and counts towards a psychology degree as well!
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