Mx Any Star Wars Hypersexual AU RP

Jul 21, 2022
Hi there!! I'm looking for a smut-heavy ERP set in a hypersexualized alternative version of the Star Wars universe.

I like to play a mixture of canon and OCs, whatever fits the story.


Clothes don't exist so everyone is nude all the time.

War is nonsexistent because opposing sides solve their problems with sex instead of bloodshed.

Everyone is a bisexual switch because norms don't exist in this universe either.

If you're a Star Wars fan with an expansive knowledge of the franchise and most famous characters, great!! If not and you wanna learn something before we start the RP, just ask!! Granted you don't really have to know every detail about the franchise, since I really just want an excuse to put the characters in hot raw fucking scenarios.

PM if interested and give me your kinks and limits!!
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