Mx Female The arrangement


Jan 2, 2016
"What I have for you here is something of a... business proposal, let's call it. I made you a promise that I'd make this little 'date' of ours worth your while, and I make it a habit of ensuring people know right away that I put my money where my mouth is. Quite literally in this case." Reaching into his coat, Nathan Steele withdrew a thick, leather wallet and made a show of slowly and deliberately opening it up to withdraw a single crisp 100 dollar bill which he placed neatly right in front of him on the on the small café table the were seated at. He then proceeded to do the same exact motion, but this time, instead of just one bill, he pulled out a bundle, spreading them before himself like an expensive fan right next to the single previous bill. 1100 dollars in total now laid on the table.

The jingle of a bell could be heard alongside a door being pushed open, followed by hushed mumblings and what might have become an offended outburst had the door not swiftly closed again, this time with the clicking of a lock accompanying it. Nathan merely glanced over his shoulder towards the entrance of the quaint little café where he saw the cashier - a lovely little blonde thing with a braid so long he wondered how she didn't manage to trip over it sometimes - giving him an apologetic smile before disappearing out of view. She, alongside all the other employees and owners, knew well that he despised interruptions during his meetings and had been all to happy to accommodate him for a few years now after he happened to stumble upon the place by pure chance one day and he started leaving tips in five digit checks. Few other cafés offered that kind of personal service, in his experience, and so he made sure to frequent this specific establishment regularly, be it with company or when he simply wanted some peace and quiet and his office felt too sterile and stuffy.

Turning his attention back to his companion, Nathan allowed his eyes to linger on her pale, almost elegant features for a moment longer than would have gone unnoticed, his gaze only shifting to follow the smooth line of her neck and down to her collarbones where he spent another second admiring the large tattoo adorning her upper chest not for the first time. Just below that, he could make out the faint outline of her clearly pierced and studded nipples through the flimsy excuse for a top she wore, and he had to wonder if it was fate that he would run into her on a day such as this when she had apparently chosen to forgo a bra. After all, she was truly everything he had been looking for.

"I'm going to offer you three choices today, my dear," Nathan said easily, gesturing to the money on the table with the hand still holding his wallet. "The first is that we forget ever even meeting one another. You finish your drink, I pay, and then we walk out of here and go our separate ways. A tragic waste of a wonderful opportunity, you'll soon see, but I wanted to assure you the option still exists. The second offer I have for you goes something like this..." putting his finger on the lone 100 dollar bill, Nathan started drawing lazy shapes and patterns as he spoke. "You lift your shirt up right here and now and let me see those wonderful tits of yours and then you may do whatever you want, 100 dollars richer. Picking this option does not eliminate the ability to choose the third, mind you, but it will require an additional bit of work from your part should you decide to go down that route." Pausing for a moment, Nathan placed his wallet down right next to fanned out bills, drumming on it meaningfully with his fingers. "For my final offer, some commitment will be required. A lot of commitment, in fact. I would like you to become mine. Bills, rent, amenities, clothes, food, trinkets, toys, jewelry, anything you could ever want, I will buy for you. You shall want for nothing as long as you're with me. And in return, I want both your body and your heart to belong to me in every way you might imagine. You will promise me to never be with another person, be they man or woman, while we still have a contract. No one but me." The intensity, possessiveness, and sheer desire in Nathan's eyes was all entirely genuine, and yet his posture and body language remained entirely relaxed and open.

"If you choose to accept this third and final offer, you can consider these 1000 dollars to be your first of many down payments, to show that I am serious. As for the rest of the money, should you pick both this and my second offer, all I will be requesting from you in return is a simple kiss, so that I too can be assured of your own dedication to our new arrangement." Spreading his arms out slightly, Nathan fixed his date with a confident smile. "So, what do you say? Do we have a deal?"

Had this idea for a sugar daddy kind of story and figured the best way to get it out there was to just write a pseudo starter for it and see if anyone liked it.

If this prompt interests you at all, dear reader, please feel free to shoot me a message with either a reply (containing image references to the kind of character you'd like me to play) or just some ideas in general that you think this could serve as a starter for. Either send it on here or send me a friend request on Discord if you prefer talking over there. I go by maxaro0200. Cheers!
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After wading through an absolute deluge of essays these past couple of weeks, I need to cleanse my writing palette with something more fun.
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