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Fx M or F Hi please cure my boredom


Apr 4, 2020
Hello hello!

I have been roleplaying for many years now and it is something I like to do to wind down after a busy day. I work Monday - Friday but am on most nights and would love to get a few long term role play’s going.

A little bit about my writing style:
• I write in the third person only (never been a fan of first)
• No one liners. I just don’t think this makes for an exciting roleplay.
• I can write paragraph/semi paragraph. Of course I understand that some posts may be shorter due to detail not needing to be added.

Roleplay favourites!

DRAMA. I adore any type of drama in a roleplay as i feel like it keeps it interesting. As for themes I enjoy, here are a few:
• Romance
• Action
• Fantasy ( Demons, Vampires, etc. )
• Slice of Life
• Modern
• Smut
• Dark
Of course some of these themes can be smashed together which is always fun too.

Roleplay Dislikes

• Incest
• Big age gaps
• Furries
• Scat/Toiletplay elements
• Feet
These are the only ones I can think of at the moment which I am like nope. I understand this is what some people like but sorry it’s not my cup of tea.


So due to being so busy I haven’t really had much thought into any ideas however I can tell you some pairings I think would be fun.

• Superhero’s ( Something related to the boys)
• Vampires (Always a sucker for a good vampire story.)
• Modern/Slice of Life (best friends into lovers or work friends, etc.)
• Mafia (Just always makes for good drama I think)
• Princess/Anything (can be knight love story or something dark)

All of these I would love some form of drama within them. Also if smut is included which I don’t mind at all if it is then my ratio would probably be 50/50 or 40/60. I have found people just want smut constantly but I like a good story.

I think that’s everything for this post but if you have some ideas you would like to perhaps share, go ahead!

Hope to hear from you.
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