Mx Female Wolfman's cravings.


Jun 3, 2014
I am an expat norwegian man living in Portugal. I love discussing plot OOC so that the story progresses where we want it. I may not always reply daily or several times per day, but I will do my best to try.

I am ready to take on a few RP's again, with the following initial caveats:

- I don't RP on Discord or anything else but forum threads or PMs on BMR.

- I try to give and prefer to receive quality over quantity. I am talking about length of posts, quality of prose, and spelling. Not an english native speaker, but I have a good grasp of the language.

- I will not Godmode you unless agreed upon or the situation demands it for story flow (ask me), and I expect the same from you. If we by mutual consent on PM agree, we may write out each other's actions to stop posts from becoming too repetitive.

- I want to write with women only.

- I have a couple of hard limits. They include vomit, faeces, urine, blood, destructive violence, beastiality, incest (stepfamily, foster family, and adoptees OK, though), and I don't have the foggiest idea about some of the japanese terms flying around here, so assume I'm not into that. PMs or posts, I will not go below the posted BM age limit for MC or YC. I will play men from age 16-60.

Are you still with me? Excellent! Now for the good stuff! 😉

What am I looking for as far as stories go? I am not adverse to D/s stories, but I also quite like straight vanilla romances. Non-con, dub-con, slave/harem, training/taming, bondage, spanking, age difference (older man/younger woman preferable, but also open to the opposite), blackmail? Yes please.

Pairings. MC on the left, YC on the right:

Family friend or neighbour/young teen daughter
Stepfather/stepdaughter (teen)
Father/adopted teen or foster teen
Son/Dad's young trophy wife

There's way more pairings I want to explore. Do not be afraid to send ideas my way.

Specific scenarios:

Home on the range.
MC is a farmer. He inherited the farm at a young age after the death of his parents. He's living within comfortable distance of a village connected with the outside world by railway. He is a hard worker and he's more than making ends meet. He is also painfully single. And there's a distinct lack of women of marrying age or disposition. In an act of desperation he resorts to a mail order bridal service. This can be a modern scenario or it can be set all the way back to the old west.

MC is an amish boy let loose in the real world. He is big, strong, handsome, and painfully naïve. The temptations are legion. Will YC be one of them? And will she be enough for him not to go back to the community he grew up in?

YC is a nurse/aid worker kidnapped and held hostage in one of the world's hotspots. MC is part of an elite military unit tasked to rescue you and other hostages. Circumstances to be discussed forces them to be stranded together after the rescue.

A man and his dog walks the earth after the apocalypse. His military training and the dog's keen senses has kept them alive. As they traverse the land they become aware that they're being followed. One night, sitting by the campfire, the man is aware that the dog is restless and peering into the darkness, whining and tentatively shaking his tail. The man calls out: "Why don't you show yourself? I'm getting tired of not seeing the person I leave food for, and I could use the company." Out of the woods steps an emaciated young woman. Long term RP.

A nobody wage slave of a man gains posession of either an elixir of youth, an elixir of beauty, or an elixir of invisibility. Hilarity ensues.

Young lust.
The teenage son of a wealthy widower is less than enthused when his father marries a trophy wife. The wife is in her early twenties and smoking hot. This can be a blackmail scenario or (my preference) a scenario where they fall in mutual lust.

Also wouldn't mind doing OCvsOC in the Potterverse.

Any fluffy romance scenario will be considered.

I love brainstorming to reach a setting and a story we can both be happy with.

If you have questions, by all means shoot them at me. I don't bite.
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