Closed Bell’s looking for his Daddy | Not Your Expected Dynamic

Closed - no longer seeking


Lurking One
Jun 22, 2019
An idea that won't leave me alone, and I haven't been writing as often as I used to and would love to sink my teeth into something that gets the creative gears turning again, so I'm putting out some feelers.

I'm craving something that leans heavily into non-con and darker themes. But so long as the main concept is kept in, I will consider something more consensual. So come at me with all your ideas and little nuggets of inspiration.

Now let's see if any of y'all will bite. 👀

  • The character I'm looking to explore: Bellamy René Busson is a pretty little twenty-something who, in spite of his deceptively soft and submissive appearance will submit to no one. He's not a sub. A mistake that many have had the displeasure of making. They don't make it twice. He leans heavily towards a Dominant verse-top and he's looking for his Daddy. Someone (older, bigger, and taller are bonus points, but not the end all-be all) who will submit to him. Whether they do this willingly or not doesn't change the outcome. What Bell wants, Bell gets.

    Being as this is a very open concept, it can be fit into about any genre or character pairing.

    Some possible genres:
    ~ Fantasy/High fantasy/Modern Fantasy
    ~ Supernatural/Paranormal
    ~ Modern/Realistic
    ~ Apocalyptic

    Pairing options are pretty much endless (A caveat: I don't care how small, pretty, or delicate YC is, if that's the route you're wanting to go, you write what you like. But Please don't bring any doormats, wilting flower types, characters who lack a backbone, or crumple under the slightest pressure. Bellamy will chew YC's up and spit them out. If it isn't clear, he's something of a sadistic little shit. He needs, craves a challenge; some good ole' cat & mouse; some push and pull. Quite frankly anything other than someone who'll just turn over and take it.)

    Now, if any of that has tickled your fancy, onto the Rules and Regulations
  • These are the No-Goes:

    ~ I am not my characters and you are not yours: I don't even know why this needs to be mentioned, but here we are. There's no reason why this very clear and obvious line should be crossed. No reason whatsoever.
    ~ Meta gaming/God Modding: Another really obvious mention that really shouldn't need to be mentioned. But I'm trying to cover all my bases here.
    ~ Mary Sues/Gary Stus: This one is pretty much self explanatory
    ~ No complete doormats please
    ~ First/Second Person Perspective:
    Third person is where it's at for me and is non negotiable.
    ~ Hard Vore/Scat/Enemas/Filth in a sexual context: That’s a big’ole no for me.
    ~ No leaving me to carry the story on my own
    ~ Partner Gender: Whatever you identify as behind the screen doesn't hold any weight in my decision of whether or not to write with you.
    ~ Writing Location: Am leaning towards Conversations for the RP, but can be convinced to write in a Thread if that's your preference (just lemme know)
    ~ Post Frequency: A reply or two a week would be nice. But I won't hold you to it. This is supposed to be fun, so how frequently you want to post is completely up to you.
    ~ Post Length: No one liners. There's no maximum word count when it comes to posts, write to your heart's content. The absolute minimum I'll take is a meaty paragraph (but for the love of all that is collaborative writing, please, Please, PLEASE give me something that I can work with).
    ~ Grammar/Spelling: I don't expect nor demand perfection. Just be able to weave sentences into something understandable. A few spelling mistakes and grammatical errors happen, but if I can't understand what you're writing then our writing partnership will be a very short lived one.
    ~ Communication: Talk to me, please! If there's something you don't like, something you want to add/explore, something you do like, want to talk about the characters, want to get on the same page about an upcoming scene, you're going to be away for awhile, you don't want to write with me anymore, etc. Let me know. I'm not a mind reader and I won't know unless you tell me.
    ~ Post Length: I don't have a strict post length. Sometimes my words get away from me and I can write a lot, other times a paragraph or two is all that's needed to get the point across. If you need a constant heap of words tossed your way, look elsewhere.
    ~ Posting Frequency: I try for weekly replies, but it's really sporadic as all heck (could be multiple replies a day, to a reply every 2+ weeks and counting), so patience is highly appreciated and reciprocated. Feel free to poke me if a week's gone by without a word though.
    ~ Grammar/Spelling: If a few spelling and/or grammatical/punctuation errors bother you, move along. I try my best, but no one's perfect, and apparently I have a thing for commas.
    ~ A warning on tenses: I try to keep my writing in the past tense, but it likes to switch up on me sometimes, or just sounds better to me with a lil tense jumping going on. If that's an issue for you, you've been warned. Proceed accordingly.
    ~ Communication: The same that goes for you, goes for me. I'll be sure to reach out to you if there's something I don't like, want to consider adding, random ideas and whatnot. I would appreciate it if you did the same.

    Instead of dedicating a tab to Kinks, am just going to link my f-list for now which can also be found in my signature: Kinks May Vary F-list

  • I know realistic face-claims aren’t everyone’s cuppa, so if you’d rather stick to just descriptions I’m cool with that.

    Name: Bellamy René Busson
    Nickname: Bell, Bella (his sister is the only who can get away with calling him that)
    Gender: Cis Male
    Orientation: Homosexual, Panromantic
    Age: 26
    Voice/Speech: lilting, smooth tenor with an authoritative edge. Tends to over-articulate his words when angry
    Height/Physical appearance: 5'10", a slender dancer's build, heart-shaped face, aquiline nose, round eyebrows, full curved lips
    Hair: Pale Blond, and falls 3-4" past his shoulders
    Eyes: Pale blue
    Facial Hair: N/A
    Body Hair: forearms, happy trail, legs
    Tattoos: the proverb vouloir c'est pouvoir in French Script on the inside of his left wrist
    Piercings: two small silver hoops in his left earlobe

    For those who enjoy a bit‘o visual interpretation of characters:

    Pinterest Board: Don't come in expecting creative aesthetics, pretty boards & I don't vibe often ;-;

I prefer long-term with story and smut working in tandem. But I am open to doing short-term, where we write out more explorative pieces. A chance to experiment with kinks or scenes we've wanted to try writing but just haven't had the story or opportunity to explore yet.

This is my first RT ever, so I already know I'm probably missing some things and will try to add to it if/when they come to me.

Looking forward to hearing from some of you like-minded folks, so hit me up in PMs!
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