Mx Female GM for hire. Looking for high fantasy to futuristic with anyone detailed and literate.


Jul 9, 2022
Welcome, and thank you for opening this thread. In this thread, I will be laying out what I have in mind for an expansive, eventful, and exciting role play. One that will challenge any adventurer from far and wide to test their luck in influential worlds with dangerous faces, in dangerous places.

I am excited to share my love of writing and creation with you, and I implore you to share yours with me in PMs.

From Ubyfel, Comes Chaos

(Months ago, high in the mountains of Ubyfel) The cold wind blows quickly, as if in a hurry to escape the wicked nature of goings-on in a nearby cave. Cloaked figures, thirteen to be exact, file into this cave one by one. The three figures who lead the line approach torches mounted to the walls, and light them one by one, using only their hands and some form of magic or sorcery. With all the torches lit, the thirteen cloaked figures take their places in front of a lit torch, making that thirteen torches lined across the cave wall. In the center of the floor is an archaic, hexagonal shape painted in what seems to be blood, and each corner has a line running from it to other corners of the bloody mural, most likely symbolizing these cloaked figures connections to one another in whatever vile ritual is about to be performed. The figures stand for a moment in stillness and silence, possibly taking a moment to pray, or meditate on the things to come. The figure at the head of the U shape all thirteen of them form pulls their hood off of their head, allowing for their identity to be revealed.

This figure is more commonly known as Edyt, the Laughing Witch, a woman capable of committing heinous crimes against humanity, and taking great pleasure in doing so. She looks to the six cloaked figures who stand to her left, then those who stand to her right. She then looks down the middle, her stare shooting straight out of the cave into darkness. She nods her head forward slowly, and all the other figures pull down their hoods. All thirteen of these figures are witches, and not just any witches, but those who hold high rank in Edyt's army. They stare at their counterparts directly across the mural from them, and Edyt speaks, "My sisters, from this night on we will need to hide our faces no longer. The one we summon here will rule by my side as your king. His power is unmatched by any mortal man, so our day is upon us. You followed me to this place because of your loyalty to me, and because of you witches will no longer suffer this genocide their Gods have sent them to fulfill. We will show them the true power of a god. Now follow me into the depths of the unknown, and take control of our destinies forever!" with that, Edyt's eyes burn with dark, black flames as her head is thrown back, the same black flames emitting from her hands. The flames start to cover the blood, consuming it as it takes the form of the mural on the floor. The twelve other follow suit, all being consumed by this dark magic, and emit flames of their own from their hands. In no time the mural is fully set on fire, and a large gust of wind blows right into the cave, knocking every single one of the witches on their asses, and extinguishes the torches on the wall. The mountain in which Edyt had cultivated this cave begins to rumble and shake, as if a man of enormous strength is lifting it from its base. The black flame is not enough to fully illuminate the cave, but the witches are able to see one another as they all rise to their feet. As they do so, it is revealed that they all bare nothing but their naked bodies beneath their cloaks, and the relentless shaking of the mountain, and blowing of the harsh wind prohibits them from covering themselves once again. Edyt successfully brings herself to a stance, ready with balance to combat the earthquake. The mural begins to lose its form as the entirety of the hexagon is filled in with black flames.

What happens next is something that would cause the bravest of warrior to freeze with fear, as the hulking figure of a man clad armor so dark, that you'd think you're staring off into a void if you looked too long. This masculine figures identity is covered by a helmet just as dark as the rest of his outfit, and he sports a sword on his back that seems to be ignited by the same black flame magic the witches used to summon him. The twelve other witches, some who made it to their feet and some who didn't, stare at the beastly man before them with utter terror sprawled across their faces. They all back up against the cave wall, and one of them looks to Edyt and asks, "What have you found, my queen? In all of my years following you, I've never seen a creature so horrify...." the witch is cut off, from her neck up by the flaming black blade the masculine figure possesses. It's movement was so fast and silent that no one even knows why she stopped speaking until her body collapses. Another witch still on her knees scrambles for the cave's only exit, but after just two scratches of her hands to the stone floor, she is impaled and consumed by the black flames of the man's sword. He turns to look at the rest of the witches who now ready themselves with defensive attack stances, as they all realize that they will meet their end. Edyt, standing behind them, wipes a tear from her cheek, and then another as she weeps and laughs hysterically into the night air.

Part I: The Stranger From Far Lands:​

The lands of Nostag is what the inhabitants of these lands have called it since generations from hundreds of thousands of years ago. The origin of this name and the language it comes from are both great mysteries to the populace, but there are many great mysteries in these lands, many that are much more complex than its naming process. There are those who hold the knowledge of Nostag's secrets, those being the mysterious, seemingly immortal, leaders of the High Council. For thousands of years these same leaders have maintained constant law and order. These leaders appoint lords all across the lands to help maintain the vast political landscape they face, and most of the time these lords and other high ranking officials are most likely born natives in the city of Odelfein.

Yes, Odelfein, Nostag's prized capital. It is the single largest, and single wealthiest city in all of the known world. This knowledge is important, because you find yourself on the marble streets of Odelfein, although you are not a native to this place, and you are not even a native to Nostag. You come from the lands of Ignos. The origin of Ignos is just as much a mystery as Nostag's, but many scholars speculate that the two lands were once engaged in a fruitful relationship, and that their names are derived from the same ancient language. Though that was all so long ago, with so much information lost in destructive wars, that it is just that, speculation. Today Nostag and Ignos share no relationship, no knowledge of one another aside from their locations, but it is known that the two lands had engaged in wars with one another as their relationship deteriorated through the millennia, leading to the alienation both sides suffer today. Very few people have knowledge of the fact that the High Council does sometimes engage in talks with various leaders in Ignos, and that is exactly how you find yourself walking up to Odelfein's Grand Palace right now.

The High Council have been having much trouble with a strange warrior who carries a flame sword. He walked out of the land of Ubyfel, and every community he has come across since, has had its buildings, structures, and homes leveled, and its populations dwindled to just a third, or less, of what it used to be. This has been taking place for months and the High Council have sent warrior after warrior to stop this man, each one more skilled than the last, and every time they never return, likely to have met the end of his blade. The High Council decided that they couldn't keep sending their best fighters into the chaotic flames, and instead sought out warriors who would prove to be better than their own. They sent out emergency messengers to the many leaders in Ignos that they are aware of, and received not so many messengers back. Only a handful of those who did return came back with good news. Though the demands of heavy rewards were high, successful or not. Your own leader sent you to take on this quest, knowing that you are more capable than any other warrior in their land. As you approach the Grand Palace, your eyes struggle to stay open due to its star-like shine. What more could you expect from the very wealthy leaders of Nostag? These are prideful people here in Odelfein.

The guards at the gates of the palace are not similar to the ones you dealt with walking through the city. Many of the commoner guards were rude, hateful, and stared a whole lot as you walked by. Some even threw insults, and the stares came from the everyday people too. It was clear to them that you're an outsider, and they did not care to hide it. These guards though, these guards are more disciplined, prideful, and stoic. Their will seems unwavering as they do not break their defensive stances once you approach, their stares straight ahead and spears locked in a "X" formation. You pull out a scroll from the leather sack you have strapped across your torso and hand it to the guard on your right. He accepts the scroll, withdraws his weapon, while the other guard stays put, and unrolls the scroll, reading its contents before rolling it up neatly, and handing it back to you. He steps further right, and his peer steps further left. The guard to your right grabs a lever to his left and yanks it down, causing the gate behind them to slowly lift up, giving you access to the palace grounds. As you enter, you take notice of many more guards roaming the grounds in formation marches, not a single one speaking. The only sound they emit is that of their metal armor, just as bright as the palace's exterior, clanging together as they march. You make your way to the palace's front door with a group of guards following close behind you and stopping when you do. There are two more guards standing in the exact same stance as the guards at the gate, with their spears in the exact same "X" formation.

The one on your right withdraws his spear once spotting you, and marches straight towards you. He holds out his left hand without saying a word. You hadn't even put away the scroll yet, so you place it in his hand, and he goes through the same process as the guard before him, reading it's contents in full before rolling it up, handing it to you, and marching his way back to his post. There he grabs one door by the handle and his fellow guard grabs the other. They pull the doors open in synchronized motion, revealing a servant of the palace dressed in gold greets you with a, "Welcome, the High Council has been awaiting your arrival. Come with me please," and with a smile he turns and walks you down a very long corridor, both walls full of doors, decorations, and weaponry. At the end of the corridor is another set of very large, wood doors. The guards standing at these doors open them as soon as you and the servant approach, revealing a huge room seeming to be at the center of the entire palace. In this room are more squads of guards standing in almost every open space besides the long carpet that leads you to the council, who sit at a massive, white, U-shaped, marble table. The servant approaches this table, and bows, before excusing himself without a word. You now stare back at cloaked figures who stare at you. You cannot see their faces, but they can clearly see you, and who knows if they like what they see.

The one at the head of the U speaks up, "Warrior from Ignos, we have called you here to ask you to quell our lands of a great evil. This otherworldly being has slain many of our men, and we cannot continue down a path of destruction by our own hands. You, specifically, we have heard many great things about. You may know nothing of us, but thanks to your homeland's leader, we know everything we need to about you, and we believe you just might have a chance at putting an end to this devastation. Your work will be properly compensated, ten-fold, and your legend will be written, read, and sung about for years to come. Do this deed for us, and you will have eternal friends in the High Council," the cloaked figure takes his seat once more, and a second cloaked figure to the left of the table stands, saying, "We have heard news of the attackers most recent whereabouts, and we have readied a scout to lead you to this location. From there, you can surely hunt the thing yourself," and this figure takes a seat. A third figure immediately stands, and continues, "We have selected specific weapons, even crafted some, that your leader recommended for you. They were insistent that you would enjoy these choices, we feel just as confident," and then they too take their seat.

Then, the cloaked figure at the head of the table stands once again, giving his closing statement, "With that, we believe that it is important you start your journey now. You are the last of the Ignos warriors we are expecting, and we have not heard word from the ones who came before you. Every minute that passes by is another minute that maniac spreads his destruction. He's resilient, doesn't stop we here, and his senses are impeccable as our scouts cannot get too close, or else they'll alert him of their presence. Fear his sword, for it is known to consume all that it impales, and it's blade is unstoppable. Good luck, and thank you, fearless warrior," the leader sits down, thus finishing your introduction with them. Talk about a one-sided conversation. You are immediately approached by three guards who escort you out of the High Council's meeting room, and lead you to an armory located outside of the palace. There awaits the scout assigned to aiding you to your target, and the many weapons, gadgets and tools the High Council had prepared.


Alright, so first and foremost I want to apologize for having you read so much, but hopefully you’ve stuck around for the whole thing and have decided that you’re interested in playing in this world I’ve set up. I have so much more planned for your character to explore and experience, and I can’t wait to hear what ideas you may bring to the table. Continuing from where my starter up there left off, I’m pretty much just wanting you to go through a character creation process deciding on your character’s backstory, homeland, personality, physical appearance, skills and so on. Also, I will be working on more plots similar to this as far as detail goes, but the settings and stories will be vastly different. I have a couple of fandom ideas for Halo and Star Wars that I will also be working on adding to this thread here. Feel free to PM me here, or add me on discord, my username being gigachoch#6374 and I can’t wait to hear from you!​
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