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Annie Meets the New Neighbor (MysticSparxman šŸ™µ Jaclyn)


Jun 21, 2022
Space Coast, Florida, USA
My name is Annie. I was born on the starship returning from Alpha Centauri after the ship discovered and tried to populate the planet known as Cat World. As you all know, it was a perfect Earth-like planet with one exception, the virus. The virus modified humans so that children conceived when one or both their parents had the virus were born with some cat features. I was raised as the starship circled Earth and scientists studied whether the virus was still on the ship. And once they learned it wasn't and that only children conceived while their parents were on the planet had the mutation, we came to Earth. I and my fellow kitties as we called ourselves were certainly mutants, humans except we had tails and kitten ears and big, round eyes and occasionally purred because we had that extra set of vocal chords. Oh, and in addition to my two 'girl' breasts, I have another much smaller pair of nipples farther down. Some of us have different numbers of nipples, even the boy kitties. Oh and so far anyway, we're apparently sterile, no babies for me no matter who tries. We tended toward meat and fish for food too, and certain leafy plants can drive us crazy with hallucinations and wild dreams. The other kids on the starship and their parents were all kind to us kitties and our parents. The first strife arose after we were allowed to return to earth.

My parents took a house in a suburb outside the spaceport. I attended the local public school along with maybe a dozen other kitties and we hung out with a bunch of normies who didnā€™t mind our looks and liked us because we were all spacer kids who tended to be smart and a bit nerdy. Other normies tried to bully us and called us names. Their mean nickname for me was Annie Pussie. What they didnā€™t know was I had something else going that was also true of some other kitties, I looked like a girl and have girl parts down there. We kitties all look like girls but some have boy parts. That was our kittie secret. Only kitties could tell boy from girl kitties. Scientists thought it was pheromones, but whatever it was we just knew. We went to dances as a group so there was never any such thing as dating. I liked some of the normie boys and girls and two boy kitties and one girl kittie but we never dated or got close.

The other thing only we kitties knew and so did the scientists were that the girl kitties went into heat a couple of times a year. We were asked to report when it happened because the timing seemed to be that of Cat World which had a shorter year than Earth. And when we did go into heat. Weā€™d stay in our rooms with the windows closed and sometimes weā€™d make noises at the top of our lungs. It was weird and it hurt but like only for a few days.

And then we all graduated high school. I was enrolled in Biology at the big state university at the spaceport, but that didn't start until fall. I didn't have to work because my parents are both spacers and make great money. So here I was on a bright summer day with nothing to do. Except explore. So explore I did. I dressed like I enjoyed, nylon bra and panties and long sleeve nylon blouse and plaid skirt and I threw in a tie just for fun and over the knee stockings and tie flat shoes. Our backyard fence didn't reveal anything except the neighbor's cat who came over and we talked cat for a little while ā€“ did I say I spoke cat? all us kitties speak fluent cat and sometimes use it as our private language except the vocabulary isn't very big so there's not many things we can talk about. And then I decided to brave the street out front, a first.

Today, she sat on their front stoop to watch a moving van unload stuff into the house next door. Whoever had bought it had their car in the driveway and she never did get a good look at them. Maybe just a single guy? Lots of those worked at the spaceport.
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The day had finally come. Today was moving day. I was moving into my new home. I was fortunate enough to be able to afford my own home, despite only turning 23. My name is Riley Saunders and I actually run my own business from home. As a result of this, not only has it allowed me to buy my own home, but it also means I'm fortunate enough not to need a normal 9-5 job. I love the freedom that it gives me. Now, I had seen this house months ago, and I knew that it was going to be the house for me. It had three bedrooms, a huge backyard and a garage too. The neighborhood didn't seem too bad either.

It was early afternoon when I pulled up in my pride and joy; my custom Mustang. I had arrived shortly before the movers so I was ready to start helping them bring my stuff inside. I hadn't yet met any of my neighbours, but I did know that there would be a mix of normies and kitties living in the neighborhood. Not that it really bothered me. I actually liked kitties. I had even had a relationship with a female Kitty, and I'm telling you it was definitely something I'll never forget! Especially when she ended up going into heat. I also knew that there were people who didn't like Kitties, but I assume they won't be living in this neighborhood. From what I had seen when I was here before, it looked as if everyone seemed to get along.

The move seemed to be progressing rather well. I had been helping the movers bring in my stuff, directing them as to where I wanted everything. I knew it was going to be a lot of fun taking everything out of the boxes, but I didn't really mind it at all. Still, I also knew I had the rest of the day to get it sorted.

Eventually, I headed back outside to take a bit of a break. I stood on my front porch and found myself looking around. As I was looking around, my eyes came to focus on a Kittie girl sat on her porch. Her house opposite mine. A small smile forms on my face as I decide to go and introduce myself, so I start to make my way over towards her. I don't think she's noticed me just yet as I walk up her driveway and up to her on her porch.

I stand a few feet away from her and offer her a small smile. "Hey, I'm Riley. I'm moving in just over there." I point to my new house opposite yours. "So, what's your name?"
She watched the guy and the movers. Got herself a glass of milk that she drank in little slurps using her rough tongue. Normies asked her about her tongue and she said it was like a real catā€™s, so she asked them to describe theirs. The smart kids got it, different that canā€™t be described because no basis for comparison. The Scientists simply pointed out the difference. Annie had tried to drink like the normies and made messes. Her parents showed what they did and she showed them how she did and neither could do what the other could. Just another difference.

The moving van eventually left and the guy came out front of his house. She watched him and saw him notice her. His look made her turn her face to the front and slowly close and open her eyes. Her normie friends told her all kittiesā€“feline and humanā€“did that. She felt it was a normal thing when she knew others were looking at her. Neutral, no approval or disapproval. Her low purr felt nice in the sun. Approving of the whole day.

Her vertical slit cat pupils tracked him as he walked the sidewalk to her house and up the walk. Her purr stopped as he got closer. He stopped a nice distance back, not like some who want to pet her before introductions. She liked his name.

ā€œHello Mr. Riley. I watched you move in. Thatā€™s a nice house. Same arrangement inside as mine. Kitchen could use some work. The Joneses used to live there. Iā€™d watch her houseplants when they left. Nice people. They moved to a retirement community on the water on the other side of the state. Iā€™m Annie. Annie Rapoport. My parents are spacers and work at the spaceport. What do you do, Mr. Riley? Thatā€™s a nice name.ā€

It was important to her to replace Mr. and Mrs. Jones with Mr. Riley, in that house. She wondered what heā€™d do to the coziness Mrs. Jones had put into it. Mr. Jones wasnā€™t a spacer but worked at the spaceport handling money and contracts.
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Riley remained standing where he was as he looked Annie up and down a few times. He decided to keep his distance from her, figuring she would most likely say something if he were to get too close to her. He hadn't met many kitties. He was probably able to count on one hand as to how many he had met. They had all been different in personality, so it made Riley wonder what Annie was going to be like. Now that he lived pretty much opposite her, he was hoping that it would give him the chance to get to know her.

He folded his arms across his chest as he kept the focus of his attention on her. "Well I never really knew the people who lived here before. I mean I may have met them once or twice when I came to see this place, but I never really got to know them. From what I was able to see of them, they did seem like nice people." He lightly shrugged his shoulders a little bit. "I still have everything to sort out over there. I've still got everything to unpack and put away. I don't know if you would want to give me a hand or not, but the offer is there if you don't have much to do. I would appreciate the help too if I'm honest." He lightly shrugged his shoulders.

"It's nice to meet you by the way, Annie." He smiled a little more. "My name is Riley Saunders. I actually run my own business, so I'm able to work from home, which does have its benefits." He nodded his head a little. "So, what do you do around here, Annie?" He asked in a curious tone.
She learned several things about him. He was uncertain about her but not against her. Kitties were new to this world and some had decided they should be exterminated or all sent to one of the colonies on the Moon or Mars or even the new one on Enceladus. Rumors that Kitties might breed monsters. Yet as far as Annie knew, she went into heat but could not have kittens by either humans or other kitties, or so said the scientists at the spaceport. More kitties meant traveling to the Cat Planet and that wasnā€™t in anyoneā€™s plans. Riley being uncertain was okay, he was a bot closed at least seemed so by how he folded his arms. But his words were friendly and not judgmental and he didnā€™t leave.

She also learned he didnā€™t work at the spaceport and hadnā€™t unpacked which wasnā€™t a surprise. And that he was Mr./ Saunders not Mr. Riley but she liked Riley so ā€¦ to his question.

ā€œItā€™s nice to meet you too Mr. Riley Iā€™m just hanging out for the summer. I start at Spacer University in the fall, thatā€™s what the kids all call it anyway. Studying Biology and Chemistry and Anatomy and stuff, sorta pre-Medicine if you know what I mean. And helping the scientists learn about us Kitties too. Weā€™re like new but you know all that. Um, so yeah I can help put your stuff away. I knew Mrs. Smithā€™s kitchen pretty well, how she had stuff ā€˜ranged. So I could put your kitchen stuff where she would have and then you can rearrange from there if you want. Oh and I like to cook people food. I cook Kittie food too but I eat both kinds. And Iā€™m a lot stronger than I look, so I can help carry really heavy stuff. Except I have to take naps at weird times, just short ones like 10 minutes to get all my energy back together again. That was weird in school when Iā€™d have to nap in the middle of a class but once we all figured out I learned everything just didnā€™t answer questions when I was napping everything was cool. So yeah Mr. Riley may I please call you Mr. Riley instead of Mr. Saunders? Yes, I can help you. When do we start? I need to text my adults what Iā€™m doing thatā€™s one of our rules together for if I leave the house for safety and all that.ā€

She tried a tentative purr. The sun was just right and she was feeling comfortable with Mr. Riley. She wondered if he heard her. She wondered if he was one of those people who liked to pet kitties.
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It was true that Riley had heard things about Kitties that had made him uncertain as to what to think about them, but at the same time, he had only heard certain things. He had also only met a handful of Kitties, and every one of them had been different in personality. It was probably why he didn't know what Annie was going to be like. It was why he had chosen to stand as far back as he had. Now, even though he hadn't been talking with Annie for long, he did get the impression that she didn't seem to be a bad Kitty. She seemed okay from what he could tell so far.

As she told him a bit about herself, he smiled and nodded his head as he listened to her. His smile widening slightly as she had agreed to help him get his stuff put away. "I appreciate you being able to help me, Annie! And if you'd like, I can either cook you something as a way of saying thanks, or I can order us both something. I don't mind either way."

Moving a little closer, he leaned against her porch a little bit. "Sure, you can call me Mr. Riley if that's what you want to call me. I don't mind." His smile widened a little as he heard her purring. "Would you like me to wait here as you text your adults? I don't mind waiting, and don't worry too much as you'll be okay with me. The only thing you might need to worry about is boxes possibly falling over. There's a lot there." He laughed a little. "Is there anything you'll need to bring with you?" He asked a moment later.
He steps a little closer and she sniffs for his scent. Nope, still too much breeze and too much distance. She picks up her phone from the porch and sends the text.

### Met new neighbor where Smithā€™s lived.
### Mr. Riley Sonders (sp)
### Going over to help him unpack

She pressed send and stood up. Couple of buttons on the phone and she heard her front door lock, then stepped down to the bottom step where she was even closer to Mr. Riley. Her whiskers sampled the breeze. Nothing was amiss.

ā€œNope Mr. Riley, Iā€™ve got me and my phone, thatā€™s all I need. I need to be home by 5 to help make dinner.ā€

They walked down the sidewalk together and she finally caught a whiff. He smelled like sweaty guy with a hint of Old Spice or maybe some other cologne.

ā€œSo Mr. Riley, whyā€™d you come to the spaceport ifn youā€™re not a spacer?ā€
As they had made their way onto the sidewalk, Riley would walk beside Annie as they started to head over towards his house. He walked with his hands clasped behind his back and looked down at Annie with a small smile on his face. He stopped for a moment as he thought over the question she had asked him.

"Why did I move here if I'm not a spacer?" He repeated her question and then turned in a slow circle as he looked all around. "The neighborhood, Annie. I moved here because of the neighborhood." He stopped when he was facing Annie again. "I was actually in the neighborhood a few weeks back and I did briefly meet with the old couple who had this place." He smiled as he looked down at Annie again. "I own my own business, Annie. I had the money to go just about anywhere I wanted to go, but I couldn't help but really like this neighborhood, and then I found out the old couple were selling this place." He motioned to his new home. "So I put in an offer they couldn't refuse, and now here I am."

He turned and motioned for her to follow as he led her off the sidewalk and up the path to his front door, which was already open. Riley smiled as he led her inside. Boxes were all over the place in just about every room in the house. "So, just pick a box and let's get started." He smiled as he reached for a box in the floor.
He stops in front of his house to answer her question. His answer surprises her.

ā€œOh! I always thought people only moved for work. I never thought about other reasons. I suppose there are a lot of reasons.ā€

He motions her up the sidewalk to the house and inside. The front room was piled with boxes. Some had labels and others didnā€™t. He invites her to pick a box. She smiles.

ā€œTell you what, Iā€™ll start in the kitchen. If the box is kitchen stuff Iā€™ll put it away where I think Mrs. Smith would have. If itā€™s not, Iā€™ll try to find where it ought to go. Kay kay?ā€

She skips off tot he kitchen and opens the first box on the counter. Clothes. Two bedroom house. She carries it down the hall.

ā€œOkay, clothes go in the second bedroom while you get your bed set up in the main, Kay kay? You need help arranging the main bedroom? That dresser prolly oughta move over to the far wall before you put your bed together.ā€
Riley really did seem to appreciate the help that he was getting from Annie. He knew that he was going to have to do something to thank her for it. Of course he knew that they still had a few hours until she had to return home, so he was hoping that they could have everything sorted by then, or almost everything anyway. Before he could do anything though, they had to get everything unpacked and put away.

He considered what she had said about his second bedroom. Riley poked his head inside the main bedroom and looked around. As he did, he realised she was probably right. "Yeah, I probably will need some help getting the main bedroom sorted. Let's clear the boxes in the main room and then that will give us more room to move around."

Luckily there wasn't a whole lot of boxes in the main bedroom. As he looked around, at most, he saw at least seven boxes. Riley moved to pick one up. He opened it up and looked inside. Inside was a load of his favourite DVD's. "Ah, these will be in the living room." He picked up the box and walked from the main bedroom. He walked down the hall and into the living room on the left side. There were also boxes in the living room that needed to be sorted. He had a shelf unit for his DVD's, which fortunately for him had been put where he wanted it. Riley set the box down by the shelf unit and walked back to the main bedroom for another box.
Okay, she thought, heā€™ll holler when he needs lifting. She headed back into the kitchen and found a bunch of boxes of tableware and utensils and cooking gear. She loaded the tableware and cooking utensils into the dishwasher and started that running. She found a dish drain and towels so got the sink all full of hot, sudsy water to wash the pots and pans except the one cast iron pan which she placed on the stove for possible use. There was a cooler that she emptied into the refrigerator, sodas and beer and condiments. She was glad Mrs. Smith had left the kitchen the way she would have hoped to find it, ready to move into. Mr. Rileyā€™s stuff was in boxes too long to put some of it away without washing.

She helped him a clear boxes out of the main bedroom into the living room, and intercepted some foodā€“ā€“cans and boxes and bags of chips and boxes of cookies. They were both working hard.

ā€œOkay Mr. Riley, time for a break. Do you want a soda or a beer? Which kind? Iā€™ll fetch.ā€

She checked the refrigerator to get herself a lemon-lime soda, popped the top and poured it into a plastic cup. Kitties didnā€™t like carbonation.
By the time Annie had suggested they take a break, the pair had already managed to get a fair bit of Riley's belongings unpacked and put away. Of course there was still a lot to do, but admittedly, it was considerably less than what it would have been if Riley had been doing it on his own. It was why he appreciated her help because he had never really realised just how much stuff he had until it had all been packed away into boxes.

He turned his attention back towards Annie as she had asked what he would like to drink. He thought over her question for a moment before responding. "I'll just take a soda for now. There should be some cherry soda in there, so could you grab me one of those? I'll have a beer as soon as all of this is done." He waited for her to grab him his soda from the fridge and then cracked it open as soon as she had handed it to him. "If you're hungry, then feel free to help yourself to something." He flashed her a small smile before he sipped on his cherry soda.

"Come on, we'll go sit in the living room for a while. We can take a break of say..... maybe thirty minutes, and then we'll get through most of this and we'll take another break later. Either way, I'm pretty confident we can get through the rest of this stuff by the time you have to head home later. At least I hope we can anyway." He looked back at her with a small smile as he sipped on his soda.

Riley led Annie into the living room. Whilst there were still boxes in the living room left to be unpacked, there really wasn't that much in there. Riley led Annie over to his large black leather corner couch and he sat down and made himself comfortable. "Make yourself comfortable, Annie." He leaned back into the couch. "And again, thanks for agreeing to help me. I think it probably would have taken me all day if I had to do it by myself. I probably still would have had stuff left to do tomorrow too, so if there's anything that you need help with, just let me know, okay?"
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The couch in the living room is clear of boxes. Annie sits and curls her legs up under her to sip her soda.

ā€œIf we donā€™t finish today, itā€™ll just be a few left. Your stuff is pretty obvious, Mr. Riley. Makes it easy.ā€

She stretched and yawned. All the exertion catching up with her. She lay down on her side and cushioned her head with her arms.

ā€œExcuse me Mr. Riley. Nap time..ā€

Her purrs resonated on the couch next to him.
Riley couldn't help but smile as he watched Annie curling up to take a nap. He relaxed back into the couch as he sipped on his drink. As he was relaxing, he found himself looking around the living room. Fortunately there wasn't too many boxes left in the living room, so he was confident that it shouldn't take them much longer to get it all done.

Setting his drink down on the coffee table, Riley reached for the TV remote that was on the coffee table. He turned on the TV and lowered the volume so that he wouldn't wake Annie from her nap. He flicked through the channels until he managed to find something to watch. Picking up his drink again, he leaned back and relaxed, watching the TV until Annie would wake from her nap.
ā€˜Mmm, that was nice,ā€™ she thinks as she wakes. She stretches and pushes her hands against his thigh and her feet against the far end of the couch, before she remembers where she is. She sits up.

ā€œSorry, Mr. Riley. We kitties gotta stretch, yā€™know.ā€

She takes a sip of her now warm soda and looks at her phone.

ā€œOkies, Iā€™ve got another hour to help out and then I need to get home for dinner. This is fun, I guess. Iā€™ve never really changed houses before. When the ship came back, I just changed from living on the ship to living here where my parents did from before the ship went out. I remember the house was very very dusty because they hadnā€™t been here for like a long time. But not that long because how the ship did itā€™s time hole warp thing. My parents returned only 6 years older than when they left and that was mostly 5 years with me on the Cat Planet. It took the scientists that long to decide living there was a bad idea so we came back. But you know all that from the newspapers.ā€

She hops up.

ā€œKitchen is close to ready. What are you going to do for dinner? I can ask my parents if we have enough for you. I donā€™t know what they have planned.ā€
Riley had his head stuck in the television until he had felt Annie's hands pushing against his thigh. Looking back down at her, he paused what he was watching and then turned to look back at the remaining boxes in the living room. He could see that there wasn't much left that needed to be unpacked and put away, and he was confident that they could get most of it done before Annie had to go back home. Of course it didn't really bother him if they couldn't get all of it done. In his opinion, getting most of it done was more than good enough for him.

If he was being honest with himself, he hadn't really put much thought into what he was going to have for dinner. Looking back up at Annie, he shrugged his shoulders. "I don't actually know. I was thinking I might just try to order something and then cook something tomorrow." He shrugged his shoulders again. "But I'm not too sure yet. You don't have to ask your parents if there's enough for me too. I wouldn't really want to intrude on your family meal." He smiled a little up at her. "Anyway, let's get what we can done in the time you still have left." He rose to his feet and then made his way over to one of the boxes on the living room floor.
She joins in on the final unpacking, emptying the last of the boxes in the kitchen and empties the cooler into the refrigerator and fills the ice trays in the defrosted freezer. Her phone buzzes.

We will be going to dinner after work with Customers.
Please arrange your own dinner Annie.
See you around 9:00. Love Mom.

She debates for a moment and checks one of the last boxes in the living room. Clothes. She carries it down th ehall.

ā€œMr. Riley, Iā€™m on my own for dinner too. Wanna order? Thereā€™s pizza, Chinese, and burgers that normally deliver around here. I got menus on my phone if you wanna look. Half hour except pizza is an hour for the pan kind. Wanna order and put your bed together while we wait?ā€

OOC: Computer was brokey. Cryo cooler on CPU broke for 2nd time. Fixed now.
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Riley definitely seemed glad to finally have everything unpacked and put away. He really did seem to appreciate the help that Annie had given him, mainly because he knew that he would most likely still have a ton of boxes that needed to be unpacked and also put away. As soon as everything had been put away, Riley gathered up all of the empty boxes. He broke them all down and set them all down in the corner.

Turning back to Annie, he thought over her question for a moment. "Well it looks like we'll be having dinner together, Annie! I do love a good pizza and burger, but since you helped me, I think I'll let you decide what we order." He smiled as he looked back at her.

((That's okay. You don't have to apologise))
Annie giggle. Pizza is just fine with her, yet ...

Mr. Riley, if you like black olives and triple anchovies on your pizza, then we can share. My parents either let me get my own or donā€™t let me choose. Itā€™s all okay, we kitties have weird tastes. How about you tell me what you like and Iā€™ll have them provide a side of anchovies that I can put on my own pieces. I usually only eat two slices of a 14ā€ pizza, and one leftover slice the next day.
A somewhat thoughtful expression formed on Riley's face as Annie had told him what it was she liked on her pizza. He rubbed his chin with his thumb and finger and then smiled as an idea hit him. "You don't have to do that, Annie. I have an idea as to what we can do." He turned towards her. "So, I'm thinking we can either order two pizzas! One small pizza with your anchovies and olives, and larger one for me." He paused for a moment before continuing. "Or we can order a medium-sized or large pizza, and we can have them do one half with your olives and anchovies and the other half with my meat feast on it. The choice is yours." He flashed her a small smile before he made his way back over to his phone on the table.

As he picked his phone up, he looked back over towards Annie again. "What would you like to drink? And anything for dessert? Ice cream? Cheesecake? Apple pie? Anything you like?" He asked in something of a curious tone.
She brightens.

ā€œOne small for me, no leftovers that way. Black olives and artichokes and triple anchovies would be great. Weā€™ve sodas here, Iā€™m pretty buzzed from the one I had so nothing to drink. Iā€™ll switch to water. Apple pie? They donā€™t over sweeten theirs so Iā€™m down with that.ā€

He makes the call and she wanders down the hall, to see what else needs to be done. His bed is put together but has no bedding on the mattress. She watches him as he places the order and hangs up his phone. Heā€™s cute!

ā€œShall we make the bed Mr. Riley? Sleep on clean sheets tonight, right?ā€
Riley headed down the hallway after Annie and he walked into his bedroom. He glanced at his bed before turning his attention back to her once more as he thought about what she had asked. With a smile, he nodded his head. "Sure, let's make the bed! Sleeping on clean sheets is always nice! And hopefully by the time we've got it done, we won't have long to wait for our food." He smiled and then winked at her. "Work makes me hungry." He laughed a little before he moved to grab a clean sheet from his closet. He carried the sheet over to his bed and spread it across. Of course he let Annie help.
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