Mx Female Three story prompts. (Fantasy / Sci-Fi / Supernatural)


Feb 25, 2020
I have three, original story prompts I'm interested in perhaps getting off of the ground, and I figured I'd make a post and see if there's any interest in them. I'd love to discuss them with somebody, and make alterations and changes to better tailor it to something we'd both enjoy, or we could even discuss something entirely different if you have a good idea to bring to me! I have writing samples if required. I prefer story over smut and will always prioritize character development and plot progression over just writing sex.

I have a fantasy story involving magic and a pair of kingdoms warring over it. I have a sci-fi story set within a tiered city floating over a toxic cloud sea policed by genetically altered soldiers. I have a supernatural idea based around the idea of a blood contact between a human and a demon with a mutual enemy.

Fields of Gold
Within the heart of a sentient, enchanted forest, is a meadow of golden flowers, their color changed not because they were worthy of great wealth, but because they had been infused over hundreds of years from the magic generated into the soil by the forest. A single petal from a single flower has the ability to grant a gift to anybody who crushes it within their palm. Magic. Real, live magic.

Because the forest is alive, however, very few have ever managed to reach it's heart and claim a pedal for their own. Those who have are considered heroes across the kingdom, true adventurers with the power to defend the innocent...though, of course, not all of the Giftbearers deserve the praise, or adoration, often abusing their popularity and social status.

The first man to have claimed a pedal was promoted to the head of the guard for the royal family, replacing the father of my character through potentially nefarious means. My character would be an aspiring knight and he would have a natural dislike for this man, whom everybody else sees as a living legend, having spent most of his life when he wasn't training on trying to find a way to expose this hero for who he actually is. He lives in Kingdom A.

Your character would also be a warrior of your design, but from the neighboring kingdom (let's call it Kingdom B) that has been struggling with diminishing resources and reduced trade. Always on the outside looking in while Kingdom A flourishes and blossoms from the gifts of magic, they launch an invasion after finding a way to nullify the power of the kingdom's Giftbearers, turning them into mere humans once more. The surprise allows them to win the first major battle, despite presumably being at an incredible disadvantage. Feeling over-confident, they decide to take the forest on directly, with their nullification power weakening the forest's natural magic.

The king of Kingdom A deploys all of his best soldiers, immediately, to the forest to defend the Fields of Gold, and it's during this conflict that our characters meet. Somewhere, during the fighting, they manage to stumble into the Fields of Gold. Here, they wind up sharing a petal, splitting a gift between them both, forever binding them together. What they learn while there is the true nature of their kingdoms; Kingdom B wishes to use the magic for themselves to force all others into subjugation, while my Kingdom A, and it's royal family, have actually been using the magic here to stifle the natural resources of Kingdom B to try and keep them down and unable to rise in military strength to oppose them.

While trying to navigate the imminent war between their two kingdoms, our characters contend with their shared gift and what that means for them. They would definitely start off hating each other, forced to work together, bound by a fate they didn't want. They also have to deal with the fact that Kingdom B has the ability to weaken magic somehow while Kingdom A's heroes, the Giftbearers, are becoming exposed for what they really are when they lose their Gifts.

The city of Vydala floats above a thick, impenetrable, toxic miasma. Designed to keep humanity safe, it is their last safe haven from the surface of their planet and from the strange cloud floor beneath them that seems to be creating demonic creatures that occasionally raise to attack the city. All citizens in Vydala are able to tap into a massive computer network with something called Vylink, an augmented-reality implant within their right eye that allows them to connect with endless amounts of information from the system that runs the entire city itself. Everything is connected and protection is assured by the VSOD, a special operations division that contains Genomes.

Genomes are the products of Genosis, a program which grants humans supernatural abilities through cellular transduction and alteration. It's a very painful process, but those who succeed and can master their mutation become enforcers for the city, powerful, and paid handsomely, to deal with crime and to keep the monsters at bay. They spend most of their time in the first two tiers of the city, especially in the underbelly, where those not rich enough to afford permanent housing in one of the nicer districts find themselves.

My character would be a new recruit into VSOD who recently passed his mastery test over his Genosis. Your character can really play any role you want in this story; maybe it's his partner, maybe it's his trainer. Maybe she's a criminal from the underbelly, or a noble from the highest tier that gets caught up in something shady. You can do whatever you'd like, but I'd like for them to either already be a Genome, or to become one during the early parts of the story to give you more options to play around with.

We'd begin with a mission on the bottom layer which would lead into a bigger plot where they'd unravel the truth about Genosis and what's going on beneath the miasma, perhaps even venturing down beneath it to see what kind of world was left behind by the humans when they took to the sky.

Bonded By Blood
Haunted by constant visions of her past trauma, your character struggles to shake their belief that there's something more at play with the death of their family. Even though she's been adopted into a loving family and has been given every chance to get her life on track, she's become a bit of a recluse, fighting what she believes to be a mental health condition and basically just looking for acceptance, for somebody who believes her and doesn't think that she's crazy for believing that something supernatural runed her life. In truth, she been marked by the demon who claimed her parent's life. When she turns twenty, that demon is set to return and transform her into a demon just like him, forcing her into subjugation.

My character is a demon who has been doubled crossed by the demon who killed your character's parents. He has been following leads on those who have been marked by this demon out of pettiness, finding his marks and turning them into demons underneath him before they come of age and are transformed by the demon he hates. He finds your character and watches her for a little while before showing up at her home one night to transform her. She basically decides that becoming a demon would be pretty cool and would give her a chance at revenge, so she's all for it, which sort of confuses my character, who is used to people being uncooperative and scared. Think of the transformation process like Dr. Strange's spell in the most recent Spider-Man film, your character breaks mine's concentration and the transformation is interrupted and goes awry. Instead of turning your character into a demon as was intended and forcing her under his dominion, it binds my character to her instead, flipping the script and giving them this interesting, inverse power dynamic.

Now, my character is basically forced to protect yours and to do what she wants. Luckily, she wants revenge, so they have a common goal, but as they try to track down the perpetrating demon, they end up dealing with some other problems; all of the demons my character had turned were unbound from him, setting them free as new-born demons with no proper training on how to control their power or their urges. There are also the other humans who are marked and set to become demons underneath him. Perhaps your character is adamant on protecting these innocent people so that nobody else has to get hurt, which puts her at odds with my character, who's intentions are much more devious and with ill-intent as long as it serves his purpose. I'd also imagine that the simple nature of their flipped bond would draw the attention of other demons too, giving us a lot of different routes to take as we weave together story threads towards a confrontation with the demon they both wish to kill.
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