Gender Transition and Romance (MxMtF)


Jul 28, 2018
I'll try to keep this concept as simple and open as I can. If you're craving a particular twist upon it, or have a specific idea and/or character for it, hit me up.

The important parts first.
* I want things well-written, long-term and character-driven, with believable romance. Sexually-charged with a strong thread of it throughout, but not in the silly way. Well-written is the big one.
* I have a strong preference for character A going 'all the way', and the realistic (NO magic/instant) and fully-detailed aspects of the transition itself (orchiectomy/castration, vaginoplasty, breast implants/enhancement/etc, hormones, other types of physical modifications, emotional/psychological changes that come with the changes; characters adjusting to those/experiencing the new body, caring for one another, etc).

I DO completely understand that some of that might be confronting/triggering, hence being mentioned early on. If there's anything you absolutely cannot deal with, mention it. (If you're into all of it? Double mention it, lol.) I'm not out to hurt or upset anybody.

I am very capable of playing either character in this scenario. At the moment, I'm really feeling Character B, but I'm more than happy to do A. Just ask.

I'd like to do something where there is a character (character A) transitioning fully to female, with a second character (character B, a male) doing the supporting, romancing, and generally being a positive part of the process.

Character B is someone generally good-hearted, who may or may not understand much about the idea at first. If he is dating Character A as a man, he might be hesitant or worried that he won't be attracted to him after the process, but love him regardless and be willing to pay for the procedures. Perhaps surprising himself, he will be very much interested in, and excited by, the process and the changes as they happen. He's increasingly into Character A with every bodily change, and turned on by each new step (her hips looking wider, her bottom filling out, her chest developing, when her testicles are removed, if she mentions her pleasure that her penis no longer gets hard/and or is shrinking, when she fully completes her bottom surgery, etc).

Character B would be doing all the aftercare for Character A's surgeries, cleaning incisions etc. and all the comforting/looking after her involved, and being very encouraging and amazed by how good her new parts look. He can also help her dilate her new vagina, being slow and gentle with the stretching device. (Perhaps still helping later, when it no longer hurts and they're both aware that she can do it unaided, when she's imagining its his penis and he's wondering how it feels to be inside her...)

They may have started as boyfriends, which would mean that Character B would have to contend with the fact that he had assumed he was gay, but that he finds his partner not just attractive, but far moreso than he did when they still had a penis, and when he thought she was a man.

Alternatively, they could begin as close male friends, and have to cope with the fact that he now harbours an unexpected burning desire to be between the legs of someone he'd never thought about sexually. There could be a degree of trying to hide the attraction while doing the supporting and caring before giving into it (perhaps not realising Character A has been fantasising about him and wishing she could catch his eye for years). Character A could potentially be the one trying to instigate a romance in this scenario, teasing him with her body, etc.

If they're already dating, the transition process doesn't have to begin from the first scene- they can experiment with sex beforehand- crossdressing and lingerie, maybe rubber/latex body parts; Character B calling Character A's genitals by female terms (her penis is her clitoris, her balls are her vulva, etc), touching her chest as if he's fondling breasts, vigorous anal sex while calling her his woman, etc.- whether or not she notices how turned on he seems to be by it all. Anal sex and/or training remains an option while her other body parts are recovering from procedures.

There. PM if you're interested in either this or something similar. Here's a rough idea of my kinks from the male perspective of this thing.
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