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Gladiatorial Affection [Cherry x Babes]

Bouncing Babes

Your Bad Habit
Mar 14, 2020
The crowd was livid. Roaring at the top of their lungs, cheering and jeering at the display of combat unfolding before them. The Adua Arena could host just shy of 50.000 spectators, and today it was nearly packed.
The reason for this great attendance? None other than Tayla Darve was performing; and that was what it was. A performance. Every blow she struck a dance, and every strike she blocked a song. For showmanship, for flirting with death, there were none like her. Or at least so Eliza thought. The Crown Princess was seated alongside the rest of the Royal Family, close enough so that they could see the action, but high enough so that everyone could see them. A balcony with palm leaves drawn over, so as to keep the Royal Family out of the sun. After all, in the sunny realms of Lindhorst their pale complexion was a trademark.

''Ohhhh!'' Came from the entire arena as Tayla was swept off her feet, Eliza getting out of her seat as she walked to the barrier and yelled out ''Come on, get up!''
Saying they were friends would be too hasty, but as they'd met at multiple social gatherings before, the young Crown Princess had become rather fond of the gladiator. Not that she would ever admit it to anyone.
It was common when the upper echelons of Adua, the capitol of Lindhorst, were hosting parties for entertainment to be brought along. Some favored singers, others theatrical acts, while most liked to get the gladiators of the Arena to make an appearance. There would rarely be serious fights hosted, it was more like friendly competitions where in they could show their impressive physique of.
It was a great opportunity for the gladiators to meet with the crowd and sponsors of the fights.
Back to the showing at hand, it was basically unwatchable for Eliza as her favorite gladiator was on her ass in the sand.
Watching from so high up was difficult, as the minor details of the fight was lost, but something happened as her opponent froze in place before falling over.
The crowd loved it, as cheers filled the air so loud that even the farmlands hundreds of miles from the capitol must have heard it.
With two raised fists Eliza slowly returned to her seat, heart pounding surprisingly fast; as if she herself had been in the Arena fighting for her life.

(@Miss Cherry)
Tayla stood in the center of the arena, amid the blazing sun which reflected on the yellow sand. The bouldering and raving of the onlookers had become little more than white noise to her, and her breathing was fast but controlled as she focused her attention on her opponent.
She danced with him, never taking two steps back when one would suffice. This meant that often only the people directly to their sides could see her avoiding the attack, while everyone else was left in tense suspension; sending the crowd cheering every time she simply dashed away again. She danced with her onlookers as much as she did with her opponent.

A loud CHING echoed throughout the arena as Tayla's spear met with her opponent's axe, breaking the tip of the spear off and sending into a dramatic tumble to the sand, where it stayed poking out some 12 feet away. With her main offence broken, Tayla's opponent rushed her, and his broad shoulder sent her on her back towards the sand.
The end was nearby, the metal axe head swung towards her shoulder at a sideways angle.

Tayla's grip chocked up towards the tip of the broken shaft of the spear; it was still sharp on the end where it broke. The axe came closer, and in a flash Talya moved her body not away from the blow, but into it. Close to the man, to where narrow blade of the axe would swing behind her and her left hand caught the mans elbow. With the force of her moving forward, she rammed the wooden tip into the hollow of the mans right shoulder; just below the bone. At this kind of range, even a semi-sharp piece of wood would puncture skin.

Her opponent cried out, first in surprise, then in pain. With the flat of her foot she pushed the man away from her, her hand letting go of the wooden shaft resting in his shoulder. With an elegant motion she picked up the axe that her opponent had dropped. At this point, it was clear to anyone that she had won, now it was about life or death for the man who had admirably faced her.

Her arms held up high, sweat glistening on her dark skin and sand stuck to her limbs, she waited for the cheers of the crowd and the command of the lords sitting atop the overlooking balcony. Blood or water, death or life. If blood was called, she would strike the axe down and end the man's life. If water was called, she would spare him.
Did he deserve to live? If you listened to the crowd, whom was cheering for blood, the answer was obvious. What did Eliza think? He had put on a good show, and it was almost expected for him to lose to Tayla, but still.. A dark part of Eliza wanted to see his demise at the hands of Tayla. To hear the crowd crescendo in a euphoric ecstasy as his life was forfeited. That was what she wanted. So she looked to her father, the King of Lindhorst, for his decision. With slow and solemn steps he approached the end of the balcony, everyone growing silent as they awaited the judgement.

''Blood!'' He exclaimed in a slightly dramatic way, the entire stadium jumping to their feet. Had the crowd been loud before, she wouldn't know what to call them now. It was livid. Eliza joined her father, and watched with wicked eyes as the Gladiator finished her opponent. The blood shot up in the air like it came from a fountain, staining the hot sand in a pattern that Eliza found beautiful. The 5'8'' Crown Princess joined in on the cheers, her slightly-longer-than-shoulder-length hair bopping up and down and almost leaving the style it was fashioned in.
She was soft in all the right spots, shaped in the most desired ways by the most wicked of men. An ample chest with a narrow waist and wide hips gave her the figure of an hourglass, bountiful thighs accenting her long legs. She wore a red summer gown, light enough for the breeze to move, and so thin you could swear it was almost see-through under the sun.

As the spectacle was over she retreated with her family, yet her mind still lingered on Tayla and her prowess. All through the lavish lunch that had been prepared, she sat idly with her mind so preoccupied by the gladiator. She knew what she wanted to do; what she had to do. Once night came she'd give her a little visit. No guards, no servants. Just little Eliza.
There he stood, the king of Lindhorst. Talya had been in this position numerous times by now, poised to strike down a man and end his life on the whim of the king. The cheering of the crowd was numbing, deafening from where she stood at the center of the arena. Then, the command came, the king ordered for blood.
Unbeknownst to the onlookers, her face made a slight grimace, and she muttered an apology before bringing the axe down into the man's neck, a strong and precise blow that would cut through his spine and end him without much pain.

His blood splattered across the sand and onto Tayla as well where it mixed and diluted with the droplets of sweat running down her skin; the red liquid obscuring the markings on her stomach and hip.
She left the arena through a gate at the foot, just below where the royal family took place. It was time to get away from the noise, the glairing sun, the blood and violence...

She accepted some greetings and congratulations from guards and other gladiators as she made her way down the stone halls under the Arena, first she wanted to get a bath to wash off, and then, well, probably skip the lunch and head into her room for now.

The noise of the crowd still ringed in her ears as she rinsed her body off with cool water, washing away the sand, sweat and blood, letting it run down her body. There only a few others around in the bating area dedicated for the gladiators stationed below the Arena, and the ones there were there knew to leave her alone.
After finishing off, she left and headed to her room.
Wearing a hooded cloak she left the Royal Quarters, under the guise of night. On her hip she carried a small dagger for protection, and a coin purse filled to the brim in case she needed to pay someone off. It was A long way from her mansion to the gladiators compound, so she stuck to the most traveled paths, always surrounded by plenty of people. They were mostly drunkards and ladies of the night, but they made for entertaining company all the same. Respectful of the privacy she had clad herself in.

Once at the gate to the gladiatorial quarters she ran into her first true obstacle; guards. They were standing on opposite sides of the gate, wielding swords and shields as well as heavy armor. She obviously wasn't intending on fighting her way through, instead tugging on the hood of her cloak to ensure it wouldn't slip and reveal her true identity.

''Salutations!'' She greeted them with kind words, hoping it would warm them up a bit to her bribe.

''Get lost, stranger.'' One of them was quick to say, drinking some from his skin of water. Or what ever he'd filled that skin with.

''Ai, don't start any trouble now.'' The other followed up, both walking towards Eliza.

''Come now friends, no need to be hostile.'' She said as she dug into her purse, pulling out four shiny pieces of gold coin.''

After they saw that it didn't take a lot of convincing to get them to look the other way; and more than that, they even gave her instructions on how to reach Tayla's room.
So Eliza went and found the room, entering with hesitant steps.


No reply, the place clearly empty. It was a nicer room than she had expected, but then again Tayla was one of the head sensations featured in the Arena.

After wandering through the room and inspecting everything Eliza decided to sit down on the bed, crossing her legs and waiting for the gladiator.

She had almost fallen asleep by the time the door opened, Eliza ecstatic to see she'd gotten the right room. She'd taken her cloak off, sitting in the same scarlet summer dress that she'd wore during the day. ''Well fought!'' Was her first words, greeting her with a wide smile.
Tayla, having skipped lunch had gone out for dinner around the time Eliza was sneaking in; unbeknownst to her however. By now, she'd largely recovered and rested up from the events of this morning's fight, and had grown quite hungry. Food served to the gladiators was nothing as extravagant as what the royal family enjoyed, consisting mostly of soup and hard bread. She made some small talk as she ate, but headed back to her rooms soon enough as there was little else to do.

There gladiators weren't confined to their rooms and free to roam the halls dedicated for them, but not beyond it. Slaves remained slaves, after all.
Talya's room was one of the slightly nicer ones, with more space to her name as one of the leading events in the arena's scene.

She returned to her rooms, and, unaware of her visitor, started to take her clothes off for the night. It wasn't until she was lifting her ankles through her shorts that she noticed the unfamiliar presence seated on the edge of her bed.

She didn't recognize the small figure sitting there at first, at least it wasn't anyone from inside here. "Hello?" She asked, confusion in her voice.

Her shorts already taken off, the boxers she wore did little to hide the outline of Tayla's cock, large though flaccid for now.

Then, the figure removed their clock, and turned out to be none other than the kings daughter, princess Eliza, all alone in her room.
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