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Deeper [FishXWhite]

Jan 15, 2009
  • How excited was Wendy when she found out that her boyfriend was taking her out for the entire weekend. A whole road trip just to themselves! Wendy couldn't help but smile, as she sat in front of the vanity. a case of make-up in front of her, though she wasn't so flaunt over the powders and lipstick that she looked like a clown. Even her boyfriend told her she was pretty enough without make-up, though she chuckled to herself when he said it was particularly effective when she wasn't wearing anything at all. Still, a little bit of eyeliner, some foundation, and just a dab of green eyeshadow (Her favorite color), and she was ready to head out.

    Her bags where packed for the weekend trip. And already she could anticipate his touch and his lips coming over her so warm and passionately. It made her heart melt. She went downstairs to get everything ready by the door, as her mom went through the standard checklist of items she needed, just as any mother would do. With the myriads of 'yes' and 'of course' Wendy was set to go. She sat on the couch, wearing her brown/blond hair in a nice braid. Her hazel eyes looked eagerly at the clock, waiting for his arrival. For the occasion, she wore a simple small tee-shirt underneath a thin, white blouse. A short skirt was necessary for the trip, so Wendy declared, as she wore her loose blue colored ruffle skirt. [/list:u]
Matthew smiled to himself, looking into the rear-view-mirror and checking himself out as he drove to his girlfriend's house. He was so happy to actually be with someone that made him feel good, and that he could make smile without even trying. It had only been a month, yet he knew that Wendy was the real deal. Seeing a smile on her face could force his heart to melt, and if he died from that, then by God he would have died happy. He had shaved his face and some of his nether-regions (leaving a bit, just in case) for the special weekend getaway, and packed plenty of clothes he knew she would like.

He was wearing a tight, white button-up shirt, along with black pants, just like she always wanted to see him in, but wore his winter coat over it, wanting to "unveil" the sight to her out of her mother's eye. He parked the car in the driveway and reached into the passenger's seat, grabbing the roses, he made his way up to the door, ringing the doorbell, feeling his heart pounding in his chest, he smiled again. The door opened and he saw her with that smile on her face, he pulled her to him, out of her mother's eye quickly and planted a warm kiss onto her lips. "Mmmmaaah! How are you?" He asked, handing her the roses. "Ready?"
  • "Aww, Matthew! That's so sweet of you" Wendy cooed at him, and took the flowers gingerly. She took a courtesy smell of them, allowing the aroma to fill her senses. Her mother was in the kitchen, and thus out of sight from the pair. Wendy giggled at Matthew's carefully precautions, and just winked at him. "I'm going mom!" She called into the house. She thought she heard her mother say a farewell to her as well, but Wendy had already given some of the bags to Matthew, and carried the rest of the items out herself. Closing the door behind her she looked at Matthew with a smile and a laugh. Essentially now, they were free.

    Packing the luggage into the car, Wendy took the passenger seat of the car, and allowed Matthew to drive off to their vacation. "So where is this big surprise of a place you're taking us too?" Wendy asked coolly. Matthew didn't tell her before, and his friends kept it all hush-hush from her prying, but now, she felt like the beans needed to be spilled. Her hand rested over and touched on his shoulder playfully, giving him a bambi eye looked on her face.[/list:u]
"It's all for you, darling." He said as she took the roses. He handled most of the luggage, putting it into the trunk and backseat, wondering about all the outfits and fun stuff she packed with her, smiling, and smelling the winter air. They got into the car and he began driving, smiling as he felt her hand and heard her talking to him. He turned down the radio, and paused for a few moments, wondering if he should reveal it to her yet or not. He looked over, seeing her cute face. "Awwwe, cutie." He ran his thumb over her cheek and looked back to the road. "Well, I don't know what you were expecting, but I just got us a really, very nice hotel." He smiled. "I rented us a suite, and we'll get massages, and a whole floor to ourselves with a kitchen, bedroom, living room; the works. He smiled. "It's kinda like living together." He giggled, stopping shortly, hoping that wasn't too forward.
  • There was that twinkle in her eye, that was proof enough that it was well beyond what she hoped for. She giggled at his touch, feeling his skin tickler her cheek. "Oh, dear that sounds wonderful! I can't wait!" She exclaimed, and leaned over, giving him a kiss on his cheek. It wasn't just the idea of a hotel, but just the thought of being together, as if a real couple. It was a delight. So long she dreamed that she would stay forever with Matthew, and as the days went by, the idea seemed closer than ever. It was a bit of a recluse hotel, as it took a while to drive up to the location. But even Wendy was impressed, as the hotel laid near the edge of the town's national forest. A snow covered mountain rose up beyond the clouds, as Wendy could only gasp and look with awe at the sight.

    [Gah, short! ._.;;][/list:u]
(That was fine. Don't worry about it. <3)

He smiled as they pulled through the large front gates, he had to check in while still in his car. He had really pulled out all the stops for this, even though it was just their one month, he really loved her and wanted to make this special. "Here we are.." He said as they drove up the bending road to the large, multi-building estate. He had really bitten the bullet for her this weekend, and it was one expensive bite. After this, they wouldn't be able to go out, his treat for quite some time. He hoped she appreciated it. "All for you, my darling." They got to the lobby and he let the car run so she could stay warm as he went and got their keys. The two of them drove to their own building (even to his surprise) and he got out, running to her door, and opening it for her. "Let's just get inside first." He said, grabbing a couple of her suitcases, leaving the rest for later, and tossing her the keys.
  • "Wow..."

    That's all Wendy could say as she looked around. The building they selected for them was stunning. They stood right now in the living room, which was almost half the size of her house. Taking liberty to make a tour by herself, Wendy checked the large kitchen and dining area. The master bedroom which was the size of her living room with a large king-size bed. The main bathroom had open showers with the standard features as well as a personal couple hot tub. "This place is amazing..." She said. She turned to Matthew and wrapped her arms around his neck and planted a kiss upon his lips. "And we have it all to ourselves? Honey, this is like a dream come true." She said. [/list:u]
He smiled as she checked it out, surprised himself, a bit. It better be at least this nice, for that price... He watched her cutely inspect it and smiled. "I know." He said, wrapping his arms around her body as she came up to him, and he looked down and into her eyes. "It's because I love you." He smiled more, blushing a little bit and kissing her softly on the lips. "And I thought it would be fun to not only get away for awhile, but get away... together. See what it would be like to live together." He said, hoping she thought it was romantic of him.
  • "Dear, it's more than I could ever hope for. It must have cost a fortune." She said, with a smile and kissed him back. "But I love it all the same." She could feel his hot breath linger on her skin as she kissed him passionately. "I love you so much..." She said, wrapping her arms around his neck, and pulling him close so that she could kiss him even further. To her it was very romantic, but only more so because he was there to share it with her. A hand of hres pressed against his winter coat, feeling his body underneath her hand.[/list:u]
"Nah, no big deal for you my love.." He said, smiling and laughing a bit. "I love you more than you know.." He said, pulling her up against him and kissing her passionately, his hands moving down and rubbing her ass in a loving manner, as his tongue sliipped into her mouth. He retreated the kiss for a moment. "And as an added bonus, take off my coat." He smiled, leaning in and kissing her neck so she could see.
Ah, those kinds of little games are always fun for Wendy. Wendy's smile was wide as she kissed him back with equal passion. "No, I love you more." She stated as if it was a pure fact. She giggled at his touches, and just as he suggested, she started to peel away at his winter coat. "Mmm, what do we have here?" She purred, tracing a finger down his white shirt. "You always love these tight ones." She commented, feeling the quartz-hard chest with the slight touch of her hand.
"No, I love you more." He smiled, kissing her neck more and more, his hands sliding up and down her sides possessively. He grinned as she unveiled the tight, somewhat transparent shirt, letting out a light gasp as she ran her hand down it. "Mmmmm.. I know you love them, and wanted to see me in one, so here you go." He said, licking her neck a bit now, his body pressed up against hers.
  • Wendy giggled inside since she recalled memories which she and him always told the other that they loved them more than the other, just like normal couples did at times. "Hehe, I can't see it if you're always so close to me." She teased, running her hand along his chest, occasionally loosing a button from the cloth. "you're just so sexy when you show off." She said in a hush voice as her head fell back, exposing her neck to him. Her voice grew into a quiet sound of pleasure, feeling his breath brush against her skin.[/list:u]
"I know.." He said, a little embarrassed as he took a step back, for her to look before she laid her head back. He planted kiss after rough kiss along her neck, and then traced his tongue over the nerves to tease her, his hands moving up to her chest, rubbing her breasts through her clothes softly. He pushed his body up against hers, grinding his hips to hers more and more. "You're so sexy all the time, Wendy.." He said, whispering the name into her ear with the tone he knew she adored.
  • Her breath was heavy as he massaged her body so well, as he had probably grown accustom to doing over their relationship. He learned where it hurt, where it felt good, and where to touch. She was pleased with his efforts, and rewarded him by taking off her blouse, now only where her tee shirt. He spoke to her in that tone of voice that she loved and served as a signal for his lust. "Mmm, I love it when you tell me that." She whispered to him, feeling how much he was enjoying himself already. She could only imagine the terror her mother would wreck out if she caught her doing this, but since she wasn't here, it was all fair game. Her skirt had already quickly become unfastened, and fell to the floor, allowing Wendy to brush her leg against his.[/list:u]
He blushed, watching her. "Wendy..." He began, biting her neck and looking down as she removed the skirt, pushing up against him. "Baby, you've never been this forward.." He gasped, feeling her body against his own as he groped her breasts through her bra, his denim bulge brushing her wet panties. He moaned. "Oh, God... It's so.. this is so... perfect." He pulled back and kissed her on the lips. "I love you.." He said, repeating it again and again.

(Sorry, short and blah. x_x)
  • Somehow, they were led into the bedroom during their constant assault upon each other. Pulling behind his neck with her arm, she fell backwards with him on top of her upon the soft mattress. She giggled after a short pause from kisses and hugs and bites. "Is there something wrong with being forward?" She teased with fake abandon. "I'll have you know I only dreamed about this! Us, alone in a house where we can do what we want, whatever we want." She said finally before kissing his chin and the corner of his lips. "I love you Matt..." She whispered in his ear, and rested her face against his shoulder as her legs entwined with his. Taking in his scent as she accepted his warmth around her, making her already dizzy.[/list:u]
He smirked and looked down at her, lying over her. "No, of course not, love." He winked at her. "So have I... That's why I did this... For both of us." He kissed her again on the lips, blushing as she kissed his chin. "I love you too..." His heart was pounding. "So much, Wendy.." He gasped, kissing her on the lips, pushing his body against her, feeling lost in the romantic setting for a moment. "I want you, my love. I want to make passionate love to you, and have you be mine forever and ever.." He reached down and began to tug at her panties.
"My love... You always had it." She whispered in a hushed voice as she helped him take off his dress shirt. Her hair was fanned over the bed covers and she looked up for a moment and gasped. "Oh, there's a mirror." She said. Wendy released her grip on him just so that he could take a quick look. After a giggle, she wrapped her arm around his neck and pulled him close. "I think your ass will look good up there." she teased, kicking off her underwear until it came loose around her ankles. Almost naked before him, she kissed him and continued to explore his body with her hands.
(Uh sorry... What did she mean by "I think your ass will look good up there?" Did she want him to sit up on the dresser in front of the mirror or something?)
((Ah, it's okay. I just got a little confused, that's all.))

He smiled and looked up at the ceiling, smirking and then back down at her. "Oh, do you now? Let's just see.." He climbed over her, licking her neck, holding his body up with his hands and knees as he climbed over her, letting her look over his shoulder at his ass, covered in his blue jeans. "What do you think? I think the view could get better.." He smiled, kissing her teasingly on the lips.
  • "But of course." Wendy giggled, accepting the kiss with a light hint of passion as she moved her hands down so that they were holding the hems of his jeans. She could swear that she could feel the heat of him already through the denim. She unzipped, unbuckled, and tugged down at his pants, and in the end, managed to get it off of his body. She took a moment to admire her knight in shining armor, so to speak, before tempting him closer for a kiss. "I love you darling, I want to be loved by you completely." She spoke in his ear as her body pressed up against his.[/list:u]
He smiled, feeling a light blush come up against his cheeks as she looked up into the mirror and admired his ass, he rolled his eyes, giving a light chuckle. He looked down at her and gasped, losing his breath as she spoke those loving words to him. "I've waited so long to meet someone like you, my love.." He gasped, feeling lost in her eyes. "Your wish is my command." He smiled and leaned in, slipping his tongue between her lips once more and kissing her intimately.

((Sorry I've been away for awhile!))
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