Joseph Kerr said:I read anything and every thing I can get my hands on as far as Joker is concerned. Lately, I have read Lovers and Madmen, Arkham Asylum, Going Sane, and a couple of others whose titles escape my mind at the moment. All of which were beautifully done, wonderfully written and all in all, amazing. But then again, maybe I'm a little biased.
D: -hoards comics-sweetnecter said:Ilovegoatse that made me giggle and think of Pip.
Joseph Kerr said:Ah, the Killing Joke. A personal favorite. Cause anyone can attest to the claim of just one bad day. Such a shame they didn't try to hold a little more of that feeling in the movie. But for what they did incorporate, I thought it was wonderful.
And yes, but that's what makes Joker so wonderful. He's so adaptable and at the very same moment, utterly predictable. It's all a question of the mental state you make yours that determines how he goes about executing his master plans and such. Overall, aside from Slade, I think he's one of the most formidable villains in DC for his sheer unpredictablity.
Marble said:Yes the Joker is very cool. Second only to Dr Doom.