Mx Female Bestial Breeding [NSFW]

Maira Belmonte

Aug 1, 2022
"Sometimes, you just want that feel of fur on skin, or the simplicity that comes with the untamed and wild. We provide that, in a safe environment and in a way that doesn't lead to arrests or lawsuits. Welcome to..."

Bestial Breeding

Good day and welcome to our little corner of the web. If you're here, you likely have some level of interest in what we have to offer: canines, felines, dragons, monsters and more. Those that the civilized world looks down on and disapproves of, as if the only true pairing should ever be humans with other humans.

But you know better, don't you? Otherwise you would not be here right now. So rather than hesitate or second-guess yourself, why not simply peruse our offerings?

Right this way, please.

Once you've familiarized yourself with what we have to offer and read through the Expectations section down below, do feel free to approach us with any questions you may have. For those of you looking for a brief summary of our services and facilities, you can find them just below. Those wishing for a more in-depth, guided tour may request such via PM.

Abbreviated List of Available Species
Abbreviated List of Available Facilities
  • Standard Breeding Rooms (includes accommodations for all species and most sex acts)
  • On-Site Apartments (for those involved in long-term breeding attempts, etc)
  • 24/7 On-call Staff (for both breeding sessions and mundane issues)
  • Professional Medical Support (Lead by Ms. Takemi. No charge to our clients, regardless of complications or injuries)
Above all, we strive for a secure, accepting environment where our clients may live out their fantasies and desires with their partners, free from the worry of legal action or the ruination of their reputation. Client privacy is a cornerstone of our business model; we take it very, very seriously. Situated in a rather unusual location as we are, the vast majority of our day-to-day business goes by entirely unnoticed by the rest of the world, and that's just fine with us.
I do believe that covers the more interesting aspects of our proposal. Now, on to the somewhat less interesting but equally necessary things...


-A good grasp of grammar and sentence structure. We do not demand perfection, but do greatly prefer that any prospective clients be able to write clearly and without issue. We will most likely ask for a short writing sample or other example of your writing ability, before proceeding to any significant scene planning or breeding sessions.*

-Honest, open communication. If there is a problem with our writing, we would like you to simply politely inform us of such. Likewise, if you need to take a break for an extended period of time, please do us the courtesy of informing us beforehand when possible. We understand that life is not predictable and this is not always possible. That is entirely fine, sometimes you need to bail without warning. We only ask that you act as the adult you are, and communicate respectfully when possible.

-Respect for our limits. We do our best to accommodate a wide range of kinks and interests, but there are some things that we will not do. They are: filth of any kind, violent death, cruel and/or unusual abuse, any bathroom-related kinks, feeding-related kinks, underage, and animal abuse. Any request for such kinks indicates that the client has not read this post properly, and we are likely to terminate contact without further warning. This entry is the only warning we will give, please heed it.

-As part of our quality control and attentiveness check, please start your initial PM to us with your favorite band or song. Consider it our way of making sure prospective clients are paying attention, while also potentially allowing you to share new and exciting music with us! Failure to adhere to this request will most likely result in no response, as we will assume you did not properly pay attention before contacting us.

-At present, we do not accept client applications from men. This is not due to any sexism on our part, but rather due to the scarcity of female creatures for our male clients to partake of, and the relatively unknown level of interest in them at present. If this policy should happen to change in the future, this post will be updated accordingly.

I do believe we've covered all that needs covering for the moment. In terms of plot and so on, we strive to please our clients first and foremost, thus the lack of any particular suggestions on our part. Interested clients are quite welcome to ask us for possible scenarios or such via PM, however.

We look forward to hearing from you.

-M. Skanda (CEO, Bestial Breeding LLC)

*Bestial Breeding reserves the right to deny applications at any time and for any reason, up to and including lack of writing ability and/or violation of the company blacklist. Bestial Breeding strives to provide reasonable accommodations and response times for all clients current and prospective. The aforementioned accommodations are not contractually binding and Bestial Breeding adheres to them as a consideration for its clients, not an obligation.
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Pondering some additions to the opening post, but for now it shall remain as is. Perhaps a section on supportive biotechnology with regards to our clients should be considered.
Updated the opening post with image links for the creatures listed, as well as a brief look at our offered on-site apartments.
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Another update, elaborating on a few aspects as well as providing a look at our medical staff and overall site.
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