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Mx Female Write to your needs, so long as 2-3 para range


Happy go lucky (it's an act)
Jul 21, 2022
US Central Time
I'm putting out a request rn bc I just signed up and can't do much else right now. I'll probably delete this in a few days and replace it with a more detailed request. xD

DM me!

Long story short:

I'm looking to get back into rp after a couple years out of practice.

To do that, I want to focus on your story! I can play a dominant male, most anything that is not a strictly rendered canonical. So long as we're looking at about a screen of text on a mobile phone - about 2-3 paras, maybe 200-300 words.

I've got some writing samples to share to show that I can do so competently and have fun while doing it.

My most natural characters would be an older man who is not a complete asshole, even if he might come off as so at first, until his motivations are fully understood.

If you want some ideas from my side:
  1. Two thieves breaking into the same house discover each other in the dead of night
  2. An former thug found god in his 40s and became a social worker, pastor, cop, or a paladin/cleric, but his history comes back sometimes
  3. An infiltrator - say a Djinn or Naga (or a corporate rival), who then becomes enamored and subsequently a double agent
Theme wise: modern day or medieval D&D style fantasy

Cyberpunk themes I'd love to explore someday, perhaps more inspired by Paulo Bacigalupi's The Windup Girl, which puts the emphasis more on environmentalism and post-colonialism

Ditch-friendly, I just appreciate having the writing and planning we've done as my assets to look back fondly upon

If you're ever bored or needing a temporary distraction, I enjoy pausing any story and exploring some other idea for a few posts! I once had a partner who was very distraction prone and we actually explored almost a dozen alt ideas, only a few posts in a time to set the stage
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