Mx Female Returning to Writing - Seeking Interest


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Aug 28, 2018
Hello fellow RPers!

I've been away for a while but have been feeling a hankering for some plots and romance again, so here I am, returning to my old stomping grounds to rustle up some much needed creativity


I only write MxF pairings, and am looking for female partners or those who can convincingly play female characters. I dont mind doubling up characters if needed in the plot, but I prefer for my main character to be male. I am usually a more dominant force in an RP and I like to push the plot forward, but I can be convinced to take a backseat and play a more submissive male/switch depending on what the plot requires.

I'm not interested in an RP that is primarily smut. I find it quite boring, however I do like romance to be a focal point in most of my RPs. It helps keep the plot moving a 40/60 split would be my maximum.

I am decently vanilla and I do not have an f-list as I find this to be a bit reductive, boiling down things to bullet points isn't really my style. I can be convinced to include kinks for my partners, depending on - simply ask and I'll let you know if its something in my wheelhouse.

I like to write detailed posts, but I can also do short form. I tend to give back whatever I'm given, so If you give me a lot to work with, I'll be able to give more back. However, If I'm confronted with a wall of text that's just endless inner monologue or inconsequential descriptions, I'm very likely going to get bored. Quality over Quantity.

Plots and Pairings

I'm currently feeling a big craving for some werewolf RPs. I'm open to other plots of course, but here are a couple that have been rattling around in the ol' birdcage:

Unwanted Soldier

When the world discovered that there were people who could only be called 'superhuman', the first reaction was fear. But the Wolves didn't want to take from the Humans, merely coexist. Unfortunately, while the law affords Were's some graces, most humans are still afraid, predjudiced, and ignorant. The one realm where Were's excel is combat. Elite task forces were formed and with so many sucesses the only Wolves to get any kind of respect are soldiers. Too bad they were often the first to die in the field.

MC is injured in a mission and is sent to a small town in the south to heal up and have some "mental health time". Put up in a small apartment, he wants nothing more than to keep to himself and rest. That would be a lot easier if the couple down the hall would stop screaming at each other in the middle of the night. One night however, the fighting seems to turn into something else, and as much as he wants to stay out of human business, he wont let one die under his nose.

Guard Dog

There comes a time in ever Witch and Wizards life when they must figure out what their calling is. Be it healing, protection, assault - each is valuable and must be honed.

Easier said than done.

When magik people come of age they explode with magical potential, but without any skills in how to use it, it makes them deeply vulnerable to those who can sense that magic and seek to use it for their own nefarious ideals. Demons move amongst the shadows, just waiting to strike. So, thousands of years before, a deal was struck. The were's offered themselves as protection, selecting their finest to become guards for the fledglings, and in return the witches would look after the wolves, keeping them out of human hospitals and whisking away memories if they were ever spotted.

MC has been through this a few times - The fledgling period is usually a year or two, during which time the pair live close and he goes with her wherever she goes; classes, out with friends, everywhere.

That wont get annoying.

I'm sure I'll add more, but that'll get me started.
Thanks for reading :)
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