Mx Female Craving: Preacher's Daughter Story


Jun 9, 2021
Florida, United States
I know, probably pretty cliche and overdone, but I am craving a plot revolving around YC being the daughter of a small town preacher or the minister of the local church. Thinking something where everyone knows everyone else type of deal, although that can be discussed.

Couple of loose plot ideas I had in mind:
1) MC is the new kid in town, kind of rough around the edges and maybe the 'bad boy' type. As the cliche story goes who else falls for him but YC, the local preacher's daughter good girl.
2) MC is a volunteer at the church, where naturally he is around YC since her father runs the place. Even though MC is much older, he and YC begin to secretly flirt, hang out with each other, and hit it off.
3) Open to any ideas you bring

If interested, please send me a PM and we can get to discussing things more in depth. My rules, preferences, etc. can be found in my main request thread, here.
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