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Fx Female LF Femme Dom


Aug 8, 2022
I’m sorry I couldn’t think of a title. But I have this idea that could be either short or long term. I’d like a fair amount of smut either way, but I’d like a lot of Romance.

You're my femme girlfriend, me being more masc presenting. My parents tolerate my "way of life" but are hard Bible beaters that will constantly invite me to church events, hoping to "fix" me. I will go occasionally, but only to appease my parents. We are both on summer break from our third year in college, so you decide to accompany me to one of these events. We've always been flirty, but I always assumed you were just messing with me. As we sit uncomfortably at a church pot luck, you begin openly flirting with me. Nothing obscene, but your intention is blatant. We eventually escape to the empty sanctuary where you tell and show me how you really feel about me.

M.C: Parker Widdow-


Brown eyes

Short black undercut, sometimes wearing a flat bill backwards.

Toned body
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